
Tour of pyMez

A tour of some of the features of pyMez

pyMez documentaion contains interactive examples in jupyter explaining the package itself, general themes in programming and data analysis and specific examples pertinent to laboratory work.

pyMez Specific Examples

Examples specific to the pyMez package.

Design Examples

InstrumentControl Examples

  • Simple VNA Measurement Example
    An example of taking scattering parameters and wave parameters from a VNA.
  • WR15 VNA Measurement Example
    An example of using the VNA class to measure one-port and two-port scattering and wave parameters and then save them. These measurements use the ZVA67 with a WR15 extension head at 50-75GHz.This is more of a lab example but shows the VNA class in action.
  • Example of Emulated Instrument
    An example of the EmulationInstrument mode that occurs when the device is not connected. It serves as a diagnostic to show the commands that get sent by any class.

Analysis Examples

  • Fitting Example
    An example of how to use FunctionalModel and DataSimulator models to fit and synthesize data
  • Interpolation Example
    An example of how to interpolate a data table keeping the metadata and header
  • Program Analysis
    An example of how to create a function diagram using the ProgramAnalysis module
  • Applying a Calibration
    An example of how to apply a two port calibration in s4p format to a two port file in s2p format.
  • Calrep Example
    An example of how to create uncertainties using calibration report program.
  • Check Standard Report Example
    An example of how to create HTML reports that summarize the checkstandard measurements for a particular device.
  • MUF Reference Curve Example
    An example of how to create a reference curve using a MUF .meas file and support directory. Also has a brief example of the DataHandler MUFMeasurement.

DataHandlers Examples

  • Touchstone (.s2p) Example
    An example of how to use the classes in TouchstoneModels to deal with .snp files
  • Converting s2p to XML and an Interactive Html Sheet
    An example of how to convert s2p to a xml file then to an interactive html file and html class.
  • AsciiDataTable Example
    An example of how to use the classes in GeneralModels to deal with a table with a header/footer and with an arbitrary set of formatting.
  • XML Log Example
    An example of how to use the classes in XMLModels to deal with logging activity
  • ZipArchive Example
    An example of how to use the classes in ZipModels to create, save and add files to a zip file.
  • Table Graph Example
    An example of how to use the classes in GraphModels to change data formats of a table.
  • File_Register_Example
    An example of how to use the FileRegister class to create a xml table of files and an html link representation

General Examples

Examples for general tasks in python and related packages.

Lab Examples

Examples pertinent to work in my laboratory.

* This work and any depencies are not endorsed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology