Index of All Functions and Classes in pyMez
Function and classes for user interaction. pyMez targets three methods of
user interaction, scripting (for example in spyder or a jupyter notebook), desktop gui (using the wx package),
and web applications (using the django web framework).
- AdvancedInterfaceFrame
- BasicInterfaceFrame
- BoaApp
- convert_datetime
- create
- EndOfDayDialog
- EtreeXML
- GeneralInterfaceFrame
- get_directory
- get_path
- get_top_parent
- HtmlFileBrowser
- HTMLWindow
- IEPanel
- InstrumentSelectionDropdown
- InstrumentSelectionRadio
- InternalIPKernel
- JupyterButton
- KeithleyIVPanel
- LinkError
- main
- MatplotlibWxPanel
- mpl_kernel
- MyApp
- MyFrame
- MyNavigationToolbar
- Panel1
- plot_data_attribute
- PlotButton
- PseudoFileErr
- PseudoFileErrTC
- PseudoFileOut
- PseudoFileOutTC
- PyCrustShellEditor
- PythonSTC
- QuoterPseudoFile
- recdir
- runTest
- ShellEditor
- ShellPanel
- show_data_attribute
- ShowButton
- SimpleArbDBLowerInterfacePanel
- SimpleLogLowerInterfacePanel
- StyledTextCtrlPanel
- test_AdvancedInterfaceFrame
- test_BasicInterfaceFrame
- test_EtreeXML
- test_KeithleyIVPanel
- test_panel
- test_StyledTextCtrlPanel
- test_XMLEditPanel
- tipforobj
- VisaDialog
- VisaWidget
- WxHTML2Panel
- XMLEditPanel
Functions and classes used in controlling instruments. Experiment classes integrate
instruments and data manipulation. Instruments are a set of control classes that
have static metadata, dynamic metadata (state saving and loading) and data formatting.
- blank
- determine_instrument_type
- determine_instrument_type_from_string
- emulation_data
- EmulationInstrument
- find_description
- fix_segment_table
- HighSpeedOscope
- KeithleyIV
- LSNACalibration
- NRPPowerMeter
- PowerMeter
- test_determine_instrument_type
- test_find_description
- test_KeithleyIV
- test_VisaInstrument
- VisaInstrument
- VisaInstrumentError
- whos_there
Functions and classes used in Analyzing data or processes.
- add_white_noise_s2p
- average_one_port_sparameters
- bokeh_parse_format_string
- BokehReport
- build_interpolated_data_set
- build_modeled_data_set
- calculate_residuals
- calrep
- calrep_history_plot
- cascade
- CheckStandardReport
- coax_power_S_NIST
- coax_power_type_b
- coax_s11_S_NIST
- coax_s11_type_b
- coax_s12_S_NIST
- coax_s12_type_b
- compare_s2p_plots
- correct_sparameters
- correct_sparameters_eight_term
- correct_sparameters_sixteen_term
- correct_sparameters_twelve_term
- create_monte_carlo_reference_curve
- create_sensitivity_reference_curve
- create_svg_black_box_diagram
- DataSimulator
- frequency_model_collapse_multiple_measurements
- frequency_model_difference
- FunctionalModel
- gaussian_function
- HTMLReport
- independent_variable_model_collapse
- independent_variable_model_difference
- interpolate_data
- interpolate_table
- invert_two_port_matrix_list
- least_squares_fit
- line_function
- lorentzian_function
- mean_from_history
- median_from_history
- Multicosine
- normalized_error
- normalized_error_test
- one_port_robin_comparison_plot
- plot_calrep
- plot_calrep_comparison
- plot_calrep_results_comparison
- plot_calrep_results_difference_comparison
- plot_calrep_uncertainty
- plot_checkstandard_history
- plot_frequency_model
- plot_frequency_model_histogram
- plot_raw_MUF_comparison
- plot_reference_curve
- plot_reference_curve_comparison
- polar_average
- polar_geometric_average
- raw_comparison_plot_with_residuals
- raw_difference_frame
- return_calrep_error_column_names
- return_calrep_value_column_names
- return_history_key
- S1ps_to_S2p
- S2p_to_S1p
- S_to_T
- SixteenTerm_to_EightTermList
- standard_error
- standard_error_data_table
- T_to_S
- test_average_one_port_sparameters
- test_CheckStandardReport
- test_compare_s2p_plots
- test_comparison
- test_create_svg_black_box_diagram
- test_interpolate
- test_linear_fit
- test_Multicosine
- test_standard_error
- test_uncertainty
- two_port_comparison_plot_with_residuals
- two_port_complex_to_matrix_form
- two_port_difference_frame
- two_port_matrix_to_complex_form
- two_port_mean_frame
- two_port_swap_ports
- type_b
- uncorrect_sparameters_eight_term
- uncorrect_sparameters_sixteen_term
- uncorrect_sparameters_twelve_term
- unwrap_phase
- W1p_to_S1p
- W2p_to_S2p
- W2p_to_SwitchTerms
- waveguide_power_S_NIST
- waveguide_power_type_b
- waveguide_s11_S_NIST
- waveguide_s11_type_b
- waveguide_s21_S_NIST
- waveguide_s21_type_b
Functions in classes used in data storage and format manipulation.
- ABCDFrequencyList_to_HFrequencyList
- ABCDFrequencyList_to_SFrequencyList
- ABCDFrequencyList_to_YFrequencyList
- ABCDFrequencyList_to_ZFrequencyList
- add_all_files
- asc_type
- ascii_data_table_join
- AsciiDataTable
- AsciiDataTable_to_CsvFile
- AsciiDataTable_to_DataFrame
- AsciiDataTable_to_DataFrameDictionary
- AsciiDataTable_to_ExcelFile
- AsciiDataTable_to_File
- AsciiDataTable_to_HpFile
- AsciiDataTable_to_NumpyArray
- AsciiDataTable_to_XmlDataTable
- AsciiTable_to_HtmlString
- AsciiTable_to_MatFile
- Base64_to_PngFile
- Base64Png_to_EmbeddedHtmlString
- build_csv_from_raw
- build_parameter_column_names
- build_row_formatter
- build_snp_column_names
- build_snp_row_formatter
- CalibrateDUTWrapper
- calrep_to_benchmark
- ChangeXMLLog
- check_arg_type
- collect_inline_comments
- combine_segments
- condition_URL
- Context
- convert_all_rows
- convert_all_two_ports_script
- convert_row
- CStringIo_to_String
- CsvFile_to_AsciiDataTable
- CsvFile_to_DataFrame
- DataDimensionError
- DataFrame_to_AsciiDataTable
- DataFrame_to_CsvFile
- DataFrame_to_Dictionary
- DataFrame_to_ExcelFile
- DataFrame_to_HdfFile
- DataFrame_to_HtmlFile
- DataFrame_to_HtmlString
- DataFrame_to_JsonFile
- DataFrame_to_JsonString
- DataFrameDictionary_to_AsciiDataTable
- DataFrameDictionary_to_ExcelFile
- DataFrameDictionary_to_HdfFile
- DataTable
- DataTableGraph
- Description
- dictionary_list_to_xmlchunk
- Dictionary_to_DataFrame
- Dictionary_to_HeaderList
- Dictionary_to_HtmlMetaString
- Dictionary_to_JsonString
- Dictionary_to_ListList
- Dictionary_to_PickleFile
- dictionary_to_xml
- dictionary_to_xmlchunk
- Dictionary_to_XmlString
- Dictionary_to_XmlTupleString
- DownloadLink_to_String
- edge_1_to_2
- edge_2_to_1
- EmbeddedHtmlString_to_Base64Png
- Encyclopedia
- EndOfDayXMLLog
- ensure_string
- ErrorXMLLog
- ExcelFile_to_DataFrame
- ExcelFile_to_DataFrameDictionary
- extract_all
- FigFile_to_MatplotlibFigure
- File_to_AsciiDataTable
- File_to_Image
- File_to_Model
- File_to_String
- FileName_to_HtmlBase
- FileRegister
- FrequencyList_to_FrequencyMatrixList
- FrequencyMatrixList_to_FrequencyList
- get_XML_text
- Graph
- HdfFile_to_DataFrame
- HdfFile_to_DataFrameDictionary
- HeaderList_to_Dictionary
- HFrequencyList_to_ZFrequencyList
- HTMLBase
- HTMLEcho
- HtmlFile_to_DataFrame
- HtmlFile_to_HtmlString
- HTMLHelpPage
- HtmlMetaString_to_Dictionary
- HtmlString_to_DataFrame
- HtmlString_to_HtmlFile
- Image_to_FaviconFile
- Image_to_File
- Image_to_FileType
- Image_to_ThumbnailFile
- ImageGraph
- insert_inline_comment
- InstrumentSheet
- InstrumentState
- JBSparameter
- JBSparameter_to_S2PV1
- join_ascii_data_table_list
- join_xml
- JsonFile_to_DataFrame
- JsonFile_to_JsonString
- JsonFile_to_XmlDataTable
- JsonString_to_DataFrame
- JsonString_to_Dictionary
- JsonString_to_JsonFile
- KnowledgeSystem
- line_comment_string
- line_list_comment_string
- list_list_to_string
- list_to_string
- ListList_to_Dictionary
- make_html_element
- make_html_string
- make_parameter_table
- make_row_match_string
- make_wave_parameter_column_names
- make_xml_element
- make_xml_string
- MatFile_to_AsciiDataTableKeyValue
- MatFile_to_AsciiTable
- MatplotlibFigure_to_File
- MatplotlibFigure_to_PngFile
- MatplotlibFigure_to_SvgFile
- Metadata
- metadata_robot
- MetadataGraph
- Model_to_File
- MUFComplexModel
- MUFMeasurement
- MUFModel
- MUFParameter
- MUFSolution
- MUFVNAUncert
- MUFVNAUncertArchive
- Ndarray_to_Matplotlib
- Ndarray_to_MatplotlibFigure
- Ndarray_to_PngFile
- NoiseCalRaw
- number_ports_from_file_name
- OnePortCalrep_to_XmlDataTable
- OnePortCalrepModel
- OnePortDUTModel
- OnePortRawModel
- parse_combined_float_list
- parse_lines
- PickleFile_to_Dictionary
- PngFile_to_Base64
- PngFile_to_JpgFile
- PngFile_to_Ndarray
- PowerCalrepModel
- PowerModel
- PowerRawModel
- PowerRawModel_to_XmlDataTable
- print_comparison
- print_hd5_keys
- print_s1p_attributes
- print_s2p_attributes
- print_snp_attributes
- Project
- ProjectType
- radical_dataset_to_s2p
- radical_error_boxes_to_eight_term_complex
- radical_frequency_to_frequency_list
- RadicalDataModel
- raw_type
- read_schema
- remove_circular_paths
- replace_None
- ResultFileModel
- return_hd5_keys
- ReverbChamber
- RobotData
- S1PV1
- S1PV1_to_XmlDataTable
- s2p_difference
- s2p_mean
- S2PV1
- S2PV1_to_XmlDataTable
- ServiceXMLLog
- SFrequencyList_to_ZFrequencyList
- SFrequencyMatrixList_to_TFrequencyMatrixList
- SFrequencyMatrixList_to_ZFrequencyMatrixList
- show_structure_script
- Snp_to_AsciiDataTable
- SNP_to_XmlDataTable
- SNPBase
- sparameter_power_type
- split_all_rows
- split_row
- StandardErrorError
- StandardErrorModel
- StatistiCALError
- StatistiCALMenuModel
- StatistiCALSolutionModel
- StatistiCALWrapper
- string_list_collapse
- String_to_CStringIo
- String_to_DownloadLink
- String_to_File
- String_to_StringIo
- String_to_StringList
- String_to_SVGAnchorLinkElement
- StringGraph
- StringIo_to_String
- StringList_to_File
- StringList_to_String
- strip_all_line_tokens
- strip_begin_end_tokens
- strip_inline_comments
- strip_line_tokens
- strip_tokens
- structure_metadata
- SvgFile_to_EpsFile
- SvgFile_to_PdfFile
- SvgFile_to_PngFile
- SwitchTermsFR
- SwitchTermsPort
- TableGraph
- TableGraph_to_Links
- test_add_column
- test_add_comment
- test_add_index
- test_add_method
- test_add_row
- test_AsciiDataTable
- test_AsciiDataTable_equality
- test_AsciiDataTable_get_column_and_getitem
- test_AsciiDataTable_to_DataFrame
- test_AsciiDataTable_to_XmlDataTable
- test_build_snp_column_names
- test_change_format
- test_change_format_SNP
- test_change_frequency_units
- test_change_unit_prefix
- test_copy_method
- test_DataTable
- test_dictionary_to_xmlchunk
- test_EndOfDayXMLLog
- test_FileRegister
- test_get_attribute_names
- test_get_header
- test_get_item
- test_HTMLBase
- test_HTMLBase_addition
- test_HTMLBase_no_file
- test_inline_comments
- test_InstrumentSheet
- test_JBSparameter
- test_JBSparameter_to_S2PV1
- test_log_addition
- test_make_html_element
- test_Metadata
- test_OnePortCalrep_to_XmlDataTable
- test_OnePortCalrepModel
- test_OnePortCalrepModel_Ctable
- test_OnePortDUTModel
- test_OnePortRaw_to_XmlDataTable
- test_OnePortRawModel
- test_open_existing_AsciiDataTable
- test_open_measurement
- test_option_string
- test_PowerCalrepModel
- test_PowerRawModel
- test_PowerRawModel_to_XmlDataTable
- test_read_schema
- test_S1PV1
- test_S1PV1_to_XmlDataTable
- test_s2p_difference
- test_s2p_mean
- test_s2p_mean_and_difference
- test_S2P_to_XmlDataTable
- test_S2P_to_XmlDataTable_02
- test_s2pv1
- test_save_schema
- test_show
- test_SNP
- test_sparameter_power_type
- test_StatistiCALSolutionModel
- test_StatistiCALSolutionModel_to_XmlDataTable
- test_to_HTML
- test_TwelveTermErrorModel
- test_TwoPortCalrep_to_XmlDataTable
- test_TwoPortCalrepModel
- test_TwoPortRawModel
- test_TwoPortRawModel_to_S2PV1
- test_TwoPortRawModel_to_XmlDataTable
- test_XMLLog
- test_XMLModel
- test_ZipArchive
- TFrequencyMatrixList_to_SFrequencyMatrixList
- timeit_script
- to_node_name
- TwelveTermErrorModel
- TwoPortCalrepModel
- TwoPortCalrepModel_to_S2PV1
- TwoPortCalrepModel_to_XmlDataTable
- TwoPortNRRawModel
- TwoPortParameterGraph
- TwoPortRawModel
- TwoPortRawModel_to_S2PV1
- TwoPortRawModel_to_XmlDataTable
- TypeConversionError
- UploadUserFile
- URL_to_path
- user_directory_path
- UserFile
- visit_all_nodes
- visit_and_print_all_nodes
- W2P
- XMLBase
- XmlBase_to_XsltResultFile
- XmlBase_to_XsltResultString
- XmlDataTable_to_AsciiDataTable
- XmlDataTable_to_XmlFile
- XmlFile_to_XmlDataTable
- XMLLog
- XmlLog_to_AsciiDataTable
- XmlString_to_Dictionary
- XmlTupleString_to_Dictionary
- YFrequencyList_to_HFrequencyList
- YFrequencyMatrixList_to_ZFrequencyMatrixList
- ZFrequencyList_to_ABCDFrequencyList
- ZFrequencyList_to_TFrequencyList
- ZFrequencyMatrixList_to_TFrequencyMatrixList
- ZFrequencyMatrixList_to_YFrequencyMatrixList
- ZipArchive
Functions and classes that are base utilities for the pyMez package.
- add_init_to_all
- add_navigation_all_api_script
- add_navigation_script
- alias
- auto_name
- autogenerate_api_documentation_script
- build_calnet_script
- build_index
- build_suite
- change_extension
- change_links_examples_script
- clean_up_test_module
- create_examples_html_script
- create_examples_page
- create_help_page
- create_imports_html_script
- create_index_html_script
- create_modules_html_script
- create_nav_bar_string
- filename_decrement
- filename_increment
- get_date
- get_file_metadata
- get_filename_iterator
- get_image_metadata
- get_metadata
- get_python_metadata
- get_stats
- get_system_metadata
- HPBasic_to_HTML
- HPBasicCode
- MyTestClass
- replace_all
- return_help
- split_filename
- test_alias
- test_auto_name
- test_create_examples_page
- test_create_help_page
- test_create_index_html
- test_filename_change_iterator
- test_get_metadata
- test_get_python_metadata
- test_module
- test_timer
- test_timer_with_args
- TestGeneralModels
- TestNames
- TestXMLModels
- timer
- write_admin_file
- write_app_urls
- write_home_templates
- write_project_urls