pyMez.Code.Utils.Alias module
Module that defines functions for handling alias definitions in Classes
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: # Purpose: Function that provides exec string to define common aliases for # for functions # Author: Aric Sanders # Created: 2/21/2016 # License: MIT License #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Module that defines functions for handling alias definitions in Classes Help --------------- <a href="./index.html">`pyMez.Code.Utils`</a> <div> <a href="../../../pyMez_Documentation.html">Documentation Home</a> | <a href="../../index.html">API Documentation Home</a> | <a href="../../../Examples/html/Examples_Home.html">Examples Home</a> | <a href="../../../Reference_Index.html">Index</a> </div>""" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Standard imports import re import types #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Module Functions def alias(object): """ Creates aliases that map all non built-in methods to both lowerCapitalCase and all_lower_with_underscore naming conventions the output is a list of strings to be used with exec(list[i]) """ old_names=[] split_name=[] exec_list=[] new_name='' # Get all the atributes without __ in the begining for attribute in dir(object): if not re.match('_',attribute): try: if isinstance(eval('object.%s'%attribute), types.MethodType): old_names.append(attribute) except:pass # If they are camelCase make them all lower with underscores or vice versa for name in old_names: if'[A-Z]+',name) and not'_',name): split_upper_case=re.split(r'[A-Z]+',name) upper_matches=re.findall(r'[A-Z]+',name) for index,piece in enumerate(split_upper_case): if index<len(upper_matches): new_name=new_name+piece+'_'+upper_matches[index].lower() else: new_name=new_name+piece exec_list.append(('self.'+new_name+'='+'self.'+name)) elif'_',name): split_name=name.split('_') for index,piece in enumerate(split_name): if index==0: new_name=piece else : new_name=new_name+piece.title() exec_list.append(('self.'+new_name+'='+'self.'+name)) #else: pass return exec_list #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Class Definitions class MyTestClass(): """ A class to test the alias function: call it in a for loop inside of __init__() method """ def __init__(self): self.littleAttribue=[] self.i_like_underscores=[] # this calls and executes the alias function for command in alias(self): exec(command) def myFunctionNumberOne(self): pass def my_function_number_two(self): pass def my_funtion_Number_three(self): pass #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Module Scripts def test_alias(): print(" Before making the instance the attributes defined are:") for attribute in dir(MyTestClass): print('Attribute Name: %s'%(attribute)) new=MyTestClass() print(" After making the instance the attributes defined are:") for attribute in dir(new): print('Attribute Name: %s'%(attribute)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Module Runner if __name__ == '__main__': test_alias()
def alias(
Creates aliases that map all non built-in methods to
both lowerCapitalCase and all_lower_with_underscore naming conventions the
output is a list of strings to be used with exec(list[i])
def alias(object): """ Creates aliases that map all non built-in methods to both lowerCapitalCase and all_lower_with_underscore naming conventions the output is a list of strings to be used with exec(list[i]) """ old_names=[] split_name=[] exec_list=[] new_name='' # Get all the atributes without __ in the begining for attribute in dir(object): if not re.match('_',attribute): try: if isinstance(eval('object.%s'%attribute), types.MethodType): old_names.append(attribute) except:pass # If they are camelCase make them all lower with underscores or vice versa for name in old_names: if'[A-Z]+',name) and not'_',name): split_upper_case=re.split(r'[A-Z]+',name) upper_matches=re.findall(r'[A-Z]+',name) for index,piece in enumerate(split_upper_case): if index<len(upper_matches): new_name=new_name+piece+'_'+upper_matches[index].lower() else: new_name=new_name+piece exec_list.append(('self.'+new_name+'='+'self.'+name)) elif'_',name): split_name=name.split('_') for index,piece in enumerate(split_name): if index==0: new_name=piece else : new_name=new_name+piece.title() exec_list.append(('self.'+new_name+'='+'self.'+name)) #else: pass return exec_list
def test_alias(
def test_alias(): print(" Before making the instance the attributes defined are:") for attribute in dir(MyTestClass): print('Attribute Name: %s'%(attribute)) new=MyTestClass() print(" After making the instance the attributes defined are:") for attribute in dir(new): print('Attribute Name: %s'%(attribute))
class MyTestClass
A class to test the alias function: call it in a for loop inside of init() method
class MyTestClass(): """ A class to test the alias function: call it in a for loop inside of __init__() method """ def __init__(self): self.littleAttribue=[] self.i_like_underscores=[] # this calls and executes the alias function for command in alias(self): exec(command) def myFunctionNumberOne(self): pass def my_function_number_two(self): pass def my_funtion_Number_three(self): pass
Ancestors (in MRO)
Instance variables
var i_like_underscores
var littleAttribue
def __init__(
def __init__(self): self.littleAttribue=[] self.i_like_underscores=[] # this calls and executes the alias function for command in alias(self): exec(command)
def myFunctionNumberOne(
def myFunctionNumberOne(self): pass
def my_function_number_two(
def my_function_number_two(self): pass
def my_funtion_Number_three(
def my_funtion_Number_three(self): pass