Applying a two-port calibration

This is an example of how to apply a two-port calibration created by the Microwave Uncertainty Framework.

  1. Open a s2p file to be corrected
  2. Open a s4p correction (calibration file)
  3. Apply the correction using correct_sparameters_sixteen_term
  4. create a new s2p
In [1]:
# we first import the SParameter module in the Analysis subpackage, this form also imports the base API
from pyMez.Code.Analysis.SParameter import *
Importing pyMez, this should take roughly 30 seconds
Importing Code.DataHandlers.GeneralModels
It took 0.548 s to import Code.DataHandlers.GeneralModels
Importing Code.DataHandlers.HTMLModels
It took 0.154 s to import Code.DataHandlers.HTMLModels
Importing Code.DataHandlers.NISTModels
It took 2.589 s to import Code.DataHandlers.NISTModels
Importing Code.DataHandlers.TouchstoneModels
It took 0.013 s to import Code.DataHandlers.TouchstoneModels
Importing Code.DataHandlers.XMLModels
It took 0.157 s to import Code.DataHandlers.XMLModels
Importing Code.DataHandlers.ZipModels
It took 0.009 s to import Code.DataHandlers.ZipModels
Importing Code.InstrumentControl.Experiments
It took 0.736 s to import Code.InstrumentControl.Experiments
Importing Code.InstrumentControl.Instruments
It took 0.021 s to import Code.InstrumentControl.Instruments
Importing Code.Utils.Names
It took 0.017 s to import Code.Utils.Names
It took 4.244 s to import all of the active modules

Opening the s2p file to be corrected

In [2]:
# we just need to supply the file path for the s2p
# opening the file is just calling the S2PV1 class or the SNP class
In [3]:
# to see a plot of the file use the show method;

Opening the calibration

In [4]:
# now open the correction s4p. This can be found in the VNAUncert_results/Solutions folder after running the MUF
In [5]:
# to plot use the show method;

Applying the correction

In [6]:
# now apply the correction. Here we are correcting the complex data so we acess the complex numbers directly
# This style is better than applying the correction using the s4p and s2p objects directly because it allows
# for corrections with out presuming a starting style except 2d-lists of complex numbers

Creating a new s2p for the corrected data

In [7]:
# now we put these into a new s2p object
# The None parameter specifies a new file 
In [8]:
# now we have a file with corrected sparameters, that we can show or save;
In [9]:
# Now we can save the file. To find the default file name inspect the path attribute. 
In [10]:
# to save as another name just enter the new path'./Applying_Calibration_Example_Files/corrected_s2p.s2p')