pyMez.Code.DataHandlers.XMLModels module
XMLModels is dedicated to handling xml based models,
requires lxml to be installed.
see also pyMez.Code.DataHandlers.HTMLModels
XMLModels has components for basic manipulation, the creation of xml measurements, logs,
Instrument states, instrument sheets and file indices.
>>new_xml=XMLBase(os.path.join(TESTS_DIRECTORY,"One_Port_Sparameter_20160303_001.xml")) >>print(new_xml)
XMLModels Example
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: # Purpose: To define XML models # Author: Aric Sanders # Created: 2/21/2016 # License: MIT License #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ XMLModels is dedicated to handling xml based models, requires lxml to be installed. see also <a href="./HTMLModels.m.html">`pyMez.Code.DataHandlers.HTMLModels`</a>. XMLModels has components for basic manipulation, the creation of xml measurements, logs, Instrument states, instrument sheets and file indices. Examples -------- #!python >>new_xml=XMLBase(os.path.join(TESTS_DIRECTORY,"One_Port_Sparameter_20160303_001.xml")) >>print(new_xml) <h3><a href="../../../Examples/Html/XMLModels_Example.html">XMLModels Example</a></h3> Requirements ------------ + [sys]( + [os]( + [lxml]( + [types]( + [pyMez]( + [xml]( + [datetime]( + [urlparse]( + [socket]( + [fnmatch]( Help --------------- <a href="./index.html">`pyMez.Code.DataHandlers`</a> <div> <a href="../../../pyMez_Documentation.html">Documentation Home</a> | <a href="../../index.html">API Documentation Home</a> | <a href="../../../Examples/html/Examples_Home.html">Examples Home</a> | <a href="../../../Reference_Index.html">Index</a> </div> """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Standard Imports import os import sys import xml.dom # Xml document handling import xml.dom.minidom # For xml parsing from xml.dom.minidom import getDOMImplementation # Making blank XML documents import datetime try: import urllib.parse as urlparse # To form proper URLs except ImportError: import urlparse import socket # To determine IPs and Hosts from types import * # For Data Type testing import fnmatch #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Third Party Imports # For XLST transformations of the data # Add Code Subpackage to sys.path sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname( __file__ ), '..','..')) #print(__package__) try: import lxml import lxml.builder from lxml import etree XSLT_CAPABLE=1 except: print("Transformations using XSLT are not available please check the lxml module") XSLT_CAPABLE=0 pass # For auto generation of common method aliases try: from Code.Utils.Alias import alias METHOD_ALIASES=1 except: raise print("The module pyMez.Code.Utils.Alias was not found") METHOD_ALIASES=0 pass try: from Code.Utils.Types import * except: print("The module pyMez.Code.Utils.Types was not found or had an error," "please check module or put it on the python path") raise ImportError # For Auto-naming of files if path is not specified try: from Code.Utils.Names import auto_name DEFAULT_FILE_NAME=None "Constant set to None if the auotname function is available." except: print("The function auto_name in pyMez.Code.Utils.Names was not found") print("Setting Default file name to New_XML.xml") DEFAULT_FILE_NAME='New_XML.xml' pass # For retrieving metadata try: from Code.Utils.GetMetadata import * except: print("Can not find the module GetMetadata, please add it to sys.path") print("Anything that uses the functions from GetMetadata will be broken") pass #import pyMez #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Module Constants PYMEASURE_ROOT=os.path.join(os.path.dirname( __file__ ), '..','..') "The root directory of pyMez" try: INSTRUMENT_SHEETS=fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(os.path.join( PYMEASURE_ROOT,'Instruments')),'*.xml') "A list of the available instrument sheet files in pyMez/Instruments" XSLT_REPOSITORY='../XSL' "A default location for the xsl repository." TESTS_DIRECTORY=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),'Tests') "Directory containing files generated by or for module testing." DEFAULT_STYLE=os.path.join(XSLT_REPOSITORY,'DEFAULT_STYLE.xsl').replace('\\','/') DEFAULT_LOG_STYLE=os.path.join(XSLT_REPOSITORY,'DEFAULT_LOG_STYLE.xsl').replace('\\','/') DEFAULT_MEASUREMENT_STYLE=os.path.join(XSLT_REPOSITORY,'DEFAULT_MEASUREMENT_STYLE.xsl').replace('\\','/') DEFAULT_REGISTER_STYLE=os.path.join(XSLT_REPOSITORY,'FR_STYLE.xsl').replace('\\','/') DEFAULT_METADATA_STYLE=os.path.join(XSLT_REPOSITORY,'METADATA_STYLE.xsl').replace('\\','/') DEFAULT_INSTRUMENT_SHEET_STYLE=os.path.join(XSLT_REPOSITORY,'DEFAULT_INSTRUMENT_STYLE.xsl').replace('\\','/') DEFAULT_INSTRUMENT_STATE_STYLE=os.path.join(XSLT_REPOSITORY,'DEFAULT_STATE_STYLE.xsl').replace('\\', '/') except: #raise print(("Could not assign the data directory locations defaulting to the current working directory {0}".format(os.getcwd()))) print("You must pass XML types the style_sheet to print in html") INSTRUMENT_SHEETS=os.getcwd() XSLT_REPOSITORY=os.getcwd() TESTS_DIRECTORY=os.getcwd() DEFAULT_STYLE=None DEFAULT_LOG_STYLE=None DEFAULT_MEASUREMENT_STYLE=None DEFAULT_REGISTER_STYLE=None DEFAULT_METADATA_STYLE=None DEFAULT_INSTRUMENT_SHEET_STYLE=None DEFAULT_INSTRUMENT_STATE_STYLE=None DRIVER_FILE_EXTENSIONS=['sys','SYS','drv','DRV'] NODE_TYPE_DICTIONARY={'ELEMENT_NODE':1, 'ATTRIBUTE_NODE':2, 'TEXT_NODE':3, \ 'CDATA_SECTION_NODE':4,'ENTITY_NODE':6, 'PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE':7, \ 'COMMENT_NODE':8,'DOCUMENT_NODE':9,'DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE':10,\ 'NOTATION_NODE':12} """A dictionary of XML node types, where the key is the node type and the value is an integer that corresponds to node types in lxml module.""" #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Module Functions def join_xml(new_root="root",xml_document_list=None,**options): """join XML returns a new XMLBase instance with nodes derived from a list of xml documents xml_list. Puts both documents under the new_root root tag""" defaults={"root":new_root, "style_sheet":DEFAULT_STYLE, "specific_descriptor":'XML', "general_descriptor":'Document', "directory":None, "extension":'xml'} new_xml_options={} for key,value in defaults.items(): new_xml_options[key]=value for key,value in options.items(): new_xml_options[key]=value new_xml=XMLBase(None,**new_xml_options) #print new_xml if xml_document_list is None: return new_xml else: for index,xml_document in enumerate(xml_document_list): #print xml_document new_entry=xml.document.documentElement.cloneNode(True) Index_attribute=xml_document.document.createAttribute('Index') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Index_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Index',str(index)) new_xml.document.documentElement.appendChild(new_entry) return new_xml def make_xml_element(tag,text=None,**attribute_dictionary): """Returns an lxml.html.HtmlElement given a tag, content and attribute dictionary <tag key1="value2" key2="value2">content</tag> """ position_arguments=[tag] if text: position_arguments.append(text) new_tag=lxml.builder.E(*position_arguments,**attribute_dictionary) return new_tag def make_xml_string(tag,text=None,**attribute_dictionary): """Returns the html string for tag, content and attribute dictionary <tag key1="value2" key2="value2">content</tag> """ position_arguments=[tag] if text: position_arguments.append(text) new_tag=lxml.builder.E(*position_arguments,**attribute_dictionary) try: out_text = lxml.etree.tostring(new_tag).decode() except: out_text=lxml.etree.tostring(new_tag) return out_text def dictionary_to_xml(dictionary=None,char_between='\n'): string_output='' for key,value in dictionary.items(): xml_open="<"+str(key)+">" xml_close="</"+str(key)+">" string_output=string_output+xml_open+str(value)+xml_close+char_between return string_output def dictionary_to_xmlchunk(dictionary, level='attribute'): "returns a string formatted as xml when given a python dictionary" if not isinstance(dictionary, dict):raise if re.match('attr',level,re.IGNORECASE): prefix="<Tuple " postfix=" />" inner="" for key,value in dictionary.items(): inner=inner+"%s='%s' "%(key,value) xml_out=prefix+inner+postfix if re.match('tag',level,re.IGNORECASE): xml_out="" for key,value in dictionary.items(): xml_out=xml_out+"<"+str(key)+">"+str(value)+"</"+str(key)+">" return xml_out def dictionary_list_to_xmlchunk(list_of_dictionaries,level='attribute'): """returns a string of xml given a list of dictionaries, level says if keys become attribute names or tag names""" if not isinstance(list_of_dictionaries, list):raise xml_out="" for item in list_of_dictionaries: xml_out=xml_out+dictionary_to_xmlchunk(item,level)+"\n" return xml_out def get_XML_text(tag_name,path=None,text=None): """ Returns the text in the first tag found with tag name """ if text is None: f=open(path,'r') '<%s>(?P<XML_text>\w+)</%s>'%(tag_name,tag_name), text) return'XML_text') def URL_to_path(URL,form='string'): """Takes an URL and returns a path as form. Argument form may be 'string' or 'list'""" path=urlparse.urlparse(URL)[2] if form in ['string', 'str', 's']: return path elif form in ['list','ls','li']: path_list=path.split('/') return path_list def condition_URL(URL): """ Function that makes sure URL's have a / format and assigns host as local host if there is not one. Also gives paths a file protocol.""" parsed_URL=urlparse.urlparse(URL.replace('\\','/')) if not (parsed_URL[0] in ['file','http','ftp']): parsed_URL=urlparse.urlparse('file:'+URL.replace('\\','/')) return str(urlparse.urlunparse(parsed_URL).replace('///','')) def determine_instrument_type_from_string(string): """ Given a string returns the instrument type""" if isinstance(string,StringTypes): # Start with the easy ones for instrument_type in INSTRUMENT_TYPES: match= re.compile(instrument_type,re.IGNORECASE) if,string): return instrument_type # Now read in all the Instrument sheets and look for a match # Returning the Name in the Instrument_Type Tag instrument_folder=os.path.join(PYMEASURE_ROOT,'Instruments') for instrument_sheet in os.listdir(instrument_folder): path=os.path.join(PYMEASURE_ROOT,'Instruments',instrument_sheet) if os.path.isfile(path): f=open(path,'r') if,text): '<Instrument_Type>(?P<instrument_type>\w+)</Instrument_Type>', text) try: return'instrument_type') except:pass else: return None def determine_instrument_type(object): """Tries to return an instrument type given an address, name, serial # or class instance""" # attributes that normally have the type hidden in there # should be in the order of likelyhood attritbute_names=['instrument_type','address','serial','Id'] # Check to see if it is a string and then go through the possibilities if isinstance(object,StringType): return determine_instrument_type_from_string(object) # If it is a object or class look around in normal names looking for a string # to process elif isinstance(object, InstanceType) or ClassType: for attribute in attritbute_names: try: if attribute in dir(object): string=eval('object.%s'%attribute) answer=determine_instrument_type_from_string(string) if answer is None:pass else: return answer except AttributeError: try: string=object.__class__.__name__ return determine_instrument_type_from_string(string) except: pass #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Module Classes class HTMLEcho(): """ A class that allows the reading and echoing of html files for a fully functional HTML class see HTMLModels/HTMLBase """ def __init__(self,file_path=None,**options): "Initializes the HTMLEcho() " # This is a general pattern for adding a lot of options # The next more advanced thing to do is retrieve defaults from a settings file defaults={} self.options={} for key,value in defaults.items(): self.options[key]=value for key,value in options.items(): self.options[key]=value if file_path: in_file=open(file_path,"r") else: self.text=None def to_HTML(self): return str(self.text) class XMLBase(): """ The XMLBase Class is designed to be a container for xml data. It opens and parses any well formed XML document, putting an lxml.document object in self.document. In addition it has helper methods for standard operations including display as a string. """ def __init__(self,file_path=None,**options): "Initializes the XML Base Class " # This is a general pattern for adding a lot of options # The next more advanced thing to do is retrieve defaults from a settings file defaults={"root":"root", "style_sheet":os.path.join(XSLT_REPOSITORY,'DEFAULT_STYLE.xsl').replace('\\','/'), "specific_descriptor":'XML', "general_descriptor":'Document', "directory":None, "extension":'xml', "content":None } self.options={} for key,value in defaults.items(): self.options[key]=value for key,value in options.items(): self.options[key]=value # Define Method Aliases if they are available if METHOD_ALIASES: for command in alias(self): exec(command) #if the file path is not supplied create a new xml sheet if file_path is None: if self.options["content"]: self.document = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(self.options["content"]) self.options["content"]=None else: impl=getDOMImplementation() self.document=impl.createDocument(None,self.options['root'],None) # Should be a relative path for if self.options["style_sheet"] is not None: new_node=self.document.createProcessingInstruction('xml-stylesheet', 'type="text/xsl" href="{0}"'.format(self.options['style_sheet'])) self.document.insertBefore(new_node,self.document.documentElement) if DEFAULT_FILE_NAME is None: self.path=auto_name(self.options["specific_descriptor"], self.options["general_descriptor"], self.options["directory"], self.options["extension"]) else: # Just a backup plan if the python path is messed up self.path=DEFAULT_FILE_NAME else: try: try: file_in = open(file_path, 'r', encoding="utf-8") except: file_in = open(file_path, 'r') self.document = xml.dom.minidom.parse(file_in) file_in.close() self.path = file_path except: file_in = open(file_path, 'r', encoding="utf-8") content = str( # print("File Content is {0}".format(content)) self.etree = etree.fromstring(content) self.document = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(etree.tostring(self.etree, encoding="unicode")) self.etree=etree.fromstring(self.document.toxml()) def __getitem__(self, item): """This returns the items found by using xpath as a string. For example: XMLBase[".//BeforeCalibration/Item/SubItem[@Index='6']"] will return all of the elements with index=6. This is a thin wrapper of etree.findall""" out=self.etree.findall(item) if len(out)==1: try: string_out=etree.tostring(out[0]).decode() except: string_out = etree.tostring(out[0]) return string_out else: try: out_list= [etree.tostring(x).decode() for x in out] except: out_list= [etree.tostring(x) for x in out] return out_list def update_etree(self): "Updates the attribute etree. Should be called anytime the xml content is changed" self.etree = etree.fromstring(self.document.toxml()) def update_document(self): """Updates the attribute document from the self.etree. """ self.document=xml.dom.minidom.parseString(etree.tostring(self.etree)) def save(self,path=None): """" Saves as an XML file""" if path is None: path=self.path file_out=open(path,'w') file_out.write(str(self)) file_out.close() if XSLT_CAPABLE: def to_HTML(self,XSLT=None): """ Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] XSL_data=etree.parse(XSLT) XSL_transform=etree.XSLT(XSL_data) HTML=XSL_transform(etree.XML(self.document.toxml())) return str(HTML) def save_HTML(self,file_path=None,XSLT=None): """Saves a HTML transformation of the XML document using XLST at file_path. Defaults to an XLST in self.options["XSLT"] and file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html')""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] HTML=self.to_HTML(XSLT=XSLT) #print type(HTML) if file_path is None: file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html') out_file=open(file_path,'w') out_file.write(HTML) out_file.close() def show(self,mode='Window'): """ Displays a XML Document either as formatted text in the command line or in a window (using wx)""" def tag_to_tagName(tag): tagName=tag.replace('<','') tagName=tagName.replace('/','') tagName=tagName.replace('>','') return tagName if mode in ['text','txt','cmd line','cmd']: for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print('Entry Index: %s \tDate: %s'%(node.getAttribute('Index'), node.getAttribute('Date'))) print(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif'xml',mode,re.IGNORECASE): for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print(node.toprettyxml()) elif'Window|wx',mode,re.IGNORECASE): try: import wx import wx.html2 except: print('Cannot locate wx, please add to sys.path') app = wx.App(False) frame=wx.Frame(None) html_window=wx.html2.WebView.New(frame) html_window.SetPage(str(self.to_HTML()),"") frame.Show() app.MainLoop() def __str__(self): """Controls how XMLBAse is returned when a string function is called. Changed to using self.etree instead of self.document for better unicode support""" self.update_etree() try: string_representation = etree.tostring(self.etree,encoding="unicode") except: string_representation = self.document.toprettyxml() return str(string_representation) class XMLLog(XMLBase): """ Data container for a general XMLLog""" def __init__(self,file_path=None,**options): """ Intializes the XMLLog""" # We add the defaults for the log pass and the options along defaults={"root":'Log', 'style_sheet':DEFAULT_LOG_STYLE, 'entry_style_sheet':DEFAULT_LOG_STYLE, 'specific_descriptor':'XML','general_descriptor':'Log'} self.options={} for key,value in defaults.items(): self.options[key]=value for key,value in options.items(): self.options[key]=value XMLBase.__init__(self,file_path,**self.options) # TODO: Check how scalable a dictionary of nodes is self.Index_node_dictionary=dict([(str(node.getAttribute('Index')), node) for node in \ self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry')]) self.current_entry={} def add_entry(self,entry=None): """ Adds an entry element to the current log""" root=self.document.documentElement if entry is None: new_entry=self.document.createElement('Entry') value='' elif isinstance(entry, str): if'<Entry>(.)+</Entry>',entry): new_document=xml.dom.minidom.parseString(entry) new_entry=new_document.documentElement else: new_document=xml.dom.minidom.parseString('<Entry>' +entry+'</Entry>') new_entry=new_document.documentElement else: new_entry=entry # Find the max of Index's and add 1 to make a new Index if len(self.Index_node_dictionary)==0: new_Index='1' else: max_Index=max([int(Index) for Index in list(self.Index_node_dictionary.keys())]) new_Index=str(max_Index+1) # Add the Index attribute to the new entry Index_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('Index') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Index_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Index',str(new_Index)) if new_entry.getAttribute('Date'): pass else: # Add the Date attribute, this is the time when the entry was logged date=datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() Date_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('Date') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Date_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Date',str(date)) # Now append the new Child root.appendChild(new_entry) self.update_Index_node_dictionary() try: value=new_entry.childNodes[0].data except: value='' self.current_entry={'Tag':'Entry','Value':value,'Index':new_entry.getAttribute('Index'), 'Date':new_entry.getAttribute('Date')} def edit_entry(self,old_Index,new_value=None,new_Index=None,new_Date=None): """Edits and existing entry by replacing the existing values with new ones""" node=self.get_entry(str(old_Index)) if not new_value is None: new_text_node=self.document.createTextNode(new_value) try: old_text_node=node.childNodes[0] node.removeChild(old_text_node) except: pass node.appendChild(new_text_node) elif not new_Index is None: node.setAttribute('Index',new_Index) elif not new_Date is None: node.setAttribute('Date',new_Date) self.current_entry={'Tag':'Entry','Value':node.childNodes[0].data,'Index':node.getAttribute('Index'), 'Date':node.getAttribute('Date')} def get_entry(self,Index): """ Returns the entry selcted by Index""" return self.Index_node_dictionary[str(Index)] def set_current_entry(self,Index=-1): """Sets self.current_entry """ entry=self.Index_node_dictionary[str(Index)] try: value=entry.childNodes[0].data except: value='' self.current_entry={'Tag':'Entry','Value':value,'Index':entry.getAttribute('Index'), 'Date':entry.getAttribute('Date')} def remove_entry(self,Index): """ Removes the entry using the Index attribute""" root=self.document.documentElement root.removeChild(self.Index_node_dictionary[Index]) self.update_Index_node_dictionary() def add_description(self,description=None): """ Adds an entry with Index='-1' which holds data about the log itself""" root=self.document.documentElement new_entry=self.document.createElement('Entry') if not description is None: text_node=self.document.createTextNode(description) new_entry.appendChild(text_node) # Add the Index attribute to the new entry Index_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('Index') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Index_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Index',str(-1)) # Add the Date attribute, this is the time when the entry was logged date=datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() Date_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('Date') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Date_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Date',str(date)) # Now append the new Child root.appendChild(new_entry) self.update_Index_node_dictionary() def update_Index_node_dictionary(self): """ Re-Returns the attribute self.Index_node_dictionary, using the current definition of self.document""" self.Index_node_dictionary=dict([(str(node.getAttribute('Index')), node) for node in \ self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry')]) # if the XSLT engine loaded then define a transformation to HTML if XSLT_CAPABLE: def current_entry_to_HTML(self,XSLT=None): """ Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document""" if XSLT is None: XSLT=self.options['entry_style_sheet'] XSL_data=etree.parse(XSLT) XSL_transform=etree.XSLT(XSL_data) current_entry_XML=self.Index_node_dictionary[self.current_entry['Index']] HTML=XSL_transform(etree.XML(current_entry_XML.toxml())) return HTML # TODO: Make show and display function work well def previous_entry(self): """Sets current entry to the one before""" if len(self.current_entry)>0: Index=int(self.current_entry['Index']) else: return new_Index=Index-1 try: self.set_current_entry(new_Index) except KeyError: Indices=[int(x) for x in list(self.Index_node_dictionary.keys())] if min(Indices)<Index: Indices.sort() new_Index=Indices[Indices.index(Index)-1] else: Indices.remove(Index) if len(Indices)>0: new_Index=max(Indices) else: new_Index=Index self.set_current_entry(new_Index) def next_entry(self): """Sets current entry to the one after""" if len(self.current_entry)>0: Index=int(self.current_entry['Index']) else: return new_Index=Index+1 try: self.set_current_entry(new_Index) except KeyError: Indices=[int(x) for x in list(self.Index_node_dictionary.keys())] if max(Indices)>Index: Indices.sort() new_Index=Indices[Indices.index(Index)+1] else: Indices.remove(Index) new_Index=min(Indices) self.set_current_entry(new_Index) def show(self,mode='text'): """ Displays a XMLLog either as formatted text in the command line or in a window (using wx)""" def tag_to_tagName(tag): tagName=tag.replace('<','') tagName=tagName.replace('/','') tagName=tagName.replace('>','') return tagName if mode in ['text','txt','cmd line','cmd']: for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print('Entry Index: %s \tDate: %s'%(node.getAttribute('Index'), node.getAttribute('Date'))) print(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif'xml',mode,re.IGNORECASE): for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print(node.toprettyxml()) elif'Window|wx',mode,re.IGNORECASE): try: import wx import wx.html except: print('Cannot locate wx, please add to sys.path') app = wx.App(False) frame=wx.Frame(None) html_window=wx.html.HtmlWindow(frame) html_window.SetPage(str(self.to_HTML())) frame.Show() app.MainLoop() def __add__(object,right): """Controls Behavior of two XMLLogs added using the + operator""" new_log=object for entry in right.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): if entry.getAttribute('Index')=='-1': pass else: new_log.add_entry(entry) return new_log def get_table(self): "Returns the XML data as a list of python dictionaries" node_list=self.document.getElementsByTagName("Entry") table=[{"Index": node.getAttribute("Index"), "Date": node.getAttribute("Date"), "Entry": node.childNodes[0].nodeValue} for node in node_list] return table class ChangeXMLLog(XMLLog): """ A XMLLog for storing changes to a program""" def __init__(self,path=None,program_name=None): XMLLog.__init__(self,path) # set the description element if it is a new log if path is None: self.add_ChangeXMLLog_description(program_name) def add_ChangeXMLLog_description(self,program_name=None): """ Adds a description of the change log as element Index=-1""" if program_name is None: program_name='a program' description="""This is a change log for %s. It consists of entries with a date attribute, an Index attribute that is a simple integer, and text describing the changes made to %s."""%(program_name,program_name) self.add_description(description) class EndOfDayXMLLog(XMLLog): """ A XMLLog for storing notes about daily activities""" def __init__(self,path=None,**options): defaults={"style_sheet":os.path.join(XSLT_REPOSITORY,'DEFAULT_END_OF_DAY_LOG_STYLE.xsl').replace('\\','/')} self.options={} for key,value in defaults.items(): self.options[key]=value for key,value in options.items(): self.options[key]=value XMLLog.__init__(self,path,**self.options) if path is None: self.add_EndOfDayXMLLog_description() self.information_tags=['Actions','Who_Did','Who_Suggested','Why','Conclusion','Data_Location'] def add_entry_information(self,Index=None,**entry): """ Adds a log specific entry takes a dicitionary in the form {'tag':value,..} this does not add atributes""" if Index is None: self.add_entry() Index=self.current_entry['Index'] try: node=self.get_entry(Index) except: raise for tag,value in entry.items(): new_element=self.document.createElement(tag) new_text=self.document.createTextNode(str(value)) new_element.appendChild(new_text) node.appendChild(new_element) def add_EndOfDayXMLLog_description(self,program_name=None): """ Adds a description of the log as element Index=-1""" description="""This is a End of day log. It consists of entries with a date attribute, an Index attribute that is a simple integer, and xml tags describing daily activities""" self.add_description(description) class ErrorXMLLog(XMLLog): """ A XMLLog for storring errors generated by a program """ def __init__(self,path=None): XMLLog.__init__(self,path) class ServiceXMLLog(XMLLog): """ A XMLLog for servicing an instrument or experiment """ def __init__(self,path=None,instrument_name=None): XMLLog.__init__(self,path) class DataTable(XMLBase): """ This is a XML data table class with an optional description""" def __init__(self,file_path=None,**options): """ Intializes the DataTable Class. Passing **{'data_table':[mylist]} Returns a table with x1 and x2 as column names. Passing **{'data_dictionary':{'Data_Description':{'Tag':'Text',etc}, 'Data':[{'x':1,'y':2},{'x':2,'y':3}] """ # the general idea is <Data_Description/><Data><Tuple i=''/></Data> # This is a general pattern for adding a lot of options # The next more advanced thing to do is retrieve defaults from a settings file defaults={"root":"Data_Table", "style_sheet":DEFAULT_MEASUREMENT_STYLE, "specific_descriptor":'Data', "general_descriptor":'Table', "directory":None, "extension":'xml' } self.options={} for key,value in defaults.items(): self.options[key]=value for key,value in options.items(): self.options[key]=value XMLBase.__init__(self,file_path,**self.options) try: data_table=self.options['data_table'] if len(data_table)>0: data_node=self.list_to_XML(data_table) self.document.documentElement.appendChild(data_node) except: pass try: data_dictionary=self.options['data_dictionary'] if len(data_dictionary)>0: for key,value in data_dictionary.items(): # This hanldes Tag:Text dictionaries if'description',key,re.IGNORECASE): #This is the flat dictionary handling code {"Data_Description:{key:value}} #Need one that is {"Data_Description":{"Context":{key:value}}} new_entry=self.document.createElement(key) for tag,element_text in value.items(): if isinstance(element_text, DictionaryType): new_tag=self.document.createElement(tag) new_entry.appendChild(new_tag) for inner_tag,inner_element_text in element_text.items(): new_inner_tag=self.document.createElement(inner_tag) new_inner_text=self.document.createTextNode(inner_element_text) new_inner_tag.appendChild(new_inner_text) new_tag.appendChild(new_inner_tag) else: new_tag=self.document.createElement(tag) new_text=self.document.createTextNode(element_text) new_tag.appendChild(new_text) new_entry.appendChild(new_tag) self.document.documentElement.appendChild(new_entry) if'data',key,re.IGNORECASE) and not'Description',key,re.IGNORECASE): new_entry=self.list_to_XML(value) self.document.documentElement.appendChild(new_entry) except:pass self.attribute_names=self.get_attribute_names() node_list=self.document.getElementsByTagName('Tuple')[[node.getAttribute(attribute_name) for attribute_name in self.attribute_names] for node in node_list] def list_to_XML(self,data_list): """ Converts a list to XML document""" data_node=self.document.createElement('Data') #self.document.documentElement.appendChild(data_node) for row in data_list: if isinstance(row,(list,tuple)): new_entry=self.document.createElement('Tuple') for j,datum in enumerate(row): x_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('X%s'%j) new_entry.setAttributeNode(x_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('X%s'%j,str(datum)) data_node.appendChild(new_entry) elif isinstance(row, DictionaryType): new_entry=self.document.createElement('Tuple') for key,datum in row.items(): x_attribute=self.document.createAttribute(key) new_entry.setAttributeNode(x_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute(key,str(datum)) data_node.appendChild(new_entry) return data_node def get_attribute_names(self): """ Returns the attribute names in the first tuple element in the 'data' element """ attribute_names=[] data_nodes=self.document.getElementsByTagName('Data') #print("{0} is {1}".format("data_nodes",data_nodes)) first_tuple_node=data_nodes[0].childNodes[1] text=first_tuple_node.toprettyxml() text_list=text.split(' ') #print(text_list) for item in text_list: try:'(?P<attribute_name>\w+)=',item)'attribute_name') #print(name) attribute_names.append(name) except:pass return attribute_names def to_list(self,attribute_name): """ Outputs the data as a list given a data column (attribute) name""" try: node_list=self.document.getElementsByTagName('Tuple') data_list=[node.getAttribute(attribute_name) for node in node_list] return data_list except: return None def to_tuple_list(self,attribute_names=None): """ Returns a list of tuples for the specified list of attribute names""" if not attribute_names: attribute_names=self.get_attribute_names() try: node_list=self.document.getElementsByTagName('Tuple') data_list=[tuple([node.getAttribute(attribute_name) for attribute_name in attribute_names]) for node in node_list] return data_list except: return None def get_header(self,style='txt'): """ Returns a header from the data description if there is one""" try: node_list=self.document.getElementsByTagName('Data_Description') data_description=node_list[0] out='' if style in ['txt','text','ascii']: for child in data_description.childNodes: try: out=out+'%s: %s'%(child.nodeName,child.firstChild.nodeValue)+'\n' except:pass return out elif'xml',style,flags=re.IGNORECASE): out=data_description.toprettyxml() return out except: raise class FileRegister(XMLBase): """ The base class for arbitrary database, which processes the File Register XML File.""" def __init__(self, file_path=None, **options): """ Initializes the File Register Class.""" # This is a general pattern for adding a lot of options # The next more advanced thing to do is retrieve defaults from a settings file defaults = {"root": "File_Registry", "style_sheet": DEFAULT_REGISTER_STYLE, "specific_descriptor": 'Resource', "general_descriptor": 'Registry', "directory": None, "extension": 'xml' } self.options = {} for key, value in defaults.items(): self.options[key] = value for key, value in options.items(): self.options[key] = value XMLBase.__init__(self, file_path, **self.options) self.Id_dictionary = dict([(str(node.getAttribute('URL')), str(node.getAttribute('Id'))) for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('File')]) def create_Id(self, URL): """ Returns or returns the existing Id element of a URL""" parsed_URL = urlparse.urlparse(condition_URL(URL)) try: # Look in self.Id_dictionary, if it is not there catch # the exception KeyError and generate an Id. return self.Id_dictionary[URL.replace('///', '')] except KeyError: # The Id is not in the existing list so start buliding Id. # Determine the IP Address of the host in the URL if parsed_URL[1] in ['', '']: # if it is empty assume local host IP_address = socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname())[2][0] else: IP_address = socket.gethostbyaddr(parsed_URL[1])[2][0] Id_cache = {} # We begin with all the entries with the same IP address for (key, value) in self.Id_dictionary.items(): if value.startswith(IP_address): Id_cache[key] = value # If the Id_cache is empty then we just assign the number temp_Id = IP_address path_list = parsed_URL[2].split('/') file_extension = path_list[-1].split('.')[-1] if len(Id_cache) is 0: for index, part in enumerate(path_list): if index < len(path_list) - 1: temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + '11' elif index == len(path_list) - 1: if (file_extension in DRIVER_FILE_EXTENSIONS): temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + '31' elif os.path.isdir(parsed_URL[2]): temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + '11' else: temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + '21' return temp_Id # if it is not empty we have to a little work # remove the information about IP address place = 0 # print path_list while place <= len(path_list): # If the Id_cache is empty assign the rest of the Id. if len(Id_cache) is 0: for index, part in enumerate(path_list[place:]): if index < len(path_list[place:]) - 1: temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + '11' elif index == len(path_list[place:]) - 1: if (file_extension in DRIVER_FILE_EXTENSIONS): temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + '31' elif os.path.isdir(parsed_URL[2]): temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + '11' else: temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + '21' return temp_Id # If the Id_cache is not empty else: path_cache = dict([(URL, URL_to_path(URL, form='list')) for URL in list(Id_cache.keys())]) # print Id_cache part_cache = dict([(URL, [path_cache[URL][place], Id_cache[URL].split('.')[place + 4]]) for URL in list(Id_cache.keys())]) parts_list = [part_cache[URL][0] for URL in list(Id_cache.keys())] node_number = max([int(Id_cache[URL].split('.')[place + 4][1:]) for URL in list(Id_cache.keys())]) # If it is the last place if place == len(path_list) - 1: new_node_number = node_number + 1 if (file_extension in DRIVER_FILE_EXTENSIONS): new_node_type = '3' elif os.path.isdir(parsed_URL[2]): new_node_type = '1' else: new_node_type = '2' temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + new_node_type + str(new_node_number) return temp_Id # If it is not the last place assume it is a directory else: new_node_type = '1' # Check to see if it is already in the FR if path_list[place] in parts_list: for URL in list(Id_cache.keys()): if part_cache[URL][0] == path_list[place]: new_node = part_cache[URL][1] # If not add one to node else: new_node_number = node_number + 1 new_node = new_node_type + str(new_node_number) temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + new_node # Update the Id_cache for the next round, and the place for URL in list(Id_cache.keys()): try: if not part_cache[URL][0] == path_list[place]: del (Id_cache[URL]) Id_cache[URL].split('.')[place + 5] except KeyError: pass except IndexError: # print Id_cache,URL del (Id_cache[URL]) place = place + 1 def add_entry(self, URL): """ Adds an entry to the current File Register """ URL = condition_URL(URL) if URL in list(self.Id_dictionary.keys()): print('Already there') return # the xml entry is <File Date="" Host="" Type="" Id="" URL=""/> File_Registry = self.document.documentElement new_entry = self.document.createElement('File') # Make all the new attributes attributes = ['Id', 'Host', 'Date', 'URL', 'Type'] new_attributes = dict([(attribute, self.document.createAttribute(attribute)) for attribute in \ attributes]) # Add the new attributes to the new entry for attribute in attributes: new_entry.setAttributeNode(new_attributes[attribute]) # Now assign the values attribute_values = {} attribute_values['URL'] = URL attribute_values['Id'] = self.create_Id(URL) attribute_values['Date'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() type_code = attribute_values['Id'].split('.')[-1][0] if type_code in ['1', '1']: attribute_values['Type'] = "Directory" elif type_code in ['2', '2']: attribute_values['Type'] = "Ordinary" elif type_code in ['3', '3']: attribute_values['Type'] = "Driver" else: attribute_values['Type'] = "Other" parsed_URL = urlparse.urlparse(condition_URL(URL)) if parsed_URL[1] in ['', '']: # if it is empty assume local host attribute_values['Host'] = socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname())[0] else: attribute_values['Host'] = parsed_URL[1] # Now set them all in the actual attribute for (key, value) in attribute_values.items(): new_entry.setAttribute(key, value) File_Registry.appendChild(new_entry) # Finally update the self.Id_dictionary # Added boolean switch to speed up adding a lot of entries self.Id_dictionary = dict([(str(node.getAttribute('URL')), str(node.getAttribute('Id'))) for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('File')]) # TODO : Add an input filter that guesses at what you inputed def add_tree(self, root, **options): """ Adds a directory and all sub folders and sub directories, **options provides a way to {'ignore','.pyc|etc'} or {'only','.png|.bmp'}""" # Deal with the optional parameters, these tend to make life easier default_options = {'ignore': None, 'only': None, 'print_ignored_files': True, 'directories_only': False, 'files_only': False} tree_options = default_options for option, value in options.items(): tree_options[option] = value # print tree_options # condition the URL root_URL = condition_URL(root) path = URL_to_path(root_URL) # now we add the files and directories that jive with the options try: for (home, directories, files) in os.walk(path): # print (home,directories,files) for directory in directories: # had to change this, used to be first element in list try: if tree_options['files_only']: if tree_options['print_ignored_files']: print("ignoring %s because it is not a file" % file) raise if tree_options['ignore'] is not None and['ignore'], directory): if tree_options['print_ignored_files']: print("ignoring %s because it does not match the only option" % directory) raise elif tree_options['only'] is not None and not['only'], directory): if tree_options['print_ignored_files']: print("ignoring %s because it does not match the only option" % directory) raise else: self.add_entry(condition_URL(os.path.join(home, directory))) except: pass for file in files: # had to change this 12/2012, used to be Second element in list try: if tree_options['directories_only']: if tree_options['print_ignored_files']: print("ignoring %s because it is not a directory" % file) raise if tree_options['ignore'] is not None and['ignore'], file): if tree_options['print_ignored_files']: print("ignoring %s because it matches the ignore option" % file) raise elif tree_options['only'] is not None and not['only'], file): if tree_options['print_ignored_files']: print("ignoring %s because it does not match the only option" % file) raise else: # print (home,file) self.add_entry(condition_URL(os.path.join(home, file))) except: raise except: raise # After all the files are added update the Id_dictionary self.Id_dictionary = dict([(str(node.getAttribute('URL')), str(node.getAttribute('Id'))) for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('File')]) def remove_entry(self, URL=None, Id=None): """ Removes an entry in the current File Register """ File_Registry = self.document.documentElement if not URL is None: URL = condition_URL(URL) URL_FileNode_dictionary = dict([(node.getAttribute('URL'), node) for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('File')]) File_Registry.removeChild(URL_FileNode_dictionary[URL]) else: Id_FileNode_dictionary = dict([(node.getAttribute('Id'), node) for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('File')]) File_Registry.removeChild(Id_FileNode_dictionary[Id]) # Finally update the self.Id_dictionary self.Id_dictionary = dict([(str(node.getAttribute('URL')), str(node.getAttribute('Id'))) for node in \ self.document.getElementsByTagName('File')]) def get_data(self): """Gets a list of lists that represent the data in the file register""" node_list = self.document.getElementsByTagName("File") data = [[attribute[1] for attribute in list(item.attributes.items())] for item in node_list] return data def get_data_dictionary_list(self): """Returns a list of dictionaries that have the data in the file register attributes""" node_list = self.document.getElementsByTagName("File") data_dictionary_list = [{attribute[0]: attribute[1] for attribute in list(item.attributes.items())} for item in node_list] return data_dictionary_list class Metadata(XMLBase): """ Metadata holds the metadata tags for a FileRegistry, If it already exists and the parser gives an error check the xml file for special characters like """ def __init__(self,file_path=None,**options):#FileRegistry,Metadata_File=None) """ Intializes the class Metadata""" # This is a general pattern for adding a lot of options # The next more advanced thing to do is retrieve defaults from a settings file defaults={"root":"Metadata_Registry", "style_sheet":DEFAULT_METADATA_STYLE, "specific_descriptor":'Metadata', "general_descriptor":'Registry', "directory":None, "extension":'xml', "metadata_file":None } self.options={} for key,value in defaults.items(): self.options[key]=value for key,value in options.items(): self.options[key]=value FileRegistry=file_path Metadata_File=self.options['metadata_file'] # Process the file register if isinstance(FileRegistry, InstanceType): self.FileRegister=FileRegistry elif isinstance(FileRegistry,StringType): self.FileRegister=FileRegister(FileRegistry) # Process or create the Metadata File if Metadata_File is None: # Make the metadata file based on the file register FileRegister_path=self.FileRegister.path.replace('\\','/') FileRegister_name=FileRegister_path.split('/')[-1] FileRegister_ext=FileRegister_name.split('.')[-1] Metadata_name=FileRegister_name.replace('.'+FileRegister_ext, '_Metadata.'+FileRegister_ext) self.path=FileRegister_path.replace(FileRegister_name,Metadata_name) self.document=self.FileRegister.document # delete old processing instructions for node in self.document.childNodes: if node.nodeType is 7: self.document.removeChild(node) node.unlink() # add in the default xsl new_node=self.document.createProcessingInstruction( 'xml-stylesheet', 'type="text/xsl" href="%s"'%self.options['style_sheet']) self.document.insertBefore(new_node,self.document.documentElement) # make sure there is a fileregister reference FR_Path=self.FileRegister.path new_node=self.document.createProcessingInstruction(\ 'xml-FileRegistry',\ 'href=\"%s\"'%(self.FileRegister.path)) self.document.insertBefore(new_node,self.document.documentElement) else: # The metadata file exists as a saved file or an instance if isinstance(Metadata_File, InstanceType): self.document=Metadata_File.document self.path=Metadata_File.path elif isinstance(Metadata_File,StringType): XMLBase.__init__(self,file_path,**self.options) # TODO: This dictionary of nodes worries me-- it may not scale well self.node_dictionary=dict([(str(node.getAttribute('URL')), node) for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('File')]) self.URL_dictionary=dict([(str(node.getAttribute('Id')), str(node.getAttribute('URL'))) for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('File')]) self.name_dictionary=dict([(Id,os.path.split(self.URL_dictionary[Id])[1]) for Id in list(self.URL_dictionary.keys())]) self.current_node=list(self.node_dictionary.values())[0] def search_name(self,name=None,re_flags=re.IGNORECASE): """ Returns a list of URL's that have an element matching name""" try: if re_flags in [None,'']: urls=[x for x in list(self.URL_dictionary.values()) if,x)] return urls else: urls=[x for x in list(self.URL_dictionary.values()) if,x,flags=re_flags)] return urls except: raise if XSLT_CAPABLE: def to_HTML(self,XSLT=None): """ Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] XSL_data=etree.parse(XSLT) XSL_transform=etree.XSLT(XSL_data) HTML=XSL_transform(etree.XML(self.document.toxml())) return HTML def get_file_node(self,URL=None,Id=None): """ Returns the file node specified by URL or Id""" if not URL is None: URL=condition_URL(URL) self.current_node=self.node_dictionary[URL] return self.current_node elif not Id is None: self.current_node=self.node_dictionary[self.URL_dictionary[Id]] return self.current_node def set_current_node(self,URL=None,Id=None): """ Sets the current file node to the one specified by URL or Id""" if not URL is None: URL=condition_URL(URL) self.current_node=self.node_dictionary[URL] elif not Id is None: self.current_node=self.node_dictionary[self.URL_dictionary[Id]] def add_element_to_current_node(self,XML_tag=None,value=None,node=None,**Atributes): """Adds a metadata element to the current file node""" if node is None: new_element=self.document.createElement(XML_tag) else: new_element=node if not value is None: new_text=self.document.createTextNode(str(value)) new_element.appendChild(new_text) attributes=[key for key in list(Atributes.keys())] new_attributes=dict([(attribute, self.document.createAttribute(attribute)) for attribute in \ attributes]) for (key,value) in Atributes.items(): new_element.setAttribute(key,str(value)) self.current_node.appendChild(new_element) def remove_element_in_current_node(self,element_name): """Removes all metadata elements with the same tagname in the current file node""" nodes_to_remove=self.current_node.getElementsByTagName(element_name) try: for node in nodes_to_remove: self.current_node.removeChild(node) except:pass if XSLT_CAPABLE: def current_node_to_HTML(self,XSLT=None): """Returns a HTML document from the current node""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] XSL_data=etree.parse(XSLT) XSL_transform=etree.XSLT(XSL_data) HTML=XSL_transform(etree.XML(self.current_node.toxml())) return HTML def print_current_node(self): """ Prints the current node """ print(self.current_node.toxml()) class InstrumentSheet(XMLBase): """ Class that handles the xml instrument sheet. An instrument sheet is an xml file with static metadata about the instrument. The default directory containing the sheets is PYMEASURE_ROOT/Instruments.""" def __init__(self,file_path=None,**options): """ Intializes the InstrumentSheet Class""" #if the file path is not supplied create a new instrument sheet #using the supplied instrument_name defaults={"root":"Instrument_Sheet", "style_sheet":DEFAULT_INSTRUMENT_SHEET_STYLE, "specific_descriptor":'Instrument', "general_descriptor":'Description', "directory":None, "extension":'xml' } self.options={} for key,value in defaults.items(): self.options[key]=value for key,value in options.items(): self.options[key]=value XMLBase.__init__(self,file_path,**self.options) self.root=self.document.documentElement # Now use the xml to declare some attributes specific_description=self.document.getElementsByTagName('Specific_Information') for information_node in specific_description: if information_node.nodeType is NODE_TYPE_DICTIONARY['ELEMENT_NODE']: for node in information_node.childNodes: if node.nodeType is NODE_TYPE_DICTIONARY['ELEMENT_NODE']: if node.childNodes: tag_name=node.tagName text_value=node.childNodes[0].data if not text_value in [None,'']: string='self.%s="%s"'%(tag_name.lower(),text_value) #print string exec('%s'%string) #Commands self.commands=[] commands=self.document.getElementsByTagName('Commands')[0] for command in commands.childNodes: if command.nodeType is NODE_TYPE_DICTIONARY['ELEMENT_NODE']: self.commands.append(command.getAttribute('Command')) try: self.image=self.get_image_path() except: pass ##TODO: Add a edit entry method def add_entry(self,tag_name,text=None,description='Specific',**attribute_dictionary): """ Adds an entry to the instrument sheet.""" specific_match=re.compile('Specific',re.IGNORECASE) general_match=re.compile('General',re.IGNORECASE) if,description): description_node=self.document.getElementsByTagName('Specific_Information')[0] elif,description): description_node=self.document.getElementsByTagName('General_Information')[0] new_entry=self.document.createElement(tag_name) if not text is None: text_node=self.document.createTextNode(tag_name) new_entry.appendChild(text_node) for key,value in attribute_dictionary.items(): new_attribute=self.document.creatAttribute(key) new_entry.setAttributeNode(new_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute(key,str(value)) description_node.appendChild(new_entry) def get_query_dictionary(self): """ Returns a set:query dictionary if there is a State_Commands element""" try: state_commands=self.document.getElementsByTagName('State_Commands')[0] state_query_dictionary=dict([(str(node.getAttribute('Set') ),str(node.getAttribute('Query'))) for node in state_commands.childNodes if node.nodeType is \ NODE_TYPE_DICTIONARY['ELEMENT_NODE']]) return state_query_dictionary except: raise #return None def get_image_path(self): """Tries to return the image path, requires image to be in <Image href=""/> format""" # Take the first thing called Image image_node=self.document.getElementsByTagName('Image')[0] image_path=image_node.getAttribute('href') return image_path class InstrumentState(XMLBase): """ An instrument state is an XML file with instrument setting information Changed in 04/2017 to accept a state_table that can have other columns and be ordered by the column Index to open an existing state use #!python >>new_xml=InstrumentState("MyInstrumentState.xml") To create a new instrument state and save it use #!python >>state=InstrumentState(state_table=[{"Set":"SOUR:VOLT",{"Value":10},{"Index":0}]) >> """ def __init__(self, file_path=None, **options): """ Intialize the InstrumentState class.""" defaults = {"root": "Instrument_State", "style_sheet": DEFAULT_INSTRUMENT_STATE_STYLE, "specific_descriptor": 'Instrument', "general_descriptor": 'State', "directory": None, "extension": 'xml', "date": "now", "state_dictionary": None, "state_table": None } self.options = {} for key, value in defaults.items(): self.options[key] = value for key, value in options.items(): self.options[key] = value XMLBase.__init__(self, file_path, **self.options) self.state_node = self.document.createElement('State') self.document.documentElement.appendChild(self.state_node) if self.options["state_dictionary"]: for key, value in self.options["state_dictionary"].items(): new_entry = self.document.createElement('Tuple') set_attribute = self.document.createAttribute('Set') value_attribute = self.document.createAttribute('Value') new_entry.setAttributeNode(set_attribute) new_entry.setAttributeNode(value_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Set', key) new_entry.setAttribute('Value', str(value)) self.state_node.appendChild(new_entry) if self.options["state_table"]: if "Index" in list(self.options["state_table"][0].keys()): table = sorted(self.options["state_table"], key=lambda x: x["Index"]) else: table = self.options["state_table"] for row in table[:]: new_entry = self.document.createElement('Tuple') for key, value in row.items(): set_attribute = self.document.createAttribute(key) new_entry.setAttributeNode(set_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute(key, "{0}".format(value)) self.state_node.appendChild(new_entry) # this is not the most direct way to define it but it is the most robust I think # self.state_node=self.document.getElementsByTagName('State')[0] # This should be in State_Description as State_Timestamp? if self.options["date"] in ['now']: # Add the Date attribute, this is the time when the state was created self.add_state_description() timestamp_element = self.document.createElement("State_Timestamp") text = str(datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()) timestamp_element.appendChild(self.document.createTextNode(text)) state_description = self.document.getElementsByTagName("State_Description")[0] state_description.appendChild(timestamp_element) self.state_dictionary = dict([(str(node.getAttribute('Set')), node.getAttribute('Value')) for node in \ self.state_node.getElementsByTagName('Tuple')]) def add_state_description(self): """Adds the tag named State_Description """ state_description = self.document.createElement("State_Description") if len(self.document.childNodes) == 0: self.document.documentElement.appendChild(state_description) elif not re.match("State_Description", self.document.childNodes[0].nodeName, re.IGNORECASE) and len( self.document.childNodes) > 0: self.document.documentElement.appendChild(state_description) else: print("State_Description already exists, tag was not added ") pass def append_description(self, description_dictionary): """Adds the description_dictionary to State_Description. Description dictionary is a key value pair describing the state. """ try: state_description = self.document.getElementsByTagName('State_Description')[0] except: self.add_state_description() state_description = self.document.getElementsByTagName('State_Description')[0] for key, value in description_dictionary.items(): element = self.document.createElement("{0}".format(key)) text = self.document.createTextNode("{0}".format(value)) element.appendChild(text) state_description.appendChild(element) def get_timestamp(self): """Tries to return the timestamp stored as an attribute date in the tag State""" # Take the first thing called Image try: timestamp_node = self.document.getElementsByTagName('State_Timestamp')[0] timestamp = timestamp_node.childNodes[0].nodeValue return timestamp except: print("No Timestamp Found") return None def get_attribute_names(self): """ Returns the attribute names in the first tuple element in the 'data' element """ attribute_names = [] data_nodes = self.document.getElementsByTagName('State') first_tuple_node = data_nodes[0].childNodes[1] text = first_tuple_node.toprettyxml() text_list = text.split(' ') # print text_list for item in text_list: try: match ='(?P<attribute_name>\w+)=', item) name ='attribute_name') # print name attribute_names.append(name) except: pass return attribute_names def get_state_list_dictionary(self): """Gets the state data in a list of dictionaries. This is the equivelent to a table""" out_list = [] tuple_list = self.document.getElementsByTagName("Tuple") attributes = self.get_attribute_names()[:] for node in tuple_list: new_row = {} for attribute in attributes: new_row[attribute] = node.getAttribute(attribute) out_list.append(new_row) return out_list def get_description_dictionary(self): """Returns State_Description as a tag:value dictionary""" out_dictionary = {} pass #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Module Scripts def test_XMLModel(test_new=True,test_existing=False): """ a test of the XMLBase class """ if test_new: print("Begin Test of a New XML sheet \n") os.chdir(TESTS_DIRECTORY) new_xml=XMLBase(None,**{'style_sheet':'../XSL/DEFAULT_STYLE.xsl'}) print("The New Sheet has been created as new_xml \n") print(('*'*80)) print(("The New File Path is {0}".format(os.path.join(TESTS_DIRECTORY,new_xml.path)))) print(('*'*80)) print("The result of print new_xml") print(new_xml) print(('*'*80)) print("The result of new_xml.to_HTML()") print(new_xml.to_HTML()) print(('*'*80)) print("The result of new_xml.options") print(new_xml.options) print(('*'*80)) print("The new_xml has been saved") if test_existing: print("Begin Test of a Preexisting XML sheet \n") os.chdir(TESTS_DIRECTORY) new_xml=XMLBase('Data_Table_021311_1.xml',**{'style_sheet':'../XSL/DEFAULT_STYLE.xsl'}) print("The New Sheet has been created as new_xml \n") print(('*'*80)) print(("The New File Path is {0}".format(os.path.join(TESTS_DIRECTORY,new_xml.path)))) print(('*'*80)) print("The result of print new_xml") print(new_xml) print(('*'*80)) print("The result of new_xml.to_HTML()") print(new_xml.to_HTML()) print(('*'*80)) print("The result of new_xml.options") print(new_xml.options) print(('*'*80)) print("The new_xml has been saved") def test_XMLLog(): print('Creating New Log..\n') os.chdir(TESTS_DIRECTORY) new_log=XMLLog() print('Log Contents Upon Creation: using print new_log') print(new_log) print('\n') print(('The New Log\'s path is %s'%new_log.path)) print('Add an entry using new_log.add_entry("This is a test")') new_log.add_entry("This is a test") print('Log Contents: using print new_log') print(new_log) def test_log_addition(): """ Script to develop test the __add__ attribute for the class XMLLog""" # First we want to know how a copy works os.chdir(TESTS_DIRECTORY) import time log_1=XMLLog() log_1.add_entry("I am Log Number One") time.sleep(.3) log_2=XMLLog() log_2.add_entry("I am Log Number 2") print('Log_1 Contents: using print') print(log_1) print('Log_2 Contents: using print') print(log_2) print('Log_1+Log_2 Contents: using print') print(log_1+log_2) def test_EndOfDayXMLLog(): """ Script to test that daily logs work properly""" os.chdir(TESTS_DIRECTORY) print('Creating New Log..\n') new_log=EndOfDayXMLLog() print('Log Contents Upon Creation: using print new_log') print(new_log) print('\n') print(('The New Log\'s path is %s'%new_log.path)) print('Add an entry using new_log.add_entry("This is a test")') new_log.add_entry("This is a test") print('Add an entry using new_log.add_entry_information(1,dictionary)') dictionary={'Actions':'I tested EndofDayLog()','Who_Did':'Aric Sanders' ,'Who_Suggested':'Small Green Man','Why':'To make sure it works!', 'Conclusion':'It Does!','Data_Location':'In front of your face'} new_log.add_entry_information(0,**dictionary) print('Log Contents: using print new_log') print(new_log)'wx') def test_show(): "Tests the show() method of the XMLLog class" os.chdir(TESTS_DIRECTORY) new_log=XMLLog() print('New Log Created...') print('The Result of Show() is:') print('*'*80) entries=['1','2','Now I see!', 'Today was a good day'] for entry in entries: new_log.add_entry(entry) print( print('\n'*4) print('The Result of is:') print('*'*80) print('xml')) #the window version'wx') def test_to_HTML(): "Tests the to_HTML method of the XMLLog class" os.chdir(TESTS_DIRECTORY) new_log=XMLLog() print('New Log Created...') print('The Result of Show() is:') print('*'*80) entries=['1','2','Now I see!', 'Today was a good day'] for entry in entries: new_log.add_entry(entry) print( print('\n'*4) print('The Result of XMLLog.to_HTML(xml) is:') print('*'*80) print(new_log.to_HTML()) def test_DataTable(): """ Tests the DataTable Class""" test_data=[tuple([2*i+j for i in range(3)]) for j in range(5)] test_options={'data_table':test_data} new_table=DataTable(None,**test_options) print(new_table) test_dictionary={'Data_Description':{'x':'X Distance in microns.', 'y':'y Distance in microns.','Notes':'This data is fake'},'Data':[[1,2],[2,3]]} test_dictionary_2={'Data_Description':{'x':'x Distance in microns.', 'y':'y Distance in microns.'},'Data':[{'x':1,'y':2},{'x':2,'y':3}]} test_dictionary_3={'Data_Description':{'Column_Descriptions':{'x':'x Distance in microns.', 'y':'y Distance in microns.'}},'Data':[{'x':1,'y':2},{'x':2,'y':3}]} test_options_2={'data_dictionary':test_dictionary} test_options_3={'data_dictionary':test_dictionary_2} test_options_4={'data_dictionary':test_dictionary_3} new_table_2=DataTable(**test_options_2) new_table_3=DataTable(**test_options_3) new_table_4=DataTable(**test_options_4) print(new_table_2) print(new_table_3) print(new_table_3.to_list('x')) print(new_table_3.to_tuple_list(['x','y'])) print(new_table_3.path) new_table_3.get_header() print(new_table_4) def test_get_header(): """ Test of the get header function of the DataTable Class """ test_dictionary={'Data_Description':{'x':'X Distance in microns.', 'y':'y Distance in microns.','Notes':'This data is fake'},'Data':[[1,2],[2,3]]} new_table=DataTable(**{'data_dictionary':test_dictionary}) header=new_table.get_header() print(header) print(new_table.get_header('xml')) return True def test_open_measurement(sheet_name='Data_Table_021311_1.xml'): """Tests opening a sheet""" os.chdir(TESTS_DIRECTORY) measurement=DataTable(sheet_name) print(("The file path is {0}".format(measurement.path))) #print measurement print(measurement.get_header()) return True def test_get_attribute_names(sheet_name='Data_Table_021311_1.xml'): "Tests the get_attribute_name method of the DataTable Class" os.chdir(TESTS_DIRECTORY) measurement=DataTable(sheet_name) names=measurement.get_attribute_names() print('the names list is:',names) print('Using the names list to create a data table:') print('*'*80+'\n'+'%s %s %s'%(names[0], names[1], names[2])+'\n'+'*'*80) for index,item in enumerate(measurement.to_list(names[0])): row='' for name in names: row=measurement.to_list(name)[index] +'\t'+row print(row) def test_FileRegister(): "Tests the FileRegister Class" os.chdir(TESTS_DIRECTORY) new_file_register=FileRegister() new_file_register.add_tree(os.getcwd()) print(new_file_register) def test_Metadata(File_Registry=None,Metadata_File=None): os.chdir(TESTS_DIRECTORY) if File_Registry is None: File_Registry=os.path.join(TESTS_DIRECTORY,'Resource_Registry_20160222_001.xml') options={'file_registry':File_Registry} new_Metadata=Metadata(None,**options) print(new_Metadata.current_node_to_HTML()) def metadata_robot(file_registry=None,metadata=None): """ This robot checks for system metadata for the files in file_register and adds them to metadata without repeats (first removes old data with the same tagname). If no metadata file is given it just writes them to a file in the same folder as file_register""" if file_registry is None: os.chdir(TESTS_DIRECTORY) file_registry=r'Resource_Registry_20160518_001.xml' file_register=FileRegister(file_registry) if metadata is None: metadata_file=Metadata(file_register,**{"metadata_file":metadata}) else: metadata_file=Metadata(file_register,**{"metadata_file":metadata}) for URL in list(metadata_file.FileRegister.Id_dictionary.keys()): try: system_metadata=get_system_metadata(URL_to_path(URL)) metadata_file.get_file_node(URL) metadata_file.remove_element_in_current_node('System_Metadata') metadata_file.add_element_to_current_node(XML_tag='System_Metadata',**system_metadata) except: print('No system metadata for %s'%URL) pass try: file_metadata=get_file_metadata(URL_to_path(URL)) new_file_info_node=metadata_file.document.createElement('File_Metadata') for key,value in file_metadata.items(): new_node=metadata_file.document.createElement(key) new_text=metadata_file.document.createTextNode(str(value)) new_node.appendChild(new_text) new_file_info_node.appendChild(new_node) metadata_file.remove_element_in_current_node('File_Metadata') metadata_file.add_element_to_current_node(node=new_file_info_node) except: print('no file data for %s'%URL) pass try: image_metadata=get_image_metadata(URL_to_path(URL)) if not image_metadata is None: new_image_info_node=metadata_file.document.createElement('Image_Metadata') for key,value in image_metadata.items(): new_node=metadata_file.document.createElement(key) print(key,str(value)) print(str(value) in ['','',chr(30)]) new_text=metadata_file.document.createTextNode(str(value).replace(chr(30),'')) new_node.appendChild(new_text) new_image_info_node.appendChild(new_node) metadata_file.remove_element_in_current_node('Image_Metadata') metadata_file.add_element_to_current_node(node=new_image_info_node) print(' Image data') except: print('no image metadata for %s'%URL) pass try: python_metadata=get_python_metadata(URL_to_path(URL)) #print python_metadata metadata_file.get_file_node(URL) metadata_file.remove_element_in_current_node('Python_Docstring') metadata_file.add_element_to_current_node(XML_tag='Python_Docstring', value=str(python_metadata['Python_Docstring'])) except:pass def test_InstrumentSheet(): """ A test of the InstrumentSheet class""" instrument_sheet=InstrumentSheet(os.path.join(PYMEASURE_ROOT,'Instruments',INSTRUMENT_SHEETS[0])) tags=instrument_sheet.document.getElementsByTagName('Instrument_Type') value=[node.childNodes[0].data for node in tags] print(value) print(dir(instrument_sheet)) print(instrument_sheet.get_image_path()) print(instrument_sheet.commands) print(str(instrument_sheet.to_HTML())) def test_dictionary_to_xmlchunk(dictionary={"li":"My list Element"}): """Tests the function dictionary_to_xmlchunk""" print(("The input dicitionary is {0}".format(dictionary))) output=dictionary_to_xmlchunk(dictionary) print(("The result of dictionary_to_xmlchunk is {0}".format(output))) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Module Runner if __name__=='__main__': #test_XMLModel() test_XMLLog() #test_log_addition() #test_EndOfDayXMLLog() #test_show() #test_to_HTML() test_DataTable() #test_get_header() #test_open_measurement() #test_get_attribute_names() #test_FileRegister() #test_Metadata() #metadata_robot() #test_InstrumentSheet() test_dictionary_to_xmlchunk()
def URL_to_path(
URL, form='string')
Takes an URL and returns a path as form. Argument form may be 'string' or 'list'
def URL_to_path(URL,form='string'): """Takes an URL and returns a path as form. Argument form may be 'string' or 'list'""" path=urlparse.urlparse(URL)[2] if form in ['string', 'str', 's']: return path elif form in ['list','ls','li']: path_list=path.split('/') return path_list
def condition_URL(
Function that makes sure URL's have a / format and assigns host as local host if there is not one. Also gives paths a file protocol.
def condition_URL(URL): """ Function that makes sure URL's have a / format and assigns host as local host if there is not one. Also gives paths a file protocol.""" parsed_URL=urlparse.urlparse(URL.replace('\\','/')) if not (parsed_URL[0] in ['file','http','ftp']): parsed_URL=urlparse.urlparse('file:'+URL.replace('\\','/')) return str(urlparse.urlunparse(parsed_URL).replace('///',''))
def determine_instrument_type(
Tries to return an instrument type given an address, name, serial # or class instance
def determine_instrument_type(object): """Tries to return an instrument type given an address, name, serial # or class instance""" # attributes that normally have the type hidden in there # should be in the order of likelyhood attritbute_names=['instrument_type','address','serial','Id'] # Check to see if it is a string and then go through the possibilities if isinstance(object,StringType): return determine_instrument_type_from_string(object) # If it is a object or class look around in normal names looking for a string # to process elif isinstance(object, InstanceType) or ClassType: for attribute in attritbute_names: try: if attribute in dir(object): string=eval('object.%s'%attribute) answer=determine_instrument_type_from_string(string) if answer is None:pass else: return answer except AttributeError: try: string=object.__class__.__name__ return determine_instrument_type_from_string(string) except: pass
def determine_instrument_type_from_string(
Given a string returns the instrument type
def determine_instrument_type_from_string(string): """ Given a string returns the instrument type""" if isinstance(string,StringTypes): # Start with the easy ones for instrument_type in INSTRUMENT_TYPES: match= re.compile(instrument_type,re.IGNORECASE) if,string): return instrument_type # Now read in all the Instrument sheets and look for a match # Returning the Name in the Instrument_Type Tag instrument_folder=os.path.join(PYMEASURE_ROOT,'Instruments') for instrument_sheet in os.listdir(instrument_folder): path=os.path.join(PYMEASURE_ROOT,'Instruments',instrument_sheet) if os.path.isfile(path): f=open(path,'r') if,text): '<Instrument_Type>(?P<instrument_type>\w+)</Instrument_Type>', text) try: return'instrument_type') except:pass else: return None
def dictionary_list_to_xmlchunk(
list_of_dictionaries, level='attribute')
returns a string of xml given a list of dictionaries, level says if keys become attribute names or tag names
def dictionary_list_to_xmlchunk(list_of_dictionaries,level='attribute'): """returns a string of xml given a list of dictionaries, level says if keys become attribute names or tag names""" if not isinstance(list_of_dictionaries, list):raise xml_out="" for item in list_of_dictionaries: xml_out=xml_out+dictionary_to_xmlchunk(item,level)+"\n" return xml_out
def dictionary_to_xml(
dictionary=None, char_between='\n')
def dictionary_to_xml(dictionary=None,char_between='\n'): string_output='' for key,value in dictionary.items(): xml_open="<"+str(key)+">" xml_close="</"+str(key)+">" string_output=string_output+xml_open+str(value)+xml_close+char_between return string_output
def dictionary_to_xmlchunk(
dictionary, level='attribute')
returns a string formatted as xml when given a python dictionary
def dictionary_to_xmlchunk(dictionary, level='attribute'): "returns a string formatted as xml when given a python dictionary" if not isinstance(dictionary, dict):raise if re.match('attr',level,re.IGNORECASE): prefix="<Tuple " postfix=" />" inner="" for key,value in dictionary.items(): inner=inner+"%s='%s' "%(key,value) xml_out=prefix+inner+postfix if re.match('tag',level,re.IGNORECASE): xml_out="" for key,value in dictionary.items(): xml_out=xml_out+"<"+str(key)+">"+str(value)+"</"+str(key)+">" return xml_out
def get_XML_text(
tag_name, path=None, text=None)
Returns the text in the first tag found with tag name
def get_XML_text(tag_name,path=None,text=None): """ Returns the text in the first tag found with tag name """ if text is None: f=open(path,'r') '<%s>(?P<XML_text>\w+)</%s>'%(tag_name,tag_name), text) return'XML_text')
def join_xml(
new_root='root', xml_document_list=None, **options)
join XML returns a new XMLBase instance with nodes derived from a list of xml documents xml_list. Puts both documents under the new_root root tag
def join_xml(new_root="root",xml_document_list=None,**options): """join XML returns a new XMLBase instance with nodes derived from a list of xml documents xml_list. Puts both documents under the new_root root tag""" defaults={"root":new_root, "style_sheet":DEFAULT_STYLE, "specific_descriptor":'XML', "general_descriptor":'Document', "directory":None, "extension":'xml'} new_xml_options={} for key,value in defaults.items(): new_xml_options[key]=value for key,value in options.items(): new_xml_options[key]=value new_xml=XMLBase(None,**new_xml_options) #print new_xml if xml_document_list is None: return new_xml else: for index,xml_document in enumerate(xml_document_list): #print xml_document new_entry=xml.document.documentElement.cloneNode(True) Index_attribute=xml_document.document.createAttribute('Index') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Index_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Index',str(index)) new_xml.document.documentElement.appendChild(new_entry) return new_xml
def make_xml_element(
tag, text=None, **attribute_dictionary)
Returns an lxml.html.HtmlElement given a tag, content and attribute dictionary
def make_xml_element(tag,text=None,**attribute_dictionary): """Returns an lxml.html.HtmlElement given a tag, content and attribute dictionary <tag key1="value2" key2="value2">content</tag> """ position_arguments=[tag] if text: position_arguments.append(text) new_tag=lxml.builder.E(*position_arguments,**attribute_dictionary) return new_tag
def make_xml_string(
tag, text=None, **attribute_dictionary)
Returns the html string for tag, content and attribute dictionary
def make_xml_string(tag,text=None,**attribute_dictionary): """Returns the html string for tag, content and attribute dictionary <tag key1="value2" key2="value2">content</tag> """ position_arguments=[tag] if text: position_arguments.append(text) new_tag=lxml.builder.E(*position_arguments,**attribute_dictionary) try: out_text = lxml.etree.tostring(new_tag).decode() except: out_text=lxml.etree.tostring(new_tag) return out_text
def metadata_robot(
file_registry=None, metadata=None)
This robot checks for system metadata for the files in file_register and adds them to metadata without repeats (first removes old data with the same tagname). If no metadata file is given it just writes them to a file in the same folder as file_register
def metadata_robot(file_registry=None,metadata=None): """ This robot checks for system metadata for the files in file_register and adds them to metadata without repeats (first removes old data with the same tagname). If no metadata file is given it just writes them to a file in the same folder as file_register""" if file_registry is None: os.chdir(TESTS_DIRECTORY) file_registry=r'Resource_Registry_20160518_001.xml' file_register=FileRegister(file_registry) if metadata is None: metadata_file=Metadata(file_register,**{"metadata_file":metadata}) else: metadata_file=Metadata(file_register,**{"metadata_file":metadata}) for URL in list(metadata_file.FileRegister.Id_dictionary.keys()): try: system_metadata=get_system_metadata(URL_to_path(URL)) metadata_file.get_file_node(URL) metadata_file.remove_element_in_current_node('System_Metadata') metadata_file.add_element_to_current_node(XML_tag='System_Metadata',**system_metadata) except: print('No system metadata for %s'%URL) pass try: file_metadata=get_file_metadata(URL_to_path(URL)) new_file_info_node=metadata_file.document.createElement('File_Metadata') for key,value in file_metadata.items(): new_node=metadata_file.document.createElement(key) new_text=metadata_file.document.createTextNode(str(value)) new_node.appendChild(new_text) new_file_info_node.appendChild(new_node) metadata_file.remove_element_in_current_node('File_Metadata') metadata_file.add_element_to_current_node(node=new_file_info_node) except: print('no file data for %s'%URL) pass try: image_metadata=get_image_metadata(URL_to_path(URL)) if not image_metadata is None: new_image_info_node=metadata_file.document.createElement('Image_Metadata') for key,value in image_metadata.items(): new_node=metadata_file.document.createElement(key) print(key,str(value)) print(str(value) in ['','',chr(30)]) new_text=metadata_file.document.createTextNode(str(value).replace(chr(30),'')) new_node.appendChild(new_text) new_image_info_node.appendChild(new_node) metadata_file.remove_element_in_current_node('Image_Metadata') metadata_file.add_element_to_current_node(node=new_image_info_node) print(' Image data') except: print('no image metadata for %s'%URL) pass try: python_metadata=get_python_metadata(URL_to_path(URL)) #print python_metadata metadata_file.get_file_node(URL) metadata_file.remove_element_in_current_node('Python_Docstring') metadata_file.add_element_to_current_node(XML_tag='Python_Docstring', value=str(python_metadata['Python_Docstring'])) except:pass
def test_DataTable(
Tests the DataTable Class
def test_DataTable(): """ Tests the DataTable Class""" test_data=[tuple([2*i+j for i in range(3)]) for j in range(5)] test_options={'data_table':test_data} new_table=DataTable(None,**test_options) print(new_table) test_dictionary={'Data_Description':{'x':'X Distance in microns.', 'y':'y Distance in microns.','Notes':'This data is fake'},'Data':[[1,2],[2,3]]} test_dictionary_2={'Data_Description':{'x':'x Distance in microns.', 'y':'y Distance in microns.'},'Data':[{'x':1,'y':2},{'x':2,'y':3}]} test_dictionary_3={'Data_Description':{'Column_Descriptions':{'x':'x Distance in microns.', 'y':'y Distance in microns.'}},'Data':[{'x':1,'y':2},{'x':2,'y':3}]} test_options_2={'data_dictionary':test_dictionary} test_options_3={'data_dictionary':test_dictionary_2} test_options_4={'data_dictionary':test_dictionary_3} new_table_2=DataTable(**test_options_2) new_table_3=DataTable(**test_options_3) new_table_4=DataTable(**test_options_4) print(new_table_2) print(new_table_3) print(new_table_3.to_list('x')) print(new_table_3.to_tuple_list(['x','y'])) print(new_table_3.path) new_table_3.get_header() print(new_table_4)
def test_EndOfDayXMLLog(
Script to test that daily logs work properly
def test_EndOfDayXMLLog(): """ Script to test that daily logs work properly""" os.chdir(TESTS_DIRECTORY) print('Creating New Log..\n') new_log=EndOfDayXMLLog() print('Log Contents Upon Creation: using print new_log') print(new_log) print('\n') print(('The New Log\'s path is %s'%new_log.path)) print('Add an entry using new_log.add_entry("This is a test")') new_log.add_entry("This is a test") print('Add an entry using new_log.add_entry_information(1,dictionary)') dictionary={'Actions':'I tested EndofDayLog()','Who_Did':'Aric Sanders' ,'Who_Suggested':'Small Green Man','Why':'To make sure it works!', 'Conclusion':'It Does!','Data_Location':'In front of your face'} new_log.add_entry_information(0,**dictionary) print('Log Contents: using print new_log') print(new_log)
def test_FileRegister(
Tests the FileRegister Class
def test_FileRegister(): "Tests the FileRegister Class" os.chdir(TESTS_DIRECTORY) new_file_register=FileRegister() new_file_register.add_tree(os.getcwd()) print(new_file_register)
def test_InstrumentSheet(
A test of the InstrumentSheet class
def test_InstrumentSheet(): """ A test of the InstrumentSheet class""" instrument_sheet=InstrumentSheet(os.path.join(PYMEASURE_ROOT,'Instruments',INSTRUMENT_SHEETS[0])) tags=instrument_sheet.document.getElementsByTagName('Instrument_Type') value=[node.childNodes[0].data for node in tags] print(value) print(dir(instrument_sheet)) print(instrument_sheet.get_image_path()) print(instrument_sheet.commands) print(str(instrument_sheet.to_HTML()))
def test_Metadata(
File_Registry=None, Metadata_File=None)
def test_Metadata(File_Registry=None,Metadata_File=None): os.chdir(TESTS_DIRECTORY) if File_Registry is None: File_Registry=os.path.join(TESTS_DIRECTORY,'Resource_Registry_20160222_001.xml') options={'file_registry':File_Registry} new_Metadata=Metadata(None,**options) print(new_Metadata.current_node_to_HTML())
def test_XMLLog(
def test_XMLLog(): print('Creating New Log..\n') os.chdir(TESTS_DIRECTORY) new_log=XMLLog() print('Log Contents Upon Creation: using print new_log') print(new_log) print('\n') print(('The New Log\'s path is %s'%new_log.path)) print('Add an entry using new_log.add_entry("This is a test")') new_log.add_entry("This is a test") print('Log Contents: using print new_log') print(new_log)
def test_XMLModel(
test_new=True, test_existing=False)
a test of the XMLBase class
def test_XMLModel(test_new=True,test_existing=False): """ a test of the XMLBase class """ if test_new: print("Begin Test of a New XML sheet \n") os.chdir(TESTS_DIRECTORY) new_xml=XMLBase(None,**{'style_sheet':'../XSL/DEFAULT_STYLE.xsl'}) print("The New Sheet has been created as new_xml \n") print(('*'*80)) print(("The New File Path is {0}".format(os.path.join(TESTS_DIRECTORY,new_xml.path)))) print(('*'*80)) print("The result of print new_xml") print(new_xml) print(('*'*80)) print("The result of new_xml.to_HTML()") print(new_xml.to_HTML()) print(('*'*80)) print("The result of new_xml.options") print(new_xml.options) print(('*'*80)) print("The new_xml has been saved") if test_existing: print("Begin Test of a Preexisting XML sheet \n") os.chdir(TESTS_DIRECTORY) new_xml=XMLBase('Data_Table_021311_1.xml',**{'style_sheet':'../XSL/DEFAULT_STYLE.xsl'}) print("The New Sheet has been created as new_xml \n") print(('*'*80)) print(("The New File Path is {0}".format(os.path.join(TESTS_DIRECTORY,new_xml.path)))) print(('*'*80)) print("The result of print new_xml") print(new_xml) print(('*'*80)) print("The result of new_xml.to_HTML()") print(new_xml.to_HTML()) print(('*'*80)) print("The result of new_xml.options") print(new_xml.options) print(('*'*80)) print("The new_xml has been saved")
def test_dictionary_to_xmlchunk(
dictionary={'li': 'My list Element'})
Tests the function dictionary_to_xmlchunk
def test_dictionary_to_xmlchunk(dictionary={"li":"My list Element"}): """Tests the function dictionary_to_xmlchunk""" print(("The input dicitionary is {0}".format(dictionary))) output=dictionary_to_xmlchunk(dictionary) print(("The result of dictionary_to_xmlchunk is {0}".format(output)))
def test_get_attribute_names(
Tests the get_attribute_name method of the DataTable Class
def test_get_attribute_names(sheet_name='Data_Table_021311_1.xml'): "Tests the get_attribute_name method of the DataTable Class" os.chdir(TESTS_DIRECTORY) measurement=DataTable(sheet_name) names=measurement.get_attribute_names() print('the names list is:',names) print('Using the names list to create a data table:') print('*'*80+'\n'+'%s %s %s'%(names[0], names[1], names[2])+'\n'+'*'*80) for index,item in enumerate(measurement.to_list(names[0])): row='' for name in names: row=measurement.to_list(name)[index] +'\t'+row print(row)
def test_get_header(
Test of the get header function of the DataTable Class
def test_get_header(): """ Test of the get header function of the DataTable Class """ test_dictionary={'Data_Description':{'x':'X Distance in microns.', 'y':'y Distance in microns.','Notes':'This data is fake'},'Data':[[1,2],[2,3]]} new_table=DataTable(**{'data_dictionary':test_dictionary}) header=new_table.get_header() print(header) print(new_table.get_header('xml')) return True
def test_log_addition(
Script to develop test the add attribute for the class XMLLog
def test_log_addition(): """ Script to develop test the __add__ attribute for the class XMLLog""" # First we want to know how a copy works os.chdir(TESTS_DIRECTORY) import time log_1=XMLLog() log_1.add_entry("I am Log Number One") time.sleep(.3) log_2=XMLLog() log_2.add_entry("I am Log Number 2") print('Log_1 Contents: using print') print(log_1) print('Log_2 Contents: using print') print(log_2) print('Log_1+Log_2 Contents: using print') print(log_1+log_2)
def test_open_measurement(
Tests opening a sheet
def test_open_measurement(sheet_name='Data_Table_021311_1.xml'): """Tests opening a sheet""" os.chdir(TESTS_DIRECTORY) measurement=DataTable(sheet_name) print(("The file path is {0}".format(measurement.path))) #print measurement print(measurement.get_header()) return True
def test_show(
Tests the show() method of the XMLLog class
def test_show(): "Tests the show() method of the XMLLog class" os.chdir(TESTS_DIRECTORY) new_log=XMLLog() print('New Log Created...') print('The Result of Show() is:') print('*'*80) entries=['1','2','Now I see!', 'Today was a good day'] for entry in entries: new_log.add_entry(entry) print( print('\n'*4) print('The Result of is:') print('*'*80) print('xml')) #the window version'wx')
def test_to_HTML(
Tests the to_HTML method of the XMLLog class
def test_to_HTML(): "Tests the to_HTML method of the XMLLog class" os.chdir(TESTS_DIRECTORY) new_log=XMLLog() print('New Log Created...') print('The Result of Show() is:') print('*'*80) entries=['1','2','Now I see!', 'Today was a good day'] for entry in entries: new_log.add_entry(entry) print( print('\n'*4) print('The Result of XMLLog.to_HTML(xml) is:') print('*'*80) print(new_log.to_HTML())
class ChangeXMLLog
A XMLLog for storing changes to a program
class ChangeXMLLog(XMLLog): """ A XMLLog for storing changes to a program""" def __init__(self,path=None,program_name=None): XMLLog.__init__(self,path) # set the description element if it is a new log if path is None: self.add_ChangeXMLLog_description(program_name) def add_ChangeXMLLog_description(self,program_name=None): """ Adds a description of the change log as element Index=-1""" if program_name is None: program_name='a program' description="""This is a change log for %s. It consists of entries with a date attribute, an Index attribute that is a simple integer, and text describing the changes made to %s."""%(program_name,program_name) self.add_description(description)
Ancestors (in MRO)
Instance variables
def __init__(
self, path=None, program_name=None)
Intializes the XMLLog
def __init__(self,path=None,program_name=None): XMLLog.__init__(self,path) # set the description element if it is a new log if path is None: self.add_ChangeXMLLog_description(program_name)
def add_ChangeXMLLog_description(
self, program_name=None)
Adds a description of the change log as element Index=-1
def add_ChangeXMLLog_description(self,program_name=None): """ Adds a description of the change log as element Index=-1""" if program_name is None: program_name='a program' description="""This is a change log for %s. It consists of entries with a date attribute, an Index attribute that is a simple integer, and text describing the changes made to %s."""%(program_name,program_name) self.add_description(description)
def add_description(
self, description=None)
Adds an entry with Index='-1' which holds data about the log itself
def add_description(self,description=None): """ Adds an entry with Index='-1' which holds data about the log itself""" root=self.document.documentElement new_entry=self.document.createElement('Entry') if not description is None: text_node=self.document.createTextNode(description) new_entry.appendChild(text_node) # Add the Index attribute to the new entry Index_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('Index') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Index_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Index',str(-1)) # Add the Date attribute, this is the time when the entry was logged date=datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() Date_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('Date') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Date_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Date',str(date)) # Now append the new Child root.appendChild(new_entry) self.update_Index_node_dictionary()
def add_entry(
self, entry=None)
Adds an entry element to the current log
def add_entry(self,entry=None): """ Adds an entry element to the current log""" root=self.document.documentElement if entry is None: new_entry=self.document.createElement('Entry') value='' elif isinstance(entry, str): if'<Entry>(.)+</Entry>',entry): new_document=xml.dom.minidom.parseString(entry) new_entry=new_document.documentElement else: new_document=xml.dom.minidom.parseString('<Entry>' +entry+'</Entry>') new_entry=new_document.documentElement else: new_entry=entry # Find the max of Index's and add 1 to make a new Index if len(self.Index_node_dictionary)==0: new_Index='1' else: max_Index=max([int(Index) for Index in list(self.Index_node_dictionary.keys())]) new_Index=str(max_Index+1) # Add the Index attribute to the new entry Index_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('Index') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Index_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Index',str(new_Index)) if new_entry.getAttribute('Date'): pass else: # Add the Date attribute, this is the time when the entry was logged date=datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() Date_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('Date') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Date_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Date',str(date)) # Now append the new Child root.appendChild(new_entry) self.update_Index_node_dictionary() try: value=new_entry.childNodes[0].data except: value='' self.current_entry={'Tag':'Entry','Value':value,'Index':new_entry.getAttribute('Index'), 'Date':new_entry.getAttribute('Date')}
def current_entry_to_HTML(
self, XSLT=None)
Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document
def current_entry_to_HTML(self,XSLT=None): """ Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document""" if XSLT is None: XSLT=self.options['entry_style_sheet'] XSL_data=etree.parse(XSLT) XSL_transform=etree.XSLT(XSL_data) current_entry_XML=self.Index_node_dictionary[self.current_entry['Index']] HTML=XSL_transform(etree.XML(current_entry_XML.toxml())) return HTML
def edit_entry(
self, old_Index, new_value=None, new_Index=None, new_Date=None)
Edits and existing entry by replacing the existing values with new ones
def edit_entry(self,old_Index,new_value=None,new_Index=None,new_Date=None): """Edits and existing entry by replacing the existing values with new ones""" node=self.get_entry(str(old_Index)) if not new_value is None: new_text_node=self.document.createTextNode(new_value) try: old_text_node=node.childNodes[0] node.removeChild(old_text_node) except: pass node.appendChild(new_text_node) elif not new_Index is None: node.setAttribute('Index',new_Index) elif not new_Date is None: node.setAttribute('Date',new_Date) self.current_entry={'Tag':'Entry','Value':node.childNodes[0].data,'Index':node.getAttribute('Index'), 'Date':node.getAttribute('Date')}
def get_entry(
self, Index)
Returns the entry selcted by Index
def get_entry(self,Index): """ Returns the entry selcted by Index""" return self.Index_node_dictionary[str(Index)]
def get_table(
Returns the XML data as a list of python dictionaries
def get_table(self): "Returns the XML data as a list of python dictionaries" node_list=self.document.getElementsByTagName("Entry") table=[{"Index": node.getAttribute("Index"), "Date": node.getAttribute("Date"), "Entry": node.childNodes[0].nodeValue} for node in node_list] return table
def next_entry(
Sets current entry to the one after
def next_entry(self): """Sets current entry to the one after""" if len(self.current_entry)>0: Index=int(self.current_entry['Index']) else: return new_Index=Index+1 try: self.set_current_entry(new_Index) except KeyError: Indices=[int(x) for x in list(self.Index_node_dictionary.keys())] if max(Indices)>Index: Indices.sort() new_Index=Indices[Indices.index(Index)+1] else: Indices.remove(Index) new_Index=min(Indices) self.set_current_entry(new_Index)
def previous_entry(
Sets current entry to the one before
def previous_entry(self): """Sets current entry to the one before""" if len(self.current_entry)>0: Index=int(self.current_entry['Index']) else: return new_Index=Index-1 try: self.set_current_entry(new_Index) except KeyError: Indices=[int(x) for x in list(self.Index_node_dictionary.keys())] if min(Indices)<Index: Indices.sort() new_Index=Indices[Indices.index(Index)-1] else: Indices.remove(Index) if len(Indices)>0: new_Index=max(Indices) else: new_Index=Index self.set_current_entry(new_Index)
def remove_entry(
self, Index)
Removes the entry using the Index attribute
def remove_entry(self,Index): """ Removes the entry using the Index attribute""" root=self.document.documentElement root.removeChild(self.Index_node_dictionary[Index]) self.update_Index_node_dictionary()
def save(
self, path=None)
" Saves as an XML file
def save(self,path=None): """" Saves as an XML file""" if path is None: path=self.path file_out=open(path,'w') file_out.write(str(self)) file_out.close()
def save_HTML(
self, file_path=None, XSLT=None)
Saves a HTML transformation of the XML document using XLST at file_path. Defaults to an XLST in self.options["XSLT"] and file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html')
def save_HTML(self,file_path=None,XSLT=None): """Saves a HTML transformation of the XML document using XLST at file_path. Defaults to an XLST in self.options["XSLT"] and file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html')""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] HTML=self.to_HTML(XSLT=XSLT) #print type(HTML) if file_path is None: file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html') out_file=open(file_path,'w') out_file.write(HTML) out_file.close()
def set_current_entry(
self, Index=-1)
Sets self.current_entry
def set_current_entry(self,Index=-1): """Sets self.current_entry """ entry=self.Index_node_dictionary[str(Index)] try: value=entry.childNodes[0].data except: value='' self.current_entry={'Tag':'Entry','Value':value,'Index':entry.getAttribute('Index'), 'Date':entry.getAttribute('Date')}
def show(
self, mode='text')
Displays a XMLLog either as formatted text in the command line or in a window (using wx)
def show(self,mode='text'): """ Displays a XMLLog either as formatted text in the command line or in a window (using wx)""" def tag_to_tagName(tag): tagName=tag.replace('<','') tagName=tagName.replace('/','') tagName=tagName.replace('>','') return tagName if mode in ['text','txt','cmd line','cmd']: for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print('Entry Index: %s \tDate: %s'%(node.getAttribute('Index'), node.getAttribute('Date'))) print(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif'xml',mode,re.IGNORECASE): for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print(node.toprettyxml()) elif'Window|wx',mode,re.IGNORECASE): try: import wx import wx.html except: print('Cannot locate wx, please add to sys.path') app = wx.App(False) frame=wx.Frame(None) html_window=wx.html.HtmlWindow(frame) html_window.SetPage(str(self.to_HTML())) frame.Show() app.MainLoop()
def to_HTML(
self, XSLT=None)
Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document
def to_HTML(self,XSLT=None): """ Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] XSL_data=etree.parse(XSLT) XSL_transform=etree.XSLT(XSL_data) HTML=XSL_transform(etree.XML(self.document.toxml())) return str(HTML)
def update_Index_node_dictionary(
Re-Returns the attribute self.Index_node_dictionary, using the current definition of self.document
def update_Index_node_dictionary(self): """ Re-Returns the attribute self.Index_node_dictionary, using the current definition of self.document""" self.Index_node_dictionary=dict([(str(node.getAttribute('Index')), node) for node in \ self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry')])
def update_document(
Updates the attribute document from the self.etree.
def update_document(self): """Updates the attribute document from the self.etree. """ self.document=xml.dom.minidom.parseString(etree.tostring(self.etree))
def update_etree(
Updates the attribute etree. Should be called anytime the xml content is changed
def update_etree(self): "Updates the attribute etree. Should be called anytime the xml content is changed" self.etree = etree.fromstring(self.document.toxml())
class DataTable
This is a XML data table class with an optional description
class DataTable(XMLBase): """ This is a XML data table class with an optional description""" def __init__(self,file_path=None,**options): """ Intializes the DataTable Class. Passing **{'data_table':[mylist]} Returns a table with x1 and x2 as column names. Passing **{'data_dictionary':{'Data_Description':{'Tag':'Text',etc}, 'Data':[{'x':1,'y':2},{'x':2,'y':3}] """ # the general idea is <Data_Description/><Data><Tuple i=''/></Data> # This is a general pattern for adding a lot of options # The next more advanced thing to do is retrieve defaults from a settings file defaults={"root":"Data_Table", "style_sheet":DEFAULT_MEASUREMENT_STYLE, "specific_descriptor":'Data', "general_descriptor":'Table', "directory":None, "extension":'xml' } self.options={} for key,value in defaults.items(): self.options[key]=value for key,value in options.items(): self.options[key]=value XMLBase.__init__(self,file_path,**self.options) try: data_table=self.options['data_table'] if len(data_table)>0: data_node=self.list_to_XML(data_table) self.document.documentElement.appendChild(data_node) except: pass try: data_dictionary=self.options['data_dictionary'] if len(data_dictionary)>0: for key,value in data_dictionary.items(): # This hanldes Tag:Text dictionaries if'description',key,re.IGNORECASE): #This is the flat dictionary handling code {"Data_Description:{key:value}} #Need one that is {"Data_Description":{"Context":{key:value}}} new_entry=self.document.createElement(key) for tag,element_text in value.items(): if isinstance(element_text, DictionaryType): new_tag=self.document.createElement(tag) new_entry.appendChild(new_tag) for inner_tag,inner_element_text in element_text.items(): new_inner_tag=self.document.createElement(inner_tag) new_inner_text=self.document.createTextNode(inner_element_text) new_inner_tag.appendChild(new_inner_text) new_tag.appendChild(new_inner_tag) else: new_tag=self.document.createElement(tag) new_text=self.document.createTextNode(element_text) new_tag.appendChild(new_text) new_entry.appendChild(new_tag) self.document.documentElement.appendChild(new_entry) if'data',key,re.IGNORECASE) and not'Description',key,re.IGNORECASE): new_entry=self.list_to_XML(value) self.document.documentElement.appendChild(new_entry) except:pass self.attribute_names=self.get_attribute_names() node_list=self.document.getElementsByTagName('Tuple')[[node.getAttribute(attribute_name) for attribute_name in self.attribute_names] for node in node_list] def list_to_XML(self,data_list): """ Converts a list to XML document""" data_node=self.document.createElement('Data') #self.document.documentElement.appendChild(data_node) for row in data_list: if isinstance(row,(list,tuple)): new_entry=self.document.createElement('Tuple') for j,datum in enumerate(row): x_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('X%s'%j) new_entry.setAttributeNode(x_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('X%s'%j,str(datum)) data_node.appendChild(new_entry) elif isinstance(row, DictionaryType): new_entry=self.document.createElement('Tuple') for key,datum in row.items(): x_attribute=self.document.createAttribute(key) new_entry.setAttributeNode(x_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute(key,str(datum)) data_node.appendChild(new_entry) return data_node def get_attribute_names(self): """ Returns the attribute names in the first tuple element in the 'data' element """ attribute_names=[] data_nodes=self.document.getElementsByTagName('Data') #print("{0} is {1}".format("data_nodes",data_nodes)) first_tuple_node=data_nodes[0].childNodes[1] text=first_tuple_node.toprettyxml() text_list=text.split(' ') #print(text_list) for item in text_list: try:'(?P<attribute_name>\w+)=',item)'attribute_name') #print(name) attribute_names.append(name) except:pass return attribute_names def to_list(self,attribute_name): """ Outputs the data as a list given a data column (attribute) name""" try: node_list=self.document.getElementsByTagName('Tuple') data_list=[node.getAttribute(attribute_name) for node in node_list] return data_list except: return None def to_tuple_list(self,attribute_names=None): """ Returns a list of tuples for the specified list of attribute names""" if not attribute_names: attribute_names=self.get_attribute_names() try: node_list=self.document.getElementsByTagName('Tuple') data_list=[tuple([node.getAttribute(attribute_name) for attribute_name in attribute_names]) for node in node_list] return data_list except: return None def get_header(self,style='txt'): """ Returns a header from the data description if there is one""" try: node_list=self.document.getElementsByTagName('Data_Description') data_description=node_list[0] out='' if style in ['txt','text','ascii']: for child in data_description.childNodes: try: out=out+'%s: %s'%(child.nodeName,child.firstChild.nodeValue)+'\n' except:pass return out elif'xml',style,flags=re.IGNORECASE): out=data_description.toprettyxml() return out except: raise
Ancestors (in MRO)
Instance variables
var attribute_names
var data
def __init__(
self, file_path=None, **options)
Intializes the DataTable Class. Passing {'data_table':[mylist]} Returns a table with x1 and x2 as column names. Passing {'data_dictionary':{'Data_Description':{'Tag':'Text',etc}, 'Data':[{'x':1,'y':2},{'x':2,'y':3}]
def __init__(self,file_path=None,**options): """ Intializes the DataTable Class. Passing **{'data_table':[mylist]} Returns a table with x1 and x2 as column names. Passing **{'data_dictionary':{'Data_Description':{'Tag':'Text',etc}, 'Data':[{'x':1,'y':2},{'x':2,'y':3}] """ # the general idea is <Data_Description/><Data><Tuple i=''/></Data> # This is a general pattern for adding a lot of options # The next more advanced thing to do is retrieve defaults from a settings file defaults={"root":"Data_Table", "style_sheet":DEFAULT_MEASUREMENT_STYLE, "specific_descriptor":'Data', "general_descriptor":'Table', "directory":None, "extension":'xml' } self.options={} for key,value in defaults.items(): self.options[key]=value for key,value in options.items(): self.options[key]=value XMLBase.__init__(self,file_path,**self.options) try: data_table=self.options['data_table'] if len(data_table)>0: data_node=self.list_to_XML(data_table) self.document.documentElement.appendChild(data_node) except: pass try: data_dictionary=self.options['data_dictionary'] if len(data_dictionary)>0: for key,value in data_dictionary.items(): # This hanldes Tag:Text dictionaries if'description',key,re.IGNORECASE): #This is the flat dictionary handling code {"Data_Description:{key:value}} #Need one that is {"Data_Description":{"Context":{key:value}}} new_entry=self.document.createElement(key) for tag,element_text in value.items(): if isinstance(element_text, DictionaryType): new_tag=self.document.createElement(tag) new_entry.appendChild(new_tag) for inner_tag,inner_element_text in element_text.items(): new_inner_tag=self.document.createElement(inner_tag) new_inner_text=self.document.createTextNode(inner_element_text) new_inner_tag.appendChild(new_inner_text) new_tag.appendChild(new_inner_tag) else: new_tag=self.document.createElement(tag) new_text=self.document.createTextNode(element_text) new_tag.appendChild(new_text) new_entry.appendChild(new_tag) self.document.documentElement.appendChild(new_entry) if'data',key,re.IGNORECASE) and not'Description',key,re.IGNORECASE): new_entry=self.list_to_XML(value) self.document.documentElement.appendChild(new_entry) except:pass self.attribute_names=self.get_attribute_names() node_list=self.document.getElementsByTagName('Tuple')[[node.getAttribute(attribute_name) for attribute_name in self.attribute_names] for node in node_list]
def get_attribute_names(
Returns the attribute names in the first tuple element in the 'data' element
def get_attribute_names(self): """ Returns the attribute names in the first tuple element in the 'data' element """ attribute_names=[] data_nodes=self.document.getElementsByTagName('Data') #print("{0} is {1}".format("data_nodes",data_nodes)) first_tuple_node=data_nodes[0].childNodes[1] text=first_tuple_node.toprettyxml() text_list=text.split(' ') #print(text_list) for item in text_list: try:'(?P<attribute_name>\w+)=',item)'attribute_name') #print(name) attribute_names.append(name) except:pass return attribute_names
def get_header(
self, style='txt')
Returns a header from the data description if there is one
def get_header(self,style='txt'): """ Returns a header from the data description if there is one""" try: node_list=self.document.getElementsByTagName('Data_Description') data_description=node_list[0] out='' if style in ['txt','text','ascii']: for child in data_description.childNodes: try: out=out+'%s: %s'%(child.nodeName,child.firstChild.nodeValue)+'\n' except:pass return out elif'xml',style,flags=re.IGNORECASE): out=data_description.toprettyxml() return out except: raise
def list_to_XML(
self, data_list)
Converts a list to XML document
def list_to_XML(self,data_list): """ Converts a list to XML document""" data_node=self.document.createElement('Data') #self.document.documentElement.appendChild(data_node) for row in data_list: if isinstance(row,(list,tuple)): new_entry=self.document.createElement('Tuple') for j,datum in enumerate(row): x_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('X%s'%j) new_entry.setAttributeNode(x_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('X%s'%j,str(datum)) data_node.appendChild(new_entry) elif isinstance(row, DictionaryType): new_entry=self.document.createElement('Tuple') for key,datum in row.items(): x_attribute=self.document.createAttribute(key) new_entry.setAttributeNode(x_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute(key,str(datum)) data_node.appendChild(new_entry) return data_node
def save(
self, path=None)
" Saves as an XML file
def save(self,path=None): """" Saves as an XML file""" if path is None: path=self.path file_out=open(path,'w') file_out.write(str(self)) file_out.close()
def save_HTML(
self, file_path=None, XSLT=None)
Saves a HTML transformation of the XML document using XLST at file_path. Defaults to an XLST in self.options["XSLT"] and file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html')
def save_HTML(self,file_path=None,XSLT=None): """Saves a HTML transformation of the XML document using XLST at file_path. Defaults to an XLST in self.options["XSLT"] and file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html')""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] HTML=self.to_HTML(XSLT=XSLT) #print type(HTML) if file_path is None: file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html') out_file=open(file_path,'w') out_file.write(HTML) out_file.close()
def show(
self, mode='Window')
Displays a XML Document either as formatted text in the command line or in a window (using wx)
def show(self,mode='Window'): """ Displays a XML Document either as formatted text in the command line or in a window (using wx)""" def tag_to_tagName(tag): tagName=tag.replace('<','') tagName=tagName.replace('/','') tagName=tagName.replace('>','') return tagName if mode in ['text','txt','cmd line','cmd']: for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print('Entry Index: %s \tDate: %s'%(node.getAttribute('Index'), node.getAttribute('Date'))) print(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif'xml',mode,re.IGNORECASE): for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print(node.toprettyxml()) elif'Window|wx',mode,re.IGNORECASE): try: import wx import wx.html2 except: print('Cannot locate wx, please add to sys.path') app = wx.App(False) frame=wx.Frame(None) html_window=wx.html2.WebView.New(frame) html_window.SetPage(str(self.to_HTML()),"") frame.Show() app.MainLoop()
def to_HTML(
self, XSLT=None)
Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document
def to_HTML(self,XSLT=None): """ Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] XSL_data=etree.parse(XSLT) XSL_transform=etree.XSLT(XSL_data) HTML=XSL_transform(etree.XML(self.document.toxml())) return str(HTML)
def to_list(
self, attribute_name)
Outputs the data as a list given a data column (attribute) name
def to_list(self,attribute_name): """ Outputs the data as a list given a data column (attribute) name""" try: node_list=self.document.getElementsByTagName('Tuple') data_list=[node.getAttribute(attribute_name) for node in node_list] return data_list except: return None
def to_tuple_list(
self, attribute_names=None)
Returns a list of tuples for the specified list of attribute names
def to_tuple_list(self,attribute_names=None): """ Returns a list of tuples for the specified list of attribute names""" if not attribute_names: attribute_names=self.get_attribute_names() try: node_list=self.document.getElementsByTagName('Tuple') data_list=[tuple([node.getAttribute(attribute_name) for attribute_name in attribute_names]) for node in node_list] return data_list except: return None
def update_document(
Updates the attribute document from the self.etree.
def update_document(self): """Updates the attribute document from the self.etree. """ self.document=xml.dom.minidom.parseString(etree.tostring(self.etree))
def update_etree(
Updates the attribute etree. Should be called anytime the xml content is changed
def update_etree(self): "Updates the attribute etree. Should be called anytime the xml content is changed" self.etree = etree.fromstring(self.document.toxml())
class EndOfDayXMLLog
A XMLLog for storing notes about daily activities
class EndOfDayXMLLog(XMLLog): """ A XMLLog for storing notes about daily activities""" def __init__(self,path=None,**options): defaults={"style_sheet":os.path.join(XSLT_REPOSITORY,'DEFAULT_END_OF_DAY_LOG_STYLE.xsl').replace('\\','/')} self.options={} for key,value in defaults.items(): self.options[key]=value for key,value in options.items(): self.options[key]=value XMLLog.__init__(self,path,**self.options) if path is None: self.add_EndOfDayXMLLog_description() self.information_tags=['Actions','Who_Did','Who_Suggested','Why','Conclusion','Data_Location'] def add_entry_information(self,Index=None,**entry): """ Adds a log specific entry takes a dicitionary in the form {'tag':value,..} this does not add atributes""" if Index is None: self.add_entry() Index=self.current_entry['Index'] try: node=self.get_entry(Index) except: raise for tag,value in entry.items(): new_element=self.document.createElement(tag) new_text=self.document.createTextNode(str(value)) new_element.appendChild(new_text) node.appendChild(new_element) def add_EndOfDayXMLLog_description(self,program_name=None): """ Adds a description of the log as element Index=-1""" description="""This is a End of day log. It consists of entries with a date attribute, an Index attribute that is a simple integer, and xml tags describing daily activities""" self.add_description(description)
Ancestors (in MRO)
Instance variables
def __init__(
self, path=None, **options)
Intializes the XMLLog
def __init__(self,path=None,**options): defaults={"style_sheet":os.path.join(XSLT_REPOSITORY,'DEFAULT_END_OF_DAY_LOG_STYLE.xsl').replace('\\','/')} self.options={} for key,value in defaults.items(): self.options[key]=value for key,value in options.items(): self.options[key]=value XMLLog.__init__(self,path,**self.options) if path is None: self.add_EndOfDayXMLLog_description() self.information_tags=['Actions','Who_Did','Who_Suggested','Why','Conclusion','Data_Location']
def add_EndOfDayXMLLog_description(
self, program_name=None)
Adds a description of the log as element Index=-1
def add_EndOfDayXMLLog_description(self,program_name=None): """ Adds a description of the log as element Index=-1""" description="""This is a End of day log. It consists of entries with a date attribute, an Index attribute that is a simple integer, and xml tags describing daily activities""" self.add_description(description)
def add_description(
self, description=None)
Adds an entry with Index='-1' which holds data about the log itself
def add_description(self,description=None): """ Adds an entry with Index='-1' which holds data about the log itself""" root=self.document.documentElement new_entry=self.document.createElement('Entry') if not description is None: text_node=self.document.createTextNode(description) new_entry.appendChild(text_node) # Add the Index attribute to the new entry Index_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('Index') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Index_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Index',str(-1)) # Add the Date attribute, this is the time when the entry was logged date=datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() Date_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('Date') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Date_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Date',str(date)) # Now append the new Child root.appendChild(new_entry) self.update_Index_node_dictionary()
def add_entry(
self, entry=None)
Adds an entry element to the current log
def add_entry(self,entry=None): """ Adds an entry element to the current log""" root=self.document.documentElement if entry is None: new_entry=self.document.createElement('Entry') value='' elif isinstance(entry, str): if'<Entry>(.)+</Entry>',entry): new_document=xml.dom.minidom.parseString(entry) new_entry=new_document.documentElement else: new_document=xml.dom.minidom.parseString('<Entry>' +entry+'</Entry>') new_entry=new_document.documentElement else: new_entry=entry # Find the max of Index's and add 1 to make a new Index if len(self.Index_node_dictionary)==0: new_Index='1' else: max_Index=max([int(Index) for Index in list(self.Index_node_dictionary.keys())]) new_Index=str(max_Index+1) # Add the Index attribute to the new entry Index_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('Index') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Index_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Index',str(new_Index)) if new_entry.getAttribute('Date'): pass else: # Add the Date attribute, this is the time when the entry was logged date=datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() Date_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('Date') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Date_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Date',str(date)) # Now append the new Child root.appendChild(new_entry) self.update_Index_node_dictionary() try: value=new_entry.childNodes[0].data except: value='' self.current_entry={'Tag':'Entry','Value':value,'Index':new_entry.getAttribute('Index'), 'Date':new_entry.getAttribute('Date')}
def add_entry_information(
self, Index=None, **entry)
Adds a log specific entry takes a dicitionary in the form {'tag':value,..} this does not add atributes
def add_entry_information(self,Index=None,**entry): """ Adds a log specific entry takes a dicitionary in the form {'tag':value,..} this does not add atributes""" if Index is None: self.add_entry() Index=self.current_entry['Index'] try: node=self.get_entry(Index) except: raise for tag,value in entry.items(): new_element=self.document.createElement(tag) new_text=self.document.createTextNode(str(value)) new_element.appendChild(new_text) node.appendChild(new_element)
def current_entry_to_HTML(
self, XSLT=None)
Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document
def current_entry_to_HTML(self,XSLT=None): """ Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document""" if XSLT is None: XSLT=self.options['entry_style_sheet'] XSL_data=etree.parse(XSLT) XSL_transform=etree.XSLT(XSL_data) current_entry_XML=self.Index_node_dictionary[self.current_entry['Index']] HTML=XSL_transform(etree.XML(current_entry_XML.toxml())) return HTML
def edit_entry(
self, old_Index, new_value=None, new_Index=None, new_Date=None)
Edits and existing entry by replacing the existing values with new ones
def edit_entry(self,old_Index,new_value=None,new_Index=None,new_Date=None): """Edits and existing entry by replacing the existing values with new ones""" node=self.get_entry(str(old_Index)) if not new_value is None: new_text_node=self.document.createTextNode(new_value) try: old_text_node=node.childNodes[0] node.removeChild(old_text_node) except: pass node.appendChild(new_text_node) elif not new_Index is None: node.setAttribute('Index',new_Index) elif not new_Date is None: node.setAttribute('Date',new_Date) self.current_entry={'Tag':'Entry','Value':node.childNodes[0].data,'Index':node.getAttribute('Index'), 'Date':node.getAttribute('Date')}
def get_entry(
self, Index)
Returns the entry selcted by Index
def get_entry(self,Index): """ Returns the entry selcted by Index""" return self.Index_node_dictionary[str(Index)]
def get_table(
Returns the XML data as a list of python dictionaries
def get_table(self): "Returns the XML data as a list of python dictionaries" node_list=self.document.getElementsByTagName("Entry") table=[{"Index": node.getAttribute("Index"), "Date": node.getAttribute("Date"), "Entry": node.childNodes[0].nodeValue} for node in node_list] return table
def next_entry(
Sets current entry to the one after
def next_entry(self): """Sets current entry to the one after""" if len(self.current_entry)>0: Index=int(self.current_entry['Index']) else: return new_Index=Index+1 try: self.set_current_entry(new_Index) except KeyError: Indices=[int(x) for x in list(self.Index_node_dictionary.keys())] if max(Indices)>Index: Indices.sort() new_Index=Indices[Indices.index(Index)+1] else: Indices.remove(Index) new_Index=min(Indices) self.set_current_entry(new_Index)
def previous_entry(
Sets current entry to the one before
def previous_entry(self): """Sets current entry to the one before""" if len(self.current_entry)>0: Index=int(self.current_entry['Index']) else: return new_Index=Index-1 try: self.set_current_entry(new_Index) except KeyError: Indices=[int(x) for x in list(self.Index_node_dictionary.keys())] if min(Indices)<Index: Indices.sort() new_Index=Indices[Indices.index(Index)-1] else: Indices.remove(Index) if len(Indices)>0: new_Index=max(Indices) else: new_Index=Index self.set_current_entry(new_Index)
def remove_entry(
self, Index)
Removes the entry using the Index attribute
def remove_entry(self,Index): """ Removes the entry using the Index attribute""" root=self.document.documentElement root.removeChild(self.Index_node_dictionary[Index]) self.update_Index_node_dictionary()
def save(
self, path=None)
" Saves as an XML file
def save(self,path=None): """" Saves as an XML file""" if path is None: path=self.path file_out=open(path,'w') file_out.write(str(self)) file_out.close()
def save_HTML(
self, file_path=None, XSLT=None)
Saves a HTML transformation of the XML document using XLST at file_path. Defaults to an XLST in self.options["XSLT"] and file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html')
def save_HTML(self,file_path=None,XSLT=None): """Saves a HTML transformation of the XML document using XLST at file_path. Defaults to an XLST in self.options["XSLT"] and file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html')""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] HTML=self.to_HTML(XSLT=XSLT) #print type(HTML) if file_path is None: file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html') out_file=open(file_path,'w') out_file.write(HTML) out_file.close()
def set_current_entry(
self, Index=-1)
Sets self.current_entry
def set_current_entry(self,Index=-1): """Sets self.current_entry """ entry=self.Index_node_dictionary[str(Index)] try: value=entry.childNodes[0].data except: value='' self.current_entry={'Tag':'Entry','Value':value,'Index':entry.getAttribute('Index'), 'Date':entry.getAttribute('Date')}
def show(
self, mode='text')
Displays a XMLLog either as formatted text in the command line or in a window (using wx)
def show(self,mode='text'): """ Displays a XMLLog either as formatted text in the command line or in a window (using wx)""" def tag_to_tagName(tag): tagName=tag.replace('<','') tagName=tagName.replace('/','') tagName=tagName.replace('>','') return tagName if mode in ['text','txt','cmd line','cmd']: for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print('Entry Index: %s \tDate: %s'%(node.getAttribute('Index'), node.getAttribute('Date'))) print(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif'xml',mode,re.IGNORECASE): for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print(node.toprettyxml()) elif'Window|wx',mode,re.IGNORECASE): try: import wx import wx.html except: print('Cannot locate wx, please add to sys.path') app = wx.App(False) frame=wx.Frame(None) html_window=wx.html.HtmlWindow(frame) html_window.SetPage(str(self.to_HTML())) frame.Show() app.MainLoop()
def to_HTML(
self, XSLT=None)
Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document
def to_HTML(self,XSLT=None): """ Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] XSL_data=etree.parse(XSLT) XSL_transform=etree.XSLT(XSL_data) HTML=XSL_transform(etree.XML(self.document.toxml())) return str(HTML)
def update_Index_node_dictionary(
Re-Returns the attribute self.Index_node_dictionary, using the current definition of self.document
def update_Index_node_dictionary(self): """ Re-Returns the attribute self.Index_node_dictionary, using the current definition of self.document""" self.Index_node_dictionary=dict([(str(node.getAttribute('Index')), node) for node in \ self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry')])
def update_document(
Updates the attribute document from the self.etree.
def update_document(self): """Updates the attribute document from the self.etree. """ self.document=xml.dom.minidom.parseString(etree.tostring(self.etree))
def update_etree(
Updates the attribute etree. Should be called anytime the xml content is changed
def update_etree(self): "Updates the attribute etree. Should be called anytime the xml content is changed" self.etree = etree.fromstring(self.document.toxml())
class ErrorXMLLog
A XMLLog for storring errors generated by a program
class ErrorXMLLog(XMLLog): """ A XMLLog for storring errors generated by a program """ def __init__(self,path=None): XMLLog.__init__(self,path)
Ancestors (in MRO)
Instance variables
def __init__(
self, path=None)
Intializes the XMLLog
def __init__(self,path=None): XMLLog.__init__(self,path)
def add_description(
self, description=None)
Adds an entry with Index='-1' which holds data about the log itself
def add_description(self,description=None): """ Adds an entry with Index='-1' which holds data about the log itself""" root=self.document.documentElement new_entry=self.document.createElement('Entry') if not description is None: text_node=self.document.createTextNode(description) new_entry.appendChild(text_node) # Add the Index attribute to the new entry Index_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('Index') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Index_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Index',str(-1)) # Add the Date attribute, this is the time when the entry was logged date=datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() Date_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('Date') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Date_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Date',str(date)) # Now append the new Child root.appendChild(new_entry) self.update_Index_node_dictionary()
def add_entry(
self, entry=None)
Adds an entry element to the current log
def add_entry(self,entry=None): """ Adds an entry element to the current log""" root=self.document.documentElement if entry is None: new_entry=self.document.createElement('Entry') value='' elif isinstance(entry, str): if'<Entry>(.)+</Entry>',entry): new_document=xml.dom.minidom.parseString(entry) new_entry=new_document.documentElement else: new_document=xml.dom.minidom.parseString('<Entry>' +entry+'</Entry>') new_entry=new_document.documentElement else: new_entry=entry # Find the max of Index's and add 1 to make a new Index if len(self.Index_node_dictionary)==0: new_Index='1' else: max_Index=max([int(Index) for Index in list(self.Index_node_dictionary.keys())]) new_Index=str(max_Index+1) # Add the Index attribute to the new entry Index_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('Index') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Index_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Index',str(new_Index)) if new_entry.getAttribute('Date'): pass else: # Add the Date attribute, this is the time when the entry was logged date=datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() Date_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('Date') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Date_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Date',str(date)) # Now append the new Child root.appendChild(new_entry) self.update_Index_node_dictionary() try: value=new_entry.childNodes[0].data except: value='' self.current_entry={'Tag':'Entry','Value':value,'Index':new_entry.getAttribute('Index'), 'Date':new_entry.getAttribute('Date')}
def current_entry_to_HTML(
self, XSLT=None)
Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document
def current_entry_to_HTML(self,XSLT=None): """ Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document""" if XSLT is None: XSLT=self.options['entry_style_sheet'] XSL_data=etree.parse(XSLT) XSL_transform=etree.XSLT(XSL_data) current_entry_XML=self.Index_node_dictionary[self.current_entry['Index']] HTML=XSL_transform(etree.XML(current_entry_XML.toxml())) return HTML
def edit_entry(
self, old_Index, new_value=None, new_Index=None, new_Date=None)
Edits and existing entry by replacing the existing values with new ones
def edit_entry(self,old_Index,new_value=None,new_Index=None,new_Date=None): """Edits and existing entry by replacing the existing values with new ones""" node=self.get_entry(str(old_Index)) if not new_value is None: new_text_node=self.document.createTextNode(new_value) try: old_text_node=node.childNodes[0] node.removeChild(old_text_node) except: pass node.appendChild(new_text_node) elif not new_Index is None: node.setAttribute('Index',new_Index) elif not new_Date is None: node.setAttribute('Date',new_Date) self.current_entry={'Tag':'Entry','Value':node.childNodes[0].data,'Index':node.getAttribute('Index'), 'Date':node.getAttribute('Date')}
def get_entry(
self, Index)
Returns the entry selcted by Index
def get_entry(self,Index): """ Returns the entry selcted by Index""" return self.Index_node_dictionary[str(Index)]
def get_table(
Returns the XML data as a list of python dictionaries
def get_table(self): "Returns the XML data as a list of python dictionaries" node_list=self.document.getElementsByTagName("Entry") table=[{"Index": node.getAttribute("Index"), "Date": node.getAttribute("Date"), "Entry": node.childNodes[0].nodeValue} for node in node_list] return table
def next_entry(
Sets current entry to the one after
def next_entry(self): """Sets current entry to the one after""" if len(self.current_entry)>0: Index=int(self.current_entry['Index']) else: return new_Index=Index+1 try: self.set_current_entry(new_Index) except KeyError: Indices=[int(x) for x in list(self.Index_node_dictionary.keys())] if max(Indices)>Index: Indices.sort() new_Index=Indices[Indices.index(Index)+1] else: Indices.remove(Index) new_Index=min(Indices) self.set_current_entry(new_Index)
def previous_entry(
Sets current entry to the one before
def previous_entry(self): """Sets current entry to the one before""" if len(self.current_entry)>0: Index=int(self.current_entry['Index']) else: return new_Index=Index-1 try: self.set_current_entry(new_Index) except KeyError: Indices=[int(x) for x in list(self.Index_node_dictionary.keys())] if min(Indices)<Index: Indices.sort() new_Index=Indices[Indices.index(Index)-1] else: Indices.remove(Index) if len(Indices)>0: new_Index=max(Indices) else: new_Index=Index self.set_current_entry(new_Index)
def remove_entry(
self, Index)
Removes the entry using the Index attribute
def remove_entry(self,Index): """ Removes the entry using the Index attribute""" root=self.document.documentElement root.removeChild(self.Index_node_dictionary[Index]) self.update_Index_node_dictionary()
def save(
self, path=None)
" Saves as an XML file
def save(self,path=None): """" Saves as an XML file""" if path is None: path=self.path file_out=open(path,'w') file_out.write(str(self)) file_out.close()
def save_HTML(
self, file_path=None, XSLT=None)
Saves a HTML transformation of the XML document using XLST at file_path. Defaults to an XLST in self.options["XSLT"] and file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html')
def save_HTML(self,file_path=None,XSLT=None): """Saves a HTML transformation of the XML document using XLST at file_path. Defaults to an XLST in self.options["XSLT"] and file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html')""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] HTML=self.to_HTML(XSLT=XSLT) #print type(HTML) if file_path is None: file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html') out_file=open(file_path,'w') out_file.write(HTML) out_file.close()
def set_current_entry(
self, Index=-1)
Sets self.current_entry
def set_current_entry(self,Index=-1): """Sets self.current_entry """ entry=self.Index_node_dictionary[str(Index)] try: value=entry.childNodes[0].data except: value='' self.current_entry={'Tag':'Entry','Value':value,'Index':entry.getAttribute('Index'), 'Date':entry.getAttribute('Date')}
def show(
self, mode='text')
Displays a XMLLog either as formatted text in the command line or in a window (using wx)
def show(self,mode='text'): """ Displays a XMLLog either as formatted text in the command line or in a window (using wx)""" def tag_to_tagName(tag): tagName=tag.replace('<','') tagName=tagName.replace('/','') tagName=tagName.replace('>','') return tagName if mode in ['text','txt','cmd line','cmd']: for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print('Entry Index: %s \tDate: %s'%(node.getAttribute('Index'), node.getAttribute('Date'))) print(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif'xml',mode,re.IGNORECASE): for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print(node.toprettyxml()) elif'Window|wx',mode,re.IGNORECASE): try: import wx import wx.html except: print('Cannot locate wx, please add to sys.path') app = wx.App(False) frame=wx.Frame(None) html_window=wx.html.HtmlWindow(frame) html_window.SetPage(str(self.to_HTML())) frame.Show() app.MainLoop()
def to_HTML(
self, XSLT=None)
Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document
def to_HTML(self,XSLT=None): """ Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] XSL_data=etree.parse(XSLT) XSL_transform=etree.XSLT(XSL_data) HTML=XSL_transform(etree.XML(self.document.toxml())) return str(HTML)
def update_Index_node_dictionary(
Re-Returns the attribute self.Index_node_dictionary, using the current definition of self.document
def update_Index_node_dictionary(self): """ Re-Returns the attribute self.Index_node_dictionary, using the current definition of self.document""" self.Index_node_dictionary=dict([(str(node.getAttribute('Index')), node) for node in \ self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry')])
def update_document(
Updates the attribute document from the self.etree.
def update_document(self): """Updates the attribute document from the self.etree. """ self.document=xml.dom.minidom.parseString(etree.tostring(self.etree))
def update_etree(
Updates the attribute etree. Should be called anytime the xml content is changed
def update_etree(self): "Updates the attribute etree. Should be called anytime the xml content is changed" self.etree = etree.fromstring(self.document.toxml())
class FileRegister
The base class for arbitrary database, which processes the File Register XML File.
class FileRegister(XMLBase): """ The base class for arbitrary database, which processes the File Register XML File.""" def __init__(self, file_path=None, **options): """ Initializes the File Register Class.""" # This is a general pattern for adding a lot of options # The next more advanced thing to do is retrieve defaults from a settings file defaults = {"root": "File_Registry", "style_sheet": DEFAULT_REGISTER_STYLE, "specific_descriptor": 'Resource', "general_descriptor": 'Registry', "directory": None, "extension": 'xml' } self.options = {} for key, value in defaults.items(): self.options[key] = value for key, value in options.items(): self.options[key] = value XMLBase.__init__(self, file_path, **self.options) self.Id_dictionary = dict([(str(node.getAttribute('URL')), str(node.getAttribute('Id'))) for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('File')]) def create_Id(self, URL): """ Returns or returns the existing Id element of a URL""" parsed_URL = urlparse.urlparse(condition_URL(URL)) try: # Look in self.Id_dictionary, if it is not there catch # the exception KeyError and generate an Id. return self.Id_dictionary[URL.replace('///', '')] except KeyError: # The Id is not in the existing list so start buliding Id. # Determine the IP Address of the host in the URL if parsed_URL[1] in ['', '']: # if it is empty assume local host IP_address = socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname())[2][0] else: IP_address = socket.gethostbyaddr(parsed_URL[1])[2][0] Id_cache = {} # We begin with all the entries with the same IP address for (key, value) in self.Id_dictionary.items(): if value.startswith(IP_address): Id_cache[key] = value # If the Id_cache is empty then we just assign the number temp_Id = IP_address path_list = parsed_URL[2].split('/') file_extension = path_list[-1].split('.')[-1] if len(Id_cache) is 0: for index, part in enumerate(path_list): if index < len(path_list) - 1: temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + '11' elif index == len(path_list) - 1: if (file_extension in DRIVER_FILE_EXTENSIONS): temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + '31' elif os.path.isdir(parsed_URL[2]): temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + '11' else: temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + '21' return temp_Id # if it is not empty we have to a little work # remove the information about IP address place = 0 # print path_list while place <= len(path_list): # If the Id_cache is empty assign the rest of the Id. if len(Id_cache) is 0: for index, part in enumerate(path_list[place:]): if index < len(path_list[place:]) - 1: temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + '11' elif index == len(path_list[place:]) - 1: if (file_extension in DRIVER_FILE_EXTENSIONS): temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + '31' elif os.path.isdir(parsed_URL[2]): temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + '11' else: temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + '21' return temp_Id # If the Id_cache is not empty else: path_cache = dict([(URL, URL_to_path(URL, form='list')) for URL in list(Id_cache.keys())]) # print Id_cache part_cache = dict([(URL, [path_cache[URL][place], Id_cache[URL].split('.')[place + 4]]) for URL in list(Id_cache.keys())]) parts_list = [part_cache[URL][0] for URL in list(Id_cache.keys())] node_number = max([int(Id_cache[URL].split('.')[place + 4][1:]) for URL in list(Id_cache.keys())]) # If it is the last place if place == len(path_list) - 1: new_node_number = node_number + 1 if (file_extension in DRIVER_FILE_EXTENSIONS): new_node_type = '3' elif os.path.isdir(parsed_URL[2]): new_node_type = '1' else: new_node_type = '2' temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + new_node_type + str(new_node_number) return temp_Id # If it is not the last place assume it is a directory else: new_node_type = '1' # Check to see if it is already in the FR if path_list[place] in parts_list: for URL in list(Id_cache.keys()): if part_cache[URL][0] == path_list[place]: new_node = part_cache[URL][1] # If not add one to node else: new_node_number = node_number + 1 new_node = new_node_type + str(new_node_number) temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + new_node # Update the Id_cache for the next round, and the place for URL in list(Id_cache.keys()): try: if not part_cache[URL][0] == path_list[place]: del (Id_cache[URL]) Id_cache[URL].split('.')[place + 5] except KeyError: pass except IndexError: # print Id_cache,URL del (Id_cache[URL]) place = place + 1 def add_entry(self, URL): """ Adds an entry to the current File Register """ URL = condition_URL(URL) if URL in list(self.Id_dictionary.keys()): print('Already there') return # the xml entry is <File Date="" Host="" Type="" Id="" URL=""/> File_Registry = self.document.documentElement new_entry = self.document.createElement('File') # Make all the new attributes attributes = ['Id', 'Host', 'Date', 'URL', 'Type'] new_attributes = dict([(attribute, self.document.createAttribute(attribute)) for attribute in \ attributes]) # Add the new attributes to the new entry for attribute in attributes: new_entry.setAttributeNode(new_attributes[attribute]) # Now assign the values attribute_values = {} attribute_values['URL'] = URL attribute_values['Id'] = self.create_Id(URL) attribute_values['Date'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() type_code = attribute_values['Id'].split('.')[-1][0] if type_code in ['1', '1']: attribute_values['Type'] = "Directory" elif type_code in ['2', '2']: attribute_values['Type'] = "Ordinary" elif type_code in ['3', '3']: attribute_values['Type'] = "Driver" else: attribute_values['Type'] = "Other" parsed_URL = urlparse.urlparse(condition_URL(URL)) if parsed_URL[1] in ['', '']: # if it is empty assume local host attribute_values['Host'] = socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname())[0] else: attribute_values['Host'] = parsed_URL[1] # Now set them all in the actual attribute for (key, value) in attribute_values.items(): new_entry.setAttribute(key, value) File_Registry.appendChild(new_entry) # Finally update the self.Id_dictionary # Added boolean switch to speed up adding a lot of entries self.Id_dictionary = dict([(str(node.getAttribute('URL')), str(node.getAttribute('Id'))) for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('File')]) # TODO : Add an input filter that guesses at what you inputed def add_tree(self, root, **options): """ Adds a directory and all sub folders and sub directories, **options provides a way to {'ignore','.pyc|etc'} or {'only','.png|.bmp'}""" # Deal with the optional parameters, these tend to make life easier default_options = {'ignore': None, 'only': None, 'print_ignored_files': True, 'directories_only': False, 'files_only': False} tree_options = default_options for option, value in options.items(): tree_options[option] = value # print tree_options # condition the URL root_URL = condition_URL(root) path = URL_to_path(root_URL) # now we add the files and directories that jive with the options try: for (home, directories, files) in os.walk(path): # print (home,directories,files) for directory in directories: # had to change this, used to be first element in list try: if tree_options['files_only']: if tree_options['print_ignored_files']: print("ignoring %s because it is not a file" % file) raise if tree_options['ignore'] is not None and['ignore'], directory): if tree_options['print_ignored_files']: print("ignoring %s because it does not match the only option" % directory) raise elif tree_options['only'] is not None and not['only'], directory): if tree_options['print_ignored_files']: print("ignoring %s because it does not match the only option" % directory) raise else: self.add_entry(condition_URL(os.path.join(home, directory))) except: pass for file in files: # had to change this 12/2012, used to be Second element in list try: if tree_options['directories_only']: if tree_options['print_ignored_files']: print("ignoring %s because it is not a directory" % file) raise if tree_options['ignore'] is not None and['ignore'], file): if tree_options['print_ignored_files']: print("ignoring %s because it matches the ignore option" % file) raise elif tree_options['only'] is not None and not['only'], file): if tree_options['print_ignored_files']: print("ignoring %s because it does not match the only option" % file) raise else: # print (home,file) self.add_entry(condition_URL(os.path.join(home, file))) except: raise except: raise # After all the files are added update the Id_dictionary self.Id_dictionary = dict([(str(node.getAttribute('URL')), str(node.getAttribute('Id'))) for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('File')]) def remove_entry(self, URL=None, Id=None): """ Removes an entry in the current File Register """ File_Registry = self.document.documentElement if not URL is None: URL = condition_URL(URL) URL_FileNode_dictionary = dict([(node.getAttribute('URL'), node) for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('File')]) File_Registry.removeChild(URL_FileNode_dictionary[URL]) else: Id_FileNode_dictionary = dict([(node.getAttribute('Id'), node) for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('File')]) File_Registry.removeChild(Id_FileNode_dictionary[Id]) # Finally update the self.Id_dictionary self.Id_dictionary = dict([(str(node.getAttribute('URL')), str(node.getAttribute('Id'))) for node in \ self.document.getElementsByTagName('File')]) def get_data(self): """Gets a list of lists that represent the data in the file register""" node_list = self.document.getElementsByTagName("File") data = [[attribute[1] for attribute in list(item.attributes.items())] for item in node_list] return data def get_data_dictionary_list(self): """Returns a list of dictionaries that have the data in the file register attributes""" node_list = self.document.getElementsByTagName("File") data_dictionary_list = [{attribute[0]: attribute[1] for attribute in list(item.attributes.items())} for item in node_list] return data_dictionary_list
Ancestors (in MRO)
Instance variables
var Id_dictionary
def __init__(
self, file_path=None, **options)
Initializes the File Register Class.
def __init__(self, file_path=None, **options): """ Initializes the File Register Class.""" # This is a general pattern for adding a lot of options # The next more advanced thing to do is retrieve defaults from a settings file defaults = {"root": "File_Registry", "style_sheet": DEFAULT_REGISTER_STYLE, "specific_descriptor": 'Resource', "general_descriptor": 'Registry', "directory": None, "extension": 'xml' } self.options = {} for key, value in defaults.items(): self.options[key] = value for key, value in options.items(): self.options[key] = value XMLBase.__init__(self, file_path, **self.options) self.Id_dictionary = dict([(str(node.getAttribute('URL')), str(node.getAttribute('Id'))) for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('File')])
def add_entry(
self, URL)
Adds an entry to the current File Register
def add_entry(self, URL): """ Adds an entry to the current File Register """ URL = condition_URL(URL) if URL in list(self.Id_dictionary.keys()): print('Already there') return # the xml entry is <File Date="" Host="" Type="" Id="" URL=""/> File_Registry = self.document.documentElement new_entry = self.document.createElement('File') # Make all the new attributes attributes = ['Id', 'Host', 'Date', 'URL', 'Type'] new_attributes = dict([(attribute, self.document.createAttribute(attribute)) for attribute in \ attributes]) # Add the new attributes to the new entry for attribute in attributes: new_entry.setAttributeNode(new_attributes[attribute]) # Now assign the values attribute_values = {} attribute_values['URL'] = URL attribute_values['Id'] = self.create_Id(URL) attribute_values['Date'] = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() type_code = attribute_values['Id'].split('.')[-1][0] if type_code in ['1', '1']: attribute_values['Type'] = "Directory" elif type_code in ['2', '2']: attribute_values['Type'] = "Ordinary" elif type_code in ['3', '3']: attribute_values['Type'] = "Driver" else: attribute_values['Type'] = "Other" parsed_URL = urlparse.urlparse(condition_URL(URL)) if parsed_URL[1] in ['', '']: # if it is empty assume local host attribute_values['Host'] = socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname())[0] else: attribute_values['Host'] = parsed_URL[1] # Now set them all in the actual attribute for (key, value) in attribute_values.items(): new_entry.setAttribute(key, value) File_Registry.appendChild(new_entry) # Finally update the self.Id_dictionary # Added boolean switch to speed up adding a lot of entries self.Id_dictionary = dict([(str(node.getAttribute('URL')), str(node.getAttribute('Id'))) for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('File')])
def add_tree(
self, root, **options)
Adds a directory and all sub folders and sub directories, **options provides a way to {'ignore','.pyc|etc'} or {'only','.png|.bmp'}
def add_tree(self, root, **options): """ Adds a directory and all sub folders and sub directories, **options provides a way to {'ignore','.pyc|etc'} or {'only','.png|.bmp'}""" # Deal with the optional parameters, these tend to make life easier default_options = {'ignore': None, 'only': None, 'print_ignored_files': True, 'directories_only': False, 'files_only': False} tree_options = default_options for option, value in options.items(): tree_options[option] = value # print tree_options # condition the URL root_URL = condition_URL(root) path = URL_to_path(root_URL) # now we add the files and directories that jive with the options try: for (home, directories, files) in os.walk(path): # print (home,directories,files) for directory in directories: # had to change this, used to be first element in list try: if tree_options['files_only']: if tree_options['print_ignored_files']: print("ignoring %s because it is not a file" % file) raise if tree_options['ignore'] is not None and['ignore'], directory): if tree_options['print_ignored_files']: print("ignoring %s because it does not match the only option" % directory) raise elif tree_options['only'] is not None and not['only'], directory): if tree_options['print_ignored_files']: print("ignoring %s because it does not match the only option" % directory) raise else: self.add_entry(condition_URL(os.path.join(home, directory))) except: pass for file in files: # had to change this 12/2012, used to be Second element in list try: if tree_options['directories_only']: if tree_options['print_ignored_files']: print("ignoring %s because it is not a directory" % file) raise if tree_options['ignore'] is not None and['ignore'], file): if tree_options['print_ignored_files']: print("ignoring %s because it matches the ignore option" % file) raise elif tree_options['only'] is not None and not['only'], file): if tree_options['print_ignored_files']: print("ignoring %s because it does not match the only option" % file) raise else: # print (home,file) self.add_entry(condition_URL(os.path.join(home, file))) except: raise except: raise # After all the files are added update the Id_dictionary self.Id_dictionary = dict([(str(node.getAttribute('URL')), str(node.getAttribute('Id'))) for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('File')])
def create_Id(
self, URL)
Returns or returns the existing Id element of a URL
def create_Id(self, URL): """ Returns or returns the existing Id element of a URL""" parsed_URL = urlparse.urlparse(condition_URL(URL)) try: # Look in self.Id_dictionary, if it is not there catch # the exception KeyError and generate an Id. return self.Id_dictionary[URL.replace('///', '')] except KeyError: # The Id is not in the existing list so start buliding Id. # Determine the IP Address of the host in the URL if parsed_URL[1] in ['', '']: # if it is empty assume local host IP_address = socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname())[2][0] else: IP_address = socket.gethostbyaddr(parsed_URL[1])[2][0] Id_cache = {} # We begin with all the entries with the same IP address for (key, value) in self.Id_dictionary.items(): if value.startswith(IP_address): Id_cache[key] = value # If the Id_cache is empty then we just assign the number temp_Id = IP_address path_list = parsed_URL[2].split('/') file_extension = path_list[-1].split('.')[-1] if len(Id_cache) is 0: for index, part in enumerate(path_list): if index < len(path_list) - 1: temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + '11' elif index == len(path_list) - 1: if (file_extension in DRIVER_FILE_EXTENSIONS): temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + '31' elif os.path.isdir(parsed_URL[2]): temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + '11' else: temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + '21' return temp_Id # if it is not empty we have to a little work # remove the information about IP address place = 0 # print path_list while place <= len(path_list): # If the Id_cache is empty assign the rest of the Id. if len(Id_cache) is 0: for index, part in enumerate(path_list[place:]): if index < len(path_list[place:]) - 1: temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + '11' elif index == len(path_list[place:]) - 1: if (file_extension in DRIVER_FILE_EXTENSIONS): temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + '31' elif os.path.isdir(parsed_URL[2]): temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + '11' else: temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + '21' return temp_Id # If the Id_cache is not empty else: path_cache = dict([(URL, URL_to_path(URL, form='list')) for URL in list(Id_cache.keys())]) # print Id_cache part_cache = dict([(URL, [path_cache[URL][place], Id_cache[URL].split('.')[place + 4]]) for URL in list(Id_cache.keys())]) parts_list = [part_cache[URL][0] for URL in list(Id_cache.keys())] node_number = max([int(Id_cache[URL].split('.')[place + 4][1:]) for URL in list(Id_cache.keys())]) # If it is the last place if place == len(path_list) - 1: new_node_number = node_number + 1 if (file_extension in DRIVER_FILE_EXTENSIONS): new_node_type = '3' elif os.path.isdir(parsed_URL[2]): new_node_type = '1' else: new_node_type = '2' temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + new_node_type + str(new_node_number) return temp_Id # If it is not the last place assume it is a directory else: new_node_type = '1' # Check to see if it is already in the FR if path_list[place] in parts_list: for URL in list(Id_cache.keys()): if part_cache[URL][0] == path_list[place]: new_node = part_cache[URL][1] # If not add one to node else: new_node_number = node_number + 1 new_node = new_node_type + str(new_node_number) temp_Id = temp_Id + '.' + new_node # Update the Id_cache for the next round, and the place for URL in list(Id_cache.keys()): try: if not part_cache[URL][0] == path_list[place]: del (Id_cache[URL]) Id_cache[URL].split('.')[place + 5] except KeyError: pass except IndexError: # print Id_cache,URL del (Id_cache[URL]) place = place + 1
def get_data(
Gets a list of lists that represent the data in the file register
def get_data(self): """Gets a list of lists that represent the data in the file register""" node_list = self.document.getElementsByTagName("File") data = [[attribute[1] for attribute in list(item.attributes.items())] for item in node_list] return data
def get_data_dictionary_list(
Returns a list of dictionaries that have the data in the file register attributes
def get_data_dictionary_list(self): """Returns a list of dictionaries that have the data in the file register attributes""" node_list = self.document.getElementsByTagName("File") data_dictionary_list = [{attribute[0]: attribute[1] for attribute in list(item.attributes.items())} for item in node_list] return data_dictionary_list
def remove_entry(
self, URL=None, Id=None)
Removes an entry in the current File Register
def remove_entry(self, URL=None, Id=None): """ Removes an entry in the current File Register """ File_Registry = self.document.documentElement if not URL is None: URL = condition_URL(URL) URL_FileNode_dictionary = dict([(node.getAttribute('URL'), node) for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('File')]) File_Registry.removeChild(URL_FileNode_dictionary[URL]) else: Id_FileNode_dictionary = dict([(node.getAttribute('Id'), node) for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('File')]) File_Registry.removeChild(Id_FileNode_dictionary[Id]) # Finally update the self.Id_dictionary self.Id_dictionary = dict([(str(node.getAttribute('URL')), str(node.getAttribute('Id'))) for node in \ self.document.getElementsByTagName('File')])
def save(
self, path=None)
" Saves as an XML file
def save(self,path=None): """" Saves as an XML file""" if path is None: path=self.path file_out=open(path,'w') file_out.write(str(self)) file_out.close()
def save_HTML(
self, file_path=None, XSLT=None)
Saves a HTML transformation of the XML document using XLST at file_path. Defaults to an XLST in self.options["XSLT"] and file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html')
def save_HTML(self,file_path=None,XSLT=None): """Saves a HTML transformation of the XML document using XLST at file_path. Defaults to an XLST in self.options["XSLT"] and file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html')""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] HTML=self.to_HTML(XSLT=XSLT) #print type(HTML) if file_path is None: file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html') out_file=open(file_path,'w') out_file.write(HTML) out_file.close()
def show(
self, mode='Window')
Displays a XML Document either as formatted text in the command line or in a window (using wx)
def show(self,mode='Window'): """ Displays a XML Document either as formatted text in the command line or in a window (using wx)""" def tag_to_tagName(tag): tagName=tag.replace('<','') tagName=tagName.replace('/','') tagName=tagName.replace('>','') return tagName if mode in ['text','txt','cmd line','cmd']: for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print('Entry Index: %s \tDate: %s'%(node.getAttribute('Index'), node.getAttribute('Date'))) print(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif'xml',mode,re.IGNORECASE): for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print(node.toprettyxml()) elif'Window|wx',mode,re.IGNORECASE): try: import wx import wx.html2 except: print('Cannot locate wx, please add to sys.path') app = wx.App(False) frame=wx.Frame(None) html_window=wx.html2.WebView.New(frame) html_window.SetPage(str(self.to_HTML()),"") frame.Show() app.MainLoop()
def to_HTML(
self, XSLT=None)
Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document
def to_HTML(self,XSLT=None): """ Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] XSL_data=etree.parse(XSLT) XSL_transform=etree.XSLT(XSL_data) HTML=XSL_transform(etree.XML(self.document.toxml())) return str(HTML)
def update_document(
Updates the attribute document from the self.etree.
def update_document(self): """Updates the attribute document from the self.etree. """ self.document=xml.dom.minidom.parseString(etree.tostring(self.etree))
def update_etree(
Updates the attribute etree. Should be called anytime the xml content is changed
def update_etree(self): "Updates the attribute etree. Should be called anytime the xml content is changed" self.etree = etree.fromstring(self.document.toxml())
class HTMLEcho
A class that allows the reading and echoing of html files for a fully functional HTML class see HTMLModels/HTMLBase
class HTMLEcho(): """ A class that allows the reading and echoing of html files for a fully functional HTML class see HTMLModels/HTMLBase """ def __init__(self,file_path=None,**options): "Initializes the HTMLEcho() " # This is a general pattern for adding a lot of options # The next more advanced thing to do is retrieve defaults from a settings file defaults={} self.options={} for key,value in defaults.items(): self.options[key]=value for key,value in options.items(): self.options[key]=value if file_path: in_file=open(file_path,"r") else: self.text=None def to_HTML(self): return str(self.text)
Ancestors (in MRO)
Instance variables
var options
def __init__(
self, file_path=None, **options)
Initializes the HTMLEcho()
def __init__(self,file_path=None,**options): "Initializes the HTMLEcho() " # This is a general pattern for adding a lot of options # The next more advanced thing to do is retrieve defaults from a settings file defaults={} self.options={} for key,value in defaults.items(): self.options[key]=value for key,value in options.items(): self.options[key]=value if file_path: in_file=open(file_path,"r") else: self.text=None
def to_HTML(
def to_HTML(self): return str(self.text)
class InstrumentSheet
Class that handles the xml instrument sheet. An instrument sheet is an xml file with static metadata about the instrument. The default directory containing the sheets is PYMEASURE_ROOT/Instruments.
class InstrumentSheet(XMLBase): """ Class that handles the xml instrument sheet. An instrument sheet is an xml file with static metadata about the instrument. The default directory containing the sheets is PYMEASURE_ROOT/Instruments.""" def __init__(self,file_path=None,**options): """ Intializes the InstrumentSheet Class""" #if the file path is not supplied create a new instrument sheet #using the supplied instrument_name defaults={"root":"Instrument_Sheet", "style_sheet":DEFAULT_INSTRUMENT_SHEET_STYLE, "specific_descriptor":'Instrument', "general_descriptor":'Description', "directory":None, "extension":'xml' } self.options={} for key,value in defaults.items(): self.options[key]=value for key,value in options.items(): self.options[key]=value XMLBase.__init__(self,file_path,**self.options) self.root=self.document.documentElement # Now use the xml to declare some attributes specific_description=self.document.getElementsByTagName('Specific_Information') for information_node in specific_description: if information_node.nodeType is NODE_TYPE_DICTIONARY['ELEMENT_NODE']: for node in information_node.childNodes: if node.nodeType is NODE_TYPE_DICTIONARY['ELEMENT_NODE']: if node.childNodes: tag_name=node.tagName text_value=node.childNodes[0].data if not text_value in [None,'']: string='self.%s="%s"'%(tag_name.lower(),text_value) #print string exec('%s'%string) #Commands self.commands=[] commands=self.document.getElementsByTagName('Commands')[0] for command in commands.childNodes: if command.nodeType is NODE_TYPE_DICTIONARY['ELEMENT_NODE']: self.commands.append(command.getAttribute('Command')) try: self.image=self.get_image_path() except: pass ##TODO: Add a edit entry method def add_entry(self,tag_name,text=None,description='Specific',**attribute_dictionary): """ Adds an entry to the instrument sheet.""" specific_match=re.compile('Specific',re.IGNORECASE) general_match=re.compile('General',re.IGNORECASE) if,description): description_node=self.document.getElementsByTagName('Specific_Information')[0] elif,description): description_node=self.document.getElementsByTagName('General_Information')[0] new_entry=self.document.createElement(tag_name) if not text is None: text_node=self.document.createTextNode(tag_name) new_entry.appendChild(text_node) for key,value in attribute_dictionary.items(): new_attribute=self.document.creatAttribute(key) new_entry.setAttributeNode(new_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute(key,str(value)) description_node.appendChild(new_entry) def get_query_dictionary(self): """ Returns a set:query dictionary if there is a State_Commands element""" try: state_commands=self.document.getElementsByTagName('State_Commands')[0] state_query_dictionary=dict([(str(node.getAttribute('Set') ),str(node.getAttribute('Query'))) for node in state_commands.childNodes if node.nodeType is \ NODE_TYPE_DICTIONARY['ELEMENT_NODE']]) return state_query_dictionary except: raise #return None def get_image_path(self): """Tries to return the image path, requires image to be in <Image href=""/> format""" # Take the first thing called Image image_node=self.document.getElementsByTagName('Image')[0] image_path=image_node.getAttribute('href') return image_path
Ancestors (in MRO)
Instance variables
var commands
var root
def __init__(
self, file_path=None, **options)
Intializes the InstrumentSheet Class
def __init__(self,file_path=None,**options): """ Intializes the InstrumentSheet Class""" #if the file path is not supplied create a new instrument sheet #using the supplied instrument_name defaults={"root":"Instrument_Sheet", "style_sheet":DEFAULT_INSTRUMENT_SHEET_STYLE, "specific_descriptor":'Instrument', "general_descriptor":'Description', "directory":None, "extension":'xml' } self.options={} for key,value in defaults.items(): self.options[key]=value for key,value in options.items(): self.options[key]=value XMLBase.__init__(self,file_path,**self.options) self.root=self.document.documentElement # Now use the xml to declare some attributes specific_description=self.document.getElementsByTagName('Specific_Information') for information_node in specific_description: if information_node.nodeType is NODE_TYPE_DICTIONARY['ELEMENT_NODE']: for node in information_node.childNodes: if node.nodeType is NODE_TYPE_DICTIONARY['ELEMENT_NODE']: if node.childNodes: tag_name=node.tagName text_value=node.childNodes[0].data if not text_value in [None,'']: string='self.%s="%s"'%(tag_name.lower(),text_value) #print string exec('%s'%string) #Commands self.commands=[] commands=self.document.getElementsByTagName('Commands')[0] for command in commands.childNodes: if command.nodeType is NODE_TYPE_DICTIONARY['ELEMENT_NODE']: self.commands.append(command.getAttribute('Command')) try: self.image=self.get_image_path() except: pass
def add_entry(
self, tag_name, text=None, description='Specific', **attribute_dictionary)
Adds an entry to the instrument sheet.
def add_entry(self,tag_name,text=None,description='Specific',**attribute_dictionary): """ Adds an entry to the instrument sheet.""" specific_match=re.compile('Specific',re.IGNORECASE) general_match=re.compile('General',re.IGNORECASE) if,description): description_node=self.document.getElementsByTagName('Specific_Information')[0] elif,description): description_node=self.document.getElementsByTagName('General_Information')[0] new_entry=self.document.createElement(tag_name) if not text is None: text_node=self.document.createTextNode(tag_name) new_entry.appendChild(text_node) for key,value in attribute_dictionary.items(): new_attribute=self.document.creatAttribute(key) new_entry.setAttributeNode(new_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute(key,str(value)) description_node.appendChild(new_entry)
def get_image_path(
Tries to return the image path, requires image to be in
def get_image_path(self): """Tries to return the image path, requires image to be in <Image href=""/> format""" # Take the first thing called Image image_node=self.document.getElementsByTagName('Image')[0] image_path=image_node.getAttribute('href') return image_path
def get_query_dictionary(
Returns a set:query dictionary if there is a State_Commands element
def get_query_dictionary(self): """ Returns a set:query dictionary if there is a State_Commands element""" try: state_commands=self.document.getElementsByTagName('State_Commands')[0] state_query_dictionary=dict([(str(node.getAttribute('Set') ),str(node.getAttribute('Query'))) for node in state_commands.childNodes if node.nodeType is \ NODE_TYPE_DICTIONARY['ELEMENT_NODE']]) return state_query_dictionary except: raise
def save(
self, path=None)
" Saves as an XML file
def save(self,path=None): """" Saves as an XML file""" if path is None: path=self.path file_out=open(path,'w') file_out.write(str(self)) file_out.close()
def save_HTML(
self, file_path=None, XSLT=None)
Saves a HTML transformation of the XML document using XLST at file_path. Defaults to an XLST in self.options["XSLT"] and file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html')
def save_HTML(self,file_path=None,XSLT=None): """Saves a HTML transformation of the XML document using XLST at file_path. Defaults to an XLST in self.options["XSLT"] and file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html')""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] HTML=self.to_HTML(XSLT=XSLT) #print type(HTML) if file_path is None: file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html') out_file=open(file_path,'w') out_file.write(HTML) out_file.close()
def show(
self, mode='Window')
Displays a XML Document either as formatted text in the command line or in a window (using wx)
def show(self,mode='Window'): """ Displays a XML Document either as formatted text in the command line or in a window (using wx)""" def tag_to_tagName(tag): tagName=tag.replace('<','') tagName=tagName.replace('/','') tagName=tagName.replace('>','') return tagName if mode in ['text','txt','cmd line','cmd']: for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print('Entry Index: %s \tDate: %s'%(node.getAttribute('Index'), node.getAttribute('Date'))) print(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif'xml',mode,re.IGNORECASE): for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print(node.toprettyxml()) elif'Window|wx',mode,re.IGNORECASE): try: import wx import wx.html2 except: print('Cannot locate wx, please add to sys.path') app = wx.App(False) frame=wx.Frame(None) html_window=wx.html2.WebView.New(frame) html_window.SetPage(str(self.to_HTML()),"") frame.Show() app.MainLoop()
def to_HTML(
self, XSLT=None)
Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document
def to_HTML(self,XSLT=None): """ Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] XSL_data=etree.parse(XSLT) XSL_transform=etree.XSLT(XSL_data) HTML=XSL_transform(etree.XML(self.document.toxml())) return str(HTML)
def update_document(
Updates the attribute document from the self.etree.
def update_document(self): """Updates the attribute document from the self.etree. """ self.document=xml.dom.minidom.parseString(etree.tostring(self.etree))
def update_etree(
Updates the attribute etree. Should be called anytime the xml content is changed
def update_etree(self): "Updates the attribute etree. Should be called anytime the xml content is changed" self.etree = etree.fromstring(self.document.toxml())
class InstrumentState
An instrument state is an XML file with instrument setting information Changed in 04/2017 to accept a state_table that can have other columns and be ordered by the column Index to open an existing state use
To create a new instrument state and save it use
class InstrumentState(XMLBase): """ An instrument state is an XML file with instrument setting information Changed in 04/2017 to accept a state_table that can have other columns and be ordered by the column Index to open an existing state use #!python >>new_xml=InstrumentState("MyInstrumentState.xml") To create a new instrument state and save it use #!python >>state=InstrumentState(state_table=[{"Set":"SOUR:VOLT",{"Value":10},{"Index":0}]) >> """ def __init__(self, file_path=None, **options): """ Intialize the InstrumentState class.""" defaults = {"root": "Instrument_State", "style_sheet": DEFAULT_INSTRUMENT_STATE_STYLE, "specific_descriptor": 'Instrument', "general_descriptor": 'State', "directory": None, "extension": 'xml', "date": "now", "state_dictionary": None, "state_table": None } self.options = {} for key, value in defaults.items(): self.options[key] = value for key, value in options.items(): self.options[key] = value XMLBase.__init__(self, file_path, **self.options) self.state_node = self.document.createElement('State') self.document.documentElement.appendChild(self.state_node) if self.options["state_dictionary"]: for key, value in self.options["state_dictionary"].items(): new_entry = self.document.createElement('Tuple') set_attribute = self.document.createAttribute('Set') value_attribute = self.document.createAttribute('Value') new_entry.setAttributeNode(set_attribute) new_entry.setAttributeNode(value_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Set', key) new_entry.setAttribute('Value', str(value)) self.state_node.appendChild(new_entry) if self.options["state_table"]: if "Index" in list(self.options["state_table"][0].keys()): table = sorted(self.options["state_table"], key=lambda x: x["Index"]) else: table = self.options["state_table"] for row in table[:]: new_entry = self.document.createElement('Tuple') for key, value in row.items(): set_attribute = self.document.createAttribute(key) new_entry.setAttributeNode(set_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute(key, "{0}".format(value)) self.state_node.appendChild(new_entry) # this is not the most direct way to define it but it is the most robust I think # self.state_node=self.document.getElementsByTagName('State')[0] # This should be in State_Description as State_Timestamp? if self.options["date"] in ['now']: # Add the Date attribute, this is the time when the state was created self.add_state_description() timestamp_element = self.document.createElement("State_Timestamp") text = str(datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()) timestamp_element.appendChild(self.document.createTextNode(text)) state_description = self.document.getElementsByTagName("State_Description")[0] state_description.appendChild(timestamp_element) self.state_dictionary = dict([(str(node.getAttribute('Set')), node.getAttribute('Value')) for node in \ self.state_node.getElementsByTagName('Tuple')]) def add_state_description(self): """Adds the tag named State_Description """ state_description = self.document.createElement("State_Description") if len(self.document.childNodes) == 0: self.document.documentElement.appendChild(state_description) elif not re.match("State_Description", self.document.childNodes[0].nodeName, re.IGNORECASE) and len( self.document.childNodes) > 0: self.document.documentElement.appendChild(state_description) else: print("State_Description already exists, tag was not added ") pass def append_description(self, description_dictionary): """Adds the description_dictionary to State_Description. Description dictionary is a key value pair describing the state. """ try: state_description = self.document.getElementsByTagName('State_Description')[0] except: self.add_state_description() state_description = self.document.getElementsByTagName('State_Description')[0] for key, value in description_dictionary.items(): element = self.document.createElement("{0}".format(key)) text = self.document.createTextNode("{0}".format(value)) element.appendChild(text) state_description.appendChild(element) def get_timestamp(self): """Tries to return the timestamp stored as an attribute date in the tag State""" # Take the first thing called Image try: timestamp_node = self.document.getElementsByTagName('State_Timestamp')[0] timestamp = timestamp_node.childNodes[0].nodeValue return timestamp except: print("No Timestamp Found") return None def get_attribute_names(self): """ Returns the attribute names in the first tuple element in the 'data' element """ attribute_names = [] data_nodes = self.document.getElementsByTagName('State') first_tuple_node = data_nodes[0].childNodes[1] text = first_tuple_node.toprettyxml() text_list = text.split(' ') # print text_list for item in text_list: try: match ='(?P<attribute_name>\w+)=', item) name ='attribute_name') # print name attribute_names.append(name) except: pass return attribute_names def get_state_list_dictionary(self): """Gets the state data in a list of dictionaries. This is the equivelent to a table""" out_list = [] tuple_list = self.document.getElementsByTagName("Tuple") attributes = self.get_attribute_names()[:] for node in tuple_list: new_row = {} for attribute in attributes: new_row[attribute] = node.getAttribute(attribute) out_list.append(new_row) return out_list def get_description_dictionary(self): """Returns State_Description as a tag:value dictionary""" out_dictionary = {} pass
Ancestors (in MRO)
Instance variables
var state_dictionary
var state_node
def __init__(
self, file_path=None, **options)
Intialize the InstrumentState class.
def __init__(self, file_path=None, **options): """ Intialize the InstrumentState class.""" defaults = {"root": "Instrument_State", "style_sheet": DEFAULT_INSTRUMENT_STATE_STYLE, "specific_descriptor": 'Instrument', "general_descriptor": 'State', "directory": None, "extension": 'xml', "date": "now", "state_dictionary": None, "state_table": None } self.options = {} for key, value in defaults.items(): self.options[key] = value for key, value in options.items(): self.options[key] = value XMLBase.__init__(self, file_path, **self.options) self.state_node = self.document.createElement('State') self.document.documentElement.appendChild(self.state_node) if self.options["state_dictionary"]: for key, value in self.options["state_dictionary"].items(): new_entry = self.document.createElement('Tuple') set_attribute = self.document.createAttribute('Set') value_attribute = self.document.createAttribute('Value') new_entry.setAttributeNode(set_attribute) new_entry.setAttributeNode(value_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Set', key) new_entry.setAttribute('Value', str(value)) self.state_node.appendChild(new_entry) if self.options["state_table"]: if "Index" in list(self.options["state_table"][0].keys()): table = sorted(self.options["state_table"], key=lambda x: x["Index"]) else: table = self.options["state_table"] for row in table[:]: new_entry = self.document.createElement('Tuple') for key, value in row.items(): set_attribute = self.document.createAttribute(key) new_entry.setAttributeNode(set_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute(key, "{0}".format(value)) self.state_node.appendChild(new_entry) # this is not the most direct way to define it but it is the most robust I think # self.state_node=self.document.getElementsByTagName('State')[0] # This should be in State_Description as State_Timestamp? if self.options["date"] in ['now']: # Add the Date attribute, this is the time when the state was created self.add_state_description() timestamp_element = self.document.createElement("State_Timestamp") text = str(datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()) timestamp_element.appendChild(self.document.createTextNode(text)) state_description = self.document.getElementsByTagName("State_Description")[0] state_description.appendChild(timestamp_element) self.state_dictionary = dict([(str(node.getAttribute('Set')), node.getAttribute('Value')) for node in \ self.state_node.getElementsByTagName('Tuple')])
def add_state_description(
Adds the tag named State_Description
def add_state_description(self): """Adds the tag named State_Description """ state_description = self.document.createElement("State_Description") if len(self.document.childNodes) == 0: self.document.documentElement.appendChild(state_description) elif not re.match("State_Description", self.document.childNodes[0].nodeName, re.IGNORECASE) and len( self.document.childNodes) > 0: self.document.documentElement.appendChild(state_description) else: print("State_Description already exists, tag was not added ") pass
def append_description(
self, description_dictionary)
Adds the description_dictionary to State_Description. Description dictionary is a key value pair describing the state.
def append_description(self, description_dictionary): """Adds the description_dictionary to State_Description. Description dictionary is a key value pair describing the state. """ try: state_description = self.document.getElementsByTagName('State_Description')[0] except: self.add_state_description() state_description = self.document.getElementsByTagName('State_Description')[0] for key, value in description_dictionary.items(): element = self.document.createElement("{0}".format(key)) text = self.document.createTextNode("{0}".format(value)) element.appendChild(text) state_description.appendChild(element)
def get_attribute_names(
Returns the attribute names in the first tuple element in the 'data' element
def get_attribute_names(self): """ Returns the attribute names in the first tuple element in the 'data' element """ attribute_names = [] data_nodes = self.document.getElementsByTagName('State') first_tuple_node = data_nodes[0].childNodes[1] text = first_tuple_node.toprettyxml() text_list = text.split(' ') # print text_list for item in text_list: try: match ='(?P<attribute_name>\w+)=', item) name ='attribute_name') # print name attribute_names.append(name) except: pass return attribute_names
def get_description_dictionary(
Returns State_Description as a tag:value dictionary
def get_description_dictionary(self): """Returns State_Description as a tag:value dictionary""" out_dictionary = {} pass
def get_state_list_dictionary(
Gets the state data in a list of dictionaries. This is the equivelent to a table
def get_state_list_dictionary(self): """Gets the state data in a list of dictionaries. This is the equivelent to a table""" out_list = [] tuple_list = self.document.getElementsByTagName("Tuple") attributes = self.get_attribute_names()[:] for node in tuple_list: new_row = {} for attribute in attributes: new_row[attribute] = node.getAttribute(attribute) out_list.append(new_row) return out_list
def get_timestamp(
Tries to return the timestamp stored as an attribute date in the tag State
def get_timestamp(self): """Tries to return the timestamp stored as an attribute date in the tag State""" # Take the first thing called Image try: timestamp_node = self.document.getElementsByTagName('State_Timestamp')[0] timestamp = timestamp_node.childNodes[0].nodeValue return timestamp except: print("No Timestamp Found") return None
def save(
self, path=None)
" Saves as an XML file
def save(self,path=None): """" Saves as an XML file""" if path is None: path=self.path file_out=open(path,'w') file_out.write(str(self)) file_out.close()
def save_HTML(
self, file_path=None, XSLT=None)
Saves a HTML transformation of the XML document using XLST at file_path. Defaults to an XLST in self.options["XSLT"] and file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html')
def save_HTML(self,file_path=None,XSLT=None): """Saves a HTML transformation of the XML document using XLST at file_path. Defaults to an XLST in self.options["XSLT"] and file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html')""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] HTML=self.to_HTML(XSLT=XSLT) #print type(HTML) if file_path is None: file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html') out_file=open(file_path,'w') out_file.write(HTML) out_file.close()
def show(
self, mode='Window')
Displays a XML Document either as formatted text in the command line or in a window (using wx)
def show(self,mode='Window'): """ Displays a XML Document either as formatted text in the command line or in a window (using wx)""" def tag_to_tagName(tag): tagName=tag.replace('<','') tagName=tagName.replace('/','') tagName=tagName.replace('>','') return tagName if mode in ['text','txt','cmd line','cmd']: for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print('Entry Index: %s \tDate: %s'%(node.getAttribute('Index'), node.getAttribute('Date'))) print(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif'xml',mode,re.IGNORECASE): for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print(node.toprettyxml()) elif'Window|wx',mode,re.IGNORECASE): try: import wx import wx.html2 except: print('Cannot locate wx, please add to sys.path') app = wx.App(False) frame=wx.Frame(None) html_window=wx.html2.WebView.New(frame) html_window.SetPage(str(self.to_HTML()),"") frame.Show() app.MainLoop()
def to_HTML(
self, XSLT=None)
Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document
def to_HTML(self,XSLT=None): """ Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] XSL_data=etree.parse(XSLT) XSL_transform=etree.XSLT(XSL_data) HTML=XSL_transform(etree.XML(self.document.toxml())) return str(HTML)
def update_document(
Updates the attribute document from the self.etree.
def update_document(self): """Updates the attribute document from the self.etree. """ self.document=xml.dom.minidom.parseString(etree.tostring(self.etree))
def update_etree(
Updates the attribute etree. Should be called anytime the xml content is changed
def update_etree(self): "Updates the attribute etree. Should be called anytime the xml content is changed" self.etree = etree.fromstring(self.document.toxml())
class Metadata
Metadata holds the metadata tags for a FileRegistry, If it already exists and the parser gives an error check the xml file for special characters like
class Metadata(XMLBase): """ Metadata holds the metadata tags for a FileRegistry, If it already exists and the parser gives an error check the xml file for special characters like """ def __init__(self,file_path=None,**options):#FileRegistry,Metadata_File=None) """ Intializes the class Metadata""" # This is a general pattern for adding a lot of options # The next more advanced thing to do is retrieve defaults from a settings file defaults={"root":"Metadata_Registry", "style_sheet":DEFAULT_METADATA_STYLE, "specific_descriptor":'Metadata', "general_descriptor":'Registry', "directory":None, "extension":'xml', "metadata_file":None } self.options={} for key,value in defaults.items(): self.options[key]=value for key,value in options.items(): self.options[key]=value FileRegistry=file_path Metadata_File=self.options['metadata_file'] # Process the file register if isinstance(FileRegistry, InstanceType): self.FileRegister=FileRegistry elif isinstance(FileRegistry,StringType): self.FileRegister=FileRegister(FileRegistry) # Process or create the Metadata File if Metadata_File is None: # Make the metadata file based on the file register FileRegister_path=self.FileRegister.path.replace('\\','/') FileRegister_name=FileRegister_path.split('/')[-1] FileRegister_ext=FileRegister_name.split('.')[-1] Metadata_name=FileRegister_name.replace('.'+FileRegister_ext, '_Metadata.'+FileRegister_ext) self.path=FileRegister_path.replace(FileRegister_name,Metadata_name) self.document=self.FileRegister.document # delete old processing instructions for node in self.document.childNodes: if node.nodeType is 7: self.document.removeChild(node) node.unlink() # add in the default xsl new_node=self.document.createProcessingInstruction( 'xml-stylesheet', 'type="text/xsl" href="%s"'%self.options['style_sheet']) self.document.insertBefore(new_node,self.document.documentElement) # make sure there is a fileregister reference FR_Path=self.FileRegister.path new_node=self.document.createProcessingInstruction(\ 'xml-FileRegistry',\ 'href=\"%s\"'%(self.FileRegister.path)) self.document.insertBefore(new_node,self.document.documentElement) else: # The metadata file exists as a saved file or an instance if isinstance(Metadata_File, InstanceType): self.document=Metadata_File.document self.path=Metadata_File.path elif isinstance(Metadata_File,StringType): XMLBase.__init__(self,file_path,**self.options) # TODO: This dictionary of nodes worries me-- it may not scale well self.node_dictionary=dict([(str(node.getAttribute('URL')), node) for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('File')]) self.URL_dictionary=dict([(str(node.getAttribute('Id')), str(node.getAttribute('URL'))) for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('File')]) self.name_dictionary=dict([(Id,os.path.split(self.URL_dictionary[Id])[1]) for Id in list(self.URL_dictionary.keys())]) self.current_node=list(self.node_dictionary.values())[0] def search_name(self,name=None,re_flags=re.IGNORECASE): """ Returns a list of URL's that have an element matching name""" try: if re_flags in [None,'']: urls=[x for x in list(self.URL_dictionary.values()) if,x)] return urls else: urls=[x for x in list(self.URL_dictionary.values()) if,x,flags=re_flags)] return urls except: raise if XSLT_CAPABLE: def to_HTML(self,XSLT=None): """ Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] XSL_data=etree.parse(XSLT) XSL_transform=etree.XSLT(XSL_data) HTML=XSL_transform(etree.XML(self.document.toxml())) return HTML def get_file_node(self,URL=None,Id=None): """ Returns the file node specified by URL or Id""" if not URL is None: URL=condition_URL(URL) self.current_node=self.node_dictionary[URL] return self.current_node elif not Id is None: self.current_node=self.node_dictionary[self.URL_dictionary[Id]] return self.current_node def set_current_node(self,URL=None,Id=None): """ Sets the current file node to the one specified by URL or Id""" if not URL is None: URL=condition_URL(URL) self.current_node=self.node_dictionary[URL] elif not Id is None: self.current_node=self.node_dictionary[self.URL_dictionary[Id]] def add_element_to_current_node(self,XML_tag=None,value=None,node=None,**Atributes): """Adds a metadata element to the current file node""" if node is None: new_element=self.document.createElement(XML_tag) else: new_element=node if not value is None: new_text=self.document.createTextNode(str(value)) new_element.appendChild(new_text) attributes=[key for key in list(Atributes.keys())] new_attributes=dict([(attribute, self.document.createAttribute(attribute)) for attribute in \ attributes]) for (key,value) in Atributes.items(): new_element.setAttribute(key,str(value)) self.current_node.appendChild(new_element) def remove_element_in_current_node(self,element_name): """Removes all metadata elements with the same tagname in the current file node""" nodes_to_remove=self.current_node.getElementsByTagName(element_name) try: for node in nodes_to_remove: self.current_node.removeChild(node) except:pass if XSLT_CAPABLE: def current_node_to_HTML(self,XSLT=None): """Returns a HTML document from the current node""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] XSL_data=etree.parse(XSLT) XSL_transform=etree.XSLT(XSL_data) HTML=XSL_transform(etree.XML(self.current_node.toxml())) return HTML def print_current_node(self): """ Prints the current node """ print(self.current_node.toxml())
Ancestors (in MRO)
Instance variables
var URL_dictionary
var current_node
var name_dictionary
var node_dictionary
def __init__(
self, file_path=None, **options)
Intializes the class Metadata
def __init__(self,file_path=None,**options):#FileRegistry,Metadata_File=None) """ Intializes the class Metadata""" # This is a general pattern for adding a lot of options # The next more advanced thing to do is retrieve defaults from a settings file defaults={"root":"Metadata_Registry", "style_sheet":DEFAULT_METADATA_STYLE, "specific_descriptor":'Metadata', "general_descriptor":'Registry', "directory":None, "extension":'xml', "metadata_file":None } self.options={} for key,value in defaults.items(): self.options[key]=value for key,value in options.items(): self.options[key]=value FileRegistry=file_path Metadata_File=self.options['metadata_file'] # Process the file register if isinstance(FileRegistry, InstanceType): self.FileRegister=FileRegistry elif isinstance(FileRegistry,StringType): self.FileRegister=FileRegister(FileRegistry) # Process or create the Metadata File if Metadata_File is None: # Make the metadata file based on the file register FileRegister_path=self.FileRegister.path.replace('\\','/') FileRegister_name=FileRegister_path.split('/')[-1] FileRegister_ext=FileRegister_name.split('.')[-1] Metadata_name=FileRegister_name.replace('.'+FileRegister_ext, '_Metadata.'+FileRegister_ext) self.path=FileRegister_path.replace(FileRegister_name,Metadata_name) self.document=self.FileRegister.document # delete old processing instructions for node in self.document.childNodes: if node.nodeType is 7: self.document.removeChild(node) node.unlink() # add in the default xsl new_node=self.document.createProcessingInstruction( 'xml-stylesheet', 'type="text/xsl" href="%s"'%self.options['style_sheet']) self.document.insertBefore(new_node,self.document.documentElement) # make sure there is a fileregister reference FR_Path=self.FileRegister.path new_node=self.document.createProcessingInstruction(\ 'xml-FileRegistry',\ 'href=\"%s\"'%(self.FileRegister.path)) self.document.insertBefore(new_node,self.document.documentElement) else: # The metadata file exists as a saved file or an instance if isinstance(Metadata_File, InstanceType): self.document=Metadata_File.document self.path=Metadata_File.path elif isinstance(Metadata_File,StringType): XMLBase.__init__(self,file_path,**self.options) # TODO: This dictionary of nodes worries me-- it may not scale well self.node_dictionary=dict([(str(node.getAttribute('URL')), node) for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('File')]) self.URL_dictionary=dict([(str(node.getAttribute('Id')), str(node.getAttribute('URL'))) for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('File')]) self.name_dictionary=dict([(Id,os.path.split(self.URL_dictionary[Id])[1]) for Id in list(self.URL_dictionary.keys())]) self.current_node=list(self.node_dictionary.values())[0]
def add_element_to_current_node(
self, XML_tag=None, value=None, node=None, **Atributes)
Adds a metadata element to the current file node
def add_element_to_current_node(self,XML_tag=None,value=None,node=None,**Atributes): """Adds a metadata element to the current file node""" if node is None: new_element=self.document.createElement(XML_tag) else: new_element=node if not value is None: new_text=self.document.createTextNode(str(value)) new_element.appendChild(new_text) attributes=[key for key in list(Atributes.keys())] new_attributes=dict([(attribute, self.document.createAttribute(attribute)) for attribute in \ attributes]) for (key,value) in Atributes.items(): new_element.setAttribute(key,str(value)) self.current_node.appendChild(new_element)
def current_node_to_HTML(
self, XSLT=None)
Returns a HTML document from the current node
def current_node_to_HTML(self,XSLT=None): """Returns a HTML document from the current node""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] XSL_data=etree.parse(XSLT) XSL_transform=etree.XSLT(XSL_data) HTML=XSL_transform(etree.XML(self.current_node.toxml())) return HTML
def get_file_node(
self, URL=None, Id=None)
Returns the file node specified by URL or Id
def get_file_node(self,URL=None,Id=None): """ Returns the file node specified by URL or Id""" if not URL is None: URL=condition_URL(URL) self.current_node=self.node_dictionary[URL] return self.current_node elif not Id is None: self.current_node=self.node_dictionary[self.URL_dictionary[Id]] return self.current_node
def print_current_node(
Prints the current node
def print_current_node(self): """ Prints the current node """ print(self.current_node.toxml())
def remove_element_in_current_node(
self, element_name)
Removes all metadata elements with the same tagname in the current file node
def remove_element_in_current_node(self,element_name): """Removes all metadata elements with the same tagname in the current file node""" nodes_to_remove=self.current_node.getElementsByTagName(element_name) try: for node in nodes_to_remove: self.current_node.removeChild(node) except:pass
def save(
self, path=None)
" Saves as an XML file
def save(self,path=None): """" Saves as an XML file""" if path is None: path=self.path file_out=open(path,'w') file_out.write(str(self)) file_out.close()
def save_HTML(
self, file_path=None, XSLT=None)
Saves a HTML transformation of the XML document using XLST at file_path. Defaults to an XLST in self.options["XSLT"] and file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html')
def save_HTML(self,file_path=None,XSLT=None): """Saves a HTML transformation of the XML document using XLST at file_path. Defaults to an XLST in self.options["XSLT"] and file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html')""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] HTML=self.to_HTML(XSLT=XSLT) #print type(HTML) if file_path is None: file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html') out_file=open(file_path,'w') out_file.write(HTML) out_file.close()
def search_name(
self, name=None, re_flags=2)
Returns a list of URL's that have an element matching name
def search_name(self,name=None,re_flags=re.IGNORECASE): """ Returns a list of URL's that have an element matching name""" try: if re_flags in [None,'']: urls=[x for x in list(self.URL_dictionary.values()) if,x)] return urls else: urls=[x for x in list(self.URL_dictionary.values()) if,x,flags=re_flags)] return urls except: raise
def set_current_node(
self, URL=None, Id=None)
Sets the current file node to the one specified by URL or Id
def set_current_node(self,URL=None,Id=None): """ Sets the current file node to the one specified by URL or Id""" if not URL is None: URL=condition_URL(URL) self.current_node=self.node_dictionary[URL] elif not Id is None: self.current_node=self.node_dictionary[self.URL_dictionary[Id]]
def show(
self, mode='Window')
Displays a XML Document either as formatted text in the command line or in a window (using wx)
def show(self,mode='Window'): """ Displays a XML Document either as formatted text in the command line or in a window (using wx)""" def tag_to_tagName(tag): tagName=tag.replace('<','') tagName=tagName.replace('/','') tagName=tagName.replace('>','') return tagName if mode in ['text','txt','cmd line','cmd']: for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print('Entry Index: %s \tDate: %s'%(node.getAttribute('Index'), node.getAttribute('Date'))) print(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif'xml',mode,re.IGNORECASE): for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print(node.toprettyxml()) elif'Window|wx',mode,re.IGNORECASE): try: import wx import wx.html2 except: print('Cannot locate wx, please add to sys.path') app = wx.App(False) frame=wx.Frame(None) html_window=wx.html2.WebView.New(frame) html_window.SetPage(str(self.to_HTML()),"") frame.Show() app.MainLoop()
def to_HTML(
self, XSLT=None)
Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document
def to_HTML(self,XSLT=None): """ Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] XSL_data=etree.parse(XSLT) XSL_transform=etree.XSLT(XSL_data) HTML=XSL_transform(etree.XML(self.document.toxml())) return HTML
def update_document(
Updates the attribute document from the self.etree.
def update_document(self): """Updates the attribute document from the self.etree. """ self.document=xml.dom.minidom.parseString(etree.tostring(self.etree))
def update_etree(
Updates the attribute etree. Should be called anytime the xml content is changed
def update_etree(self): "Updates the attribute etree. Should be called anytime the xml content is changed" self.etree = etree.fromstring(self.document.toxml())
class ServiceXMLLog
A XMLLog for servicing an instrument or experiment
class ServiceXMLLog(XMLLog): """ A XMLLog for servicing an instrument or experiment """ def __init__(self,path=None,instrument_name=None): XMLLog.__init__(self,path)
Ancestors (in MRO)
Instance variables
def __init__(
self, path=None, instrument_name=None)
Intializes the XMLLog
def __init__(self,path=None,instrument_name=None): XMLLog.__init__(self,path)
def add_description(
self, description=None)
Adds an entry with Index='-1' which holds data about the log itself
def add_description(self,description=None): """ Adds an entry with Index='-1' which holds data about the log itself""" root=self.document.documentElement new_entry=self.document.createElement('Entry') if not description is None: text_node=self.document.createTextNode(description) new_entry.appendChild(text_node) # Add the Index attribute to the new entry Index_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('Index') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Index_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Index',str(-1)) # Add the Date attribute, this is the time when the entry was logged date=datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() Date_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('Date') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Date_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Date',str(date)) # Now append the new Child root.appendChild(new_entry) self.update_Index_node_dictionary()
def add_entry(
self, entry=None)
Adds an entry element to the current log
def add_entry(self,entry=None): """ Adds an entry element to the current log""" root=self.document.documentElement if entry is None: new_entry=self.document.createElement('Entry') value='' elif isinstance(entry, str): if'<Entry>(.)+</Entry>',entry): new_document=xml.dom.minidom.parseString(entry) new_entry=new_document.documentElement else: new_document=xml.dom.minidom.parseString('<Entry>' +entry+'</Entry>') new_entry=new_document.documentElement else: new_entry=entry # Find the max of Index's and add 1 to make a new Index if len(self.Index_node_dictionary)==0: new_Index='1' else: max_Index=max([int(Index) for Index in list(self.Index_node_dictionary.keys())]) new_Index=str(max_Index+1) # Add the Index attribute to the new entry Index_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('Index') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Index_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Index',str(new_Index)) if new_entry.getAttribute('Date'): pass else: # Add the Date attribute, this is the time when the entry was logged date=datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() Date_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('Date') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Date_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Date',str(date)) # Now append the new Child root.appendChild(new_entry) self.update_Index_node_dictionary() try: value=new_entry.childNodes[0].data except: value='' self.current_entry={'Tag':'Entry','Value':value,'Index':new_entry.getAttribute('Index'), 'Date':new_entry.getAttribute('Date')}
def current_entry_to_HTML(
self, XSLT=None)
Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document
def current_entry_to_HTML(self,XSLT=None): """ Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document""" if XSLT is None: XSLT=self.options['entry_style_sheet'] XSL_data=etree.parse(XSLT) XSL_transform=etree.XSLT(XSL_data) current_entry_XML=self.Index_node_dictionary[self.current_entry['Index']] HTML=XSL_transform(etree.XML(current_entry_XML.toxml())) return HTML
def edit_entry(
self, old_Index, new_value=None, new_Index=None, new_Date=None)
Edits and existing entry by replacing the existing values with new ones
def edit_entry(self,old_Index,new_value=None,new_Index=None,new_Date=None): """Edits and existing entry by replacing the existing values with new ones""" node=self.get_entry(str(old_Index)) if not new_value is None: new_text_node=self.document.createTextNode(new_value) try: old_text_node=node.childNodes[0] node.removeChild(old_text_node) except: pass node.appendChild(new_text_node) elif not new_Index is None: node.setAttribute('Index',new_Index) elif not new_Date is None: node.setAttribute('Date',new_Date) self.current_entry={'Tag':'Entry','Value':node.childNodes[0].data,'Index':node.getAttribute('Index'), 'Date':node.getAttribute('Date')}
def get_entry(
self, Index)
Returns the entry selcted by Index
def get_entry(self,Index): """ Returns the entry selcted by Index""" return self.Index_node_dictionary[str(Index)]
def get_table(
Returns the XML data as a list of python dictionaries
def get_table(self): "Returns the XML data as a list of python dictionaries" node_list=self.document.getElementsByTagName("Entry") table=[{"Index": node.getAttribute("Index"), "Date": node.getAttribute("Date"), "Entry": node.childNodes[0].nodeValue} for node in node_list] return table
def next_entry(
Sets current entry to the one after
def next_entry(self): """Sets current entry to the one after""" if len(self.current_entry)>0: Index=int(self.current_entry['Index']) else: return new_Index=Index+1 try: self.set_current_entry(new_Index) except KeyError: Indices=[int(x) for x in list(self.Index_node_dictionary.keys())] if max(Indices)>Index: Indices.sort() new_Index=Indices[Indices.index(Index)+1] else: Indices.remove(Index) new_Index=min(Indices) self.set_current_entry(new_Index)
def previous_entry(
Sets current entry to the one before
def previous_entry(self): """Sets current entry to the one before""" if len(self.current_entry)>0: Index=int(self.current_entry['Index']) else: return new_Index=Index-1 try: self.set_current_entry(new_Index) except KeyError: Indices=[int(x) for x in list(self.Index_node_dictionary.keys())] if min(Indices)<Index: Indices.sort() new_Index=Indices[Indices.index(Index)-1] else: Indices.remove(Index) if len(Indices)>0: new_Index=max(Indices) else: new_Index=Index self.set_current_entry(new_Index)
def remove_entry(
self, Index)
Removes the entry using the Index attribute
def remove_entry(self,Index): """ Removes the entry using the Index attribute""" root=self.document.documentElement root.removeChild(self.Index_node_dictionary[Index]) self.update_Index_node_dictionary()
def save(
self, path=None)
" Saves as an XML file
def save(self,path=None): """" Saves as an XML file""" if path is None: path=self.path file_out=open(path,'w') file_out.write(str(self)) file_out.close()
def save_HTML(
self, file_path=None, XSLT=None)
Saves a HTML transformation of the XML document using XLST at file_path. Defaults to an XLST in self.options["XSLT"] and file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html')
def save_HTML(self,file_path=None,XSLT=None): """Saves a HTML transformation of the XML document using XLST at file_path. Defaults to an XLST in self.options["XSLT"] and file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html')""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] HTML=self.to_HTML(XSLT=XSLT) #print type(HTML) if file_path is None: file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html') out_file=open(file_path,'w') out_file.write(HTML) out_file.close()
def set_current_entry(
self, Index=-1)
Sets self.current_entry
def set_current_entry(self,Index=-1): """Sets self.current_entry """ entry=self.Index_node_dictionary[str(Index)] try: value=entry.childNodes[0].data except: value='' self.current_entry={'Tag':'Entry','Value':value,'Index':entry.getAttribute('Index'), 'Date':entry.getAttribute('Date')}
def show(
self, mode='text')
Displays a XMLLog either as formatted text in the command line or in a window (using wx)
def show(self,mode='text'): """ Displays a XMLLog either as formatted text in the command line or in a window (using wx)""" def tag_to_tagName(tag): tagName=tag.replace('<','') tagName=tagName.replace('/','') tagName=tagName.replace('>','') return tagName if mode in ['text','txt','cmd line','cmd']: for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print('Entry Index: %s \tDate: %s'%(node.getAttribute('Index'), node.getAttribute('Date'))) print(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif'xml',mode,re.IGNORECASE): for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print(node.toprettyxml()) elif'Window|wx',mode,re.IGNORECASE): try: import wx import wx.html except: print('Cannot locate wx, please add to sys.path') app = wx.App(False) frame=wx.Frame(None) html_window=wx.html.HtmlWindow(frame) html_window.SetPage(str(self.to_HTML())) frame.Show() app.MainLoop()
def to_HTML(
self, XSLT=None)
Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document
def to_HTML(self,XSLT=None): """ Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] XSL_data=etree.parse(XSLT) XSL_transform=etree.XSLT(XSL_data) HTML=XSL_transform(etree.XML(self.document.toxml())) return str(HTML)
def update_Index_node_dictionary(
Re-Returns the attribute self.Index_node_dictionary, using the current definition of self.document
def update_Index_node_dictionary(self): """ Re-Returns the attribute self.Index_node_dictionary, using the current definition of self.document""" self.Index_node_dictionary=dict([(str(node.getAttribute('Index')), node) for node in \ self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry')])
def update_document(
Updates the attribute document from the self.etree.
def update_document(self): """Updates the attribute document from the self.etree. """ self.document=xml.dom.minidom.parseString(etree.tostring(self.etree))
def update_etree(
Updates the attribute etree. Should be called anytime the xml content is changed
def update_etree(self): "Updates the attribute etree. Should be called anytime the xml content is changed" self.etree = etree.fromstring(self.document.toxml())
class XMLBase
The XMLBase Class is designed to be a container for xml data. It opens and parses any well formed XML document, putting an lxml.document object in self.document. In addition it has helper methods for standard operations including display as a string.
class XMLBase(): """ The XMLBase Class is designed to be a container for xml data. It opens and parses any well formed XML document, putting an lxml.document object in self.document. In addition it has helper methods for standard operations including display as a string. """ def __init__(self,file_path=None,**options): "Initializes the XML Base Class " # This is a general pattern for adding a lot of options # The next more advanced thing to do is retrieve defaults from a settings file defaults={"root":"root", "style_sheet":os.path.join(XSLT_REPOSITORY,'DEFAULT_STYLE.xsl').replace('\\','/'), "specific_descriptor":'XML', "general_descriptor":'Document', "directory":None, "extension":'xml', "content":None } self.options={} for key,value in defaults.items(): self.options[key]=value for key,value in options.items(): self.options[key]=value # Define Method Aliases if they are available if METHOD_ALIASES: for command in alias(self): exec(command) #if the file path is not supplied create a new xml sheet if file_path is None: if self.options["content"]: self.document = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(self.options["content"]) self.options["content"]=None else: impl=getDOMImplementation() self.document=impl.createDocument(None,self.options['root'],None) # Should be a relative path for if self.options["style_sheet"] is not None: new_node=self.document.createProcessingInstruction('xml-stylesheet', 'type="text/xsl" href="{0}"'.format(self.options['style_sheet'])) self.document.insertBefore(new_node,self.document.documentElement) if DEFAULT_FILE_NAME is None: self.path=auto_name(self.options["specific_descriptor"], self.options["general_descriptor"], self.options["directory"], self.options["extension"]) else: # Just a backup plan if the python path is messed up self.path=DEFAULT_FILE_NAME else: try: try: file_in = open(file_path, 'r', encoding="utf-8") except: file_in = open(file_path, 'r') self.document = xml.dom.minidom.parse(file_in) file_in.close() self.path = file_path except: file_in = open(file_path, 'r', encoding="utf-8") content = str( # print("File Content is {0}".format(content)) self.etree = etree.fromstring(content) self.document = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(etree.tostring(self.etree, encoding="unicode")) self.etree=etree.fromstring(self.document.toxml()) def __getitem__(self, item): """This returns the items found by using xpath as a string. For example: XMLBase[".//BeforeCalibration/Item/SubItem[@Index='6']"] will return all of the elements with index=6. This is a thin wrapper of etree.findall""" out=self.etree.findall(item) if len(out)==1: try: string_out=etree.tostring(out[0]).decode() except: string_out = etree.tostring(out[0]) return string_out else: try: out_list= [etree.tostring(x).decode() for x in out] except: out_list= [etree.tostring(x) for x in out] return out_list def update_etree(self): "Updates the attribute etree. Should be called anytime the xml content is changed" self.etree = etree.fromstring(self.document.toxml()) def update_document(self): """Updates the attribute document from the self.etree. """ self.document=xml.dom.minidom.parseString(etree.tostring(self.etree)) def save(self,path=None): """" Saves as an XML file""" if path is None: path=self.path file_out=open(path,'w') file_out.write(str(self)) file_out.close() if XSLT_CAPABLE: def to_HTML(self,XSLT=None): """ Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] XSL_data=etree.parse(XSLT) XSL_transform=etree.XSLT(XSL_data) HTML=XSL_transform(etree.XML(self.document.toxml())) return str(HTML) def save_HTML(self,file_path=None,XSLT=None): """Saves a HTML transformation of the XML document using XLST at file_path. Defaults to an XLST in self.options["XSLT"] and file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html')""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] HTML=self.to_HTML(XSLT=XSLT) #print type(HTML) if file_path is None: file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html') out_file=open(file_path,'w') out_file.write(HTML) out_file.close() def show(self,mode='Window'): """ Displays a XML Document either as formatted text in the command line or in a window (using wx)""" def tag_to_tagName(tag): tagName=tag.replace('<','') tagName=tagName.replace('/','') tagName=tagName.replace('>','') return tagName if mode in ['text','txt','cmd line','cmd']: for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print('Entry Index: %s \tDate: %s'%(node.getAttribute('Index'), node.getAttribute('Date'))) print(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif'xml',mode,re.IGNORECASE): for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print(node.toprettyxml()) elif'Window|wx',mode,re.IGNORECASE): try: import wx import wx.html2 except: print('Cannot locate wx, please add to sys.path') app = wx.App(False) frame=wx.Frame(None) html_window=wx.html2.WebView.New(frame) html_window.SetPage(str(self.to_HTML()),"") frame.Show() app.MainLoop() def __str__(self): """Controls how XMLBAse is returned when a string function is called. Changed to using self.etree instead of self.document for better unicode support""" self.update_etree() try: string_representation = etree.tostring(self.etree,encoding="unicode") except: string_representation = self.document.toprettyxml() return str(string_representation)
Ancestors (in MRO)
Instance variables
var etree
var options
def __init__(
self, file_path=None, **options)
Initializes the XML Base Class
def __init__(self,file_path=None,**options): "Initializes the XML Base Class " # This is a general pattern for adding a lot of options # The next more advanced thing to do is retrieve defaults from a settings file defaults={"root":"root", "style_sheet":os.path.join(XSLT_REPOSITORY,'DEFAULT_STYLE.xsl').replace('\\','/'), "specific_descriptor":'XML', "general_descriptor":'Document', "directory":None, "extension":'xml', "content":None } self.options={} for key,value in defaults.items(): self.options[key]=value for key,value in options.items(): self.options[key]=value # Define Method Aliases if they are available if METHOD_ALIASES: for command in alias(self): exec(command) #if the file path is not supplied create a new xml sheet if file_path is None: if self.options["content"]: self.document = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(self.options["content"]) self.options["content"]=None else: impl=getDOMImplementation() self.document=impl.createDocument(None,self.options['root'],None) # Should be a relative path for if self.options["style_sheet"] is not None: new_node=self.document.createProcessingInstruction('xml-stylesheet', 'type="text/xsl" href="{0}"'.format(self.options['style_sheet'])) self.document.insertBefore(new_node,self.document.documentElement) if DEFAULT_FILE_NAME is None: self.path=auto_name(self.options["specific_descriptor"], self.options["general_descriptor"], self.options["directory"], self.options["extension"]) else: # Just a backup plan if the python path is messed up self.path=DEFAULT_FILE_NAME else: try: try: file_in = open(file_path, 'r', encoding="utf-8") except: file_in = open(file_path, 'r') self.document = xml.dom.minidom.parse(file_in) file_in.close() self.path = file_path except: file_in = open(file_path, 'r', encoding="utf-8") content = str( # print("File Content is {0}".format(content)) self.etree = etree.fromstring(content) self.document = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(etree.tostring(self.etree, encoding="unicode")) self.etree=etree.fromstring(self.document.toxml())
def save(
self, path=None)
" Saves as an XML file
def save(self,path=None): """" Saves as an XML file""" if path is None: path=self.path file_out=open(path,'w') file_out.write(str(self)) file_out.close()
def save_HTML(
self, file_path=None, XSLT=None)
Saves a HTML transformation of the XML document using XLST at file_path. Defaults to an XLST in self.options["XSLT"] and file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html')
def save_HTML(self,file_path=None,XSLT=None): """Saves a HTML transformation of the XML document using XLST at file_path. Defaults to an XLST in self.options["XSLT"] and file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html')""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] HTML=self.to_HTML(XSLT=XSLT) #print type(HTML) if file_path is None: file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html') out_file=open(file_path,'w') out_file.write(HTML) out_file.close()
def show(
self, mode='Window')
Displays a XML Document either as formatted text in the command line or in a window (using wx)
def show(self,mode='Window'): """ Displays a XML Document either as formatted text in the command line or in a window (using wx)""" def tag_to_tagName(tag): tagName=tag.replace('<','') tagName=tagName.replace('/','') tagName=tagName.replace('>','') return tagName if mode in ['text','txt','cmd line','cmd']: for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print('Entry Index: %s \tDate: %s'%(node.getAttribute('Index'), node.getAttribute('Date'))) print(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif'xml',mode,re.IGNORECASE): for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print(node.toprettyxml()) elif'Window|wx',mode,re.IGNORECASE): try: import wx import wx.html2 except: print('Cannot locate wx, please add to sys.path') app = wx.App(False) frame=wx.Frame(None) html_window=wx.html2.WebView.New(frame) html_window.SetPage(str(self.to_HTML()),"") frame.Show() app.MainLoop()
def to_HTML(
self, XSLT=None)
Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document
def to_HTML(self,XSLT=None): """ Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] XSL_data=etree.parse(XSLT) XSL_transform=etree.XSLT(XSL_data) HTML=XSL_transform(etree.XML(self.document.toxml())) return str(HTML)
def update_document(
Updates the attribute document from the self.etree.
def update_document(self): """Updates the attribute document from the self.etree. """ self.document=xml.dom.minidom.parseString(etree.tostring(self.etree))
def update_etree(
Updates the attribute etree. Should be called anytime the xml content is changed
def update_etree(self): "Updates the attribute etree. Should be called anytime the xml content is changed" self.etree = etree.fromstring(self.document.toxml())
class XMLLog
Data container for a general XMLLog
class XMLLog(XMLBase): """ Data container for a general XMLLog""" def __init__(self,file_path=None,**options): """ Intializes the XMLLog""" # We add the defaults for the log pass and the options along defaults={"root":'Log', 'style_sheet':DEFAULT_LOG_STYLE, 'entry_style_sheet':DEFAULT_LOG_STYLE, 'specific_descriptor':'XML','general_descriptor':'Log'} self.options={} for key,value in defaults.items(): self.options[key]=value for key,value in options.items(): self.options[key]=value XMLBase.__init__(self,file_path,**self.options) # TODO: Check how scalable a dictionary of nodes is self.Index_node_dictionary=dict([(str(node.getAttribute('Index')), node) for node in \ self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry')]) self.current_entry={} def add_entry(self,entry=None): """ Adds an entry element to the current log""" root=self.document.documentElement if entry is None: new_entry=self.document.createElement('Entry') value='' elif isinstance(entry, str): if'<Entry>(.)+</Entry>',entry): new_document=xml.dom.minidom.parseString(entry) new_entry=new_document.documentElement else: new_document=xml.dom.minidom.parseString('<Entry>' +entry+'</Entry>') new_entry=new_document.documentElement else: new_entry=entry # Find the max of Index's and add 1 to make a new Index if len(self.Index_node_dictionary)==0: new_Index='1' else: max_Index=max([int(Index) for Index in list(self.Index_node_dictionary.keys())]) new_Index=str(max_Index+1) # Add the Index attribute to the new entry Index_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('Index') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Index_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Index',str(new_Index)) if new_entry.getAttribute('Date'): pass else: # Add the Date attribute, this is the time when the entry was logged date=datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() Date_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('Date') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Date_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Date',str(date)) # Now append the new Child root.appendChild(new_entry) self.update_Index_node_dictionary() try: value=new_entry.childNodes[0].data except: value='' self.current_entry={'Tag':'Entry','Value':value,'Index':new_entry.getAttribute('Index'), 'Date':new_entry.getAttribute('Date')} def edit_entry(self,old_Index,new_value=None,new_Index=None,new_Date=None): """Edits and existing entry by replacing the existing values with new ones""" node=self.get_entry(str(old_Index)) if not new_value is None: new_text_node=self.document.createTextNode(new_value) try: old_text_node=node.childNodes[0] node.removeChild(old_text_node) except: pass node.appendChild(new_text_node) elif not new_Index is None: node.setAttribute('Index',new_Index) elif not new_Date is None: node.setAttribute('Date',new_Date) self.current_entry={'Tag':'Entry','Value':node.childNodes[0].data,'Index':node.getAttribute('Index'), 'Date':node.getAttribute('Date')} def get_entry(self,Index): """ Returns the entry selcted by Index""" return self.Index_node_dictionary[str(Index)] def set_current_entry(self,Index=-1): """Sets self.current_entry """ entry=self.Index_node_dictionary[str(Index)] try: value=entry.childNodes[0].data except: value='' self.current_entry={'Tag':'Entry','Value':value,'Index':entry.getAttribute('Index'), 'Date':entry.getAttribute('Date')} def remove_entry(self,Index): """ Removes the entry using the Index attribute""" root=self.document.documentElement root.removeChild(self.Index_node_dictionary[Index]) self.update_Index_node_dictionary() def add_description(self,description=None): """ Adds an entry with Index='-1' which holds data about the log itself""" root=self.document.documentElement new_entry=self.document.createElement('Entry') if not description is None: text_node=self.document.createTextNode(description) new_entry.appendChild(text_node) # Add the Index attribute to the new entry Index_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('Index') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Index_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Index',str(-1)) # Add the Date attribute, this is the time when the entry was logged date=datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() Date_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('Date') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Date_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Date',str(date)) # Now append the new Child root.appendChild(new_entry) self.update_Index_node_dictionary() def update_Index_node_dictionary(self): """ Re-Returns the attribute self.Index_node_dictionary, using the current definition of self.document""" self.Index_node_dictionary=dict([(str(node.getAttribute('Index')), node) for node in \ self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry')]) # if the XSLT engine loaded then define a transformation to HTML if XSLT_CAPABLE: def current_entry_to_HTML(self,XSLT=None): """ Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document""" if XSLT is None: XSLT=self.options['entry_style_sheet'] XSL_data=etree.parse(XSLT) XSL_transform=etree.XSLT(XSL_data) current_entry_XML=self.Index_node_dictionary[self.current_entry['Index']] HTML=XSL_transform(etree.XML(current_entry_XML.toxml())) return HTML # TODO: Make show and display function work well def previous_entry(self): """Sets current entry to the one before""" if len(self.current_entry)>0: Index=int(self.current_entry['Index']) else: return new_Index=Index-1 try: self.set_current_entry(new_Index) except KeyError: Indices=[int(x) for x in list(self.Index_node_dictionary.keys())] if min(Indices)<Index: Indices.sort() new_Index=Indices[Indices.index(Index)-1] else: Indices.remove(Index) if len(Indices)>0: new_Index=max(Indices) else: new_Index=Index self.set_current_entry(new_Index) def next_entry(self): """Sets current entry to the one after""" if len(self.current_entry)>0: Index=int(self.current_entry['Index']) else: return new_Index=Index+1 try: self.set_current_entry(new_Index) except KeyError: Indices=[int(x) for x in list(self.Index_node_dictionary.keys())] if max(Indices)>Index: Indices.sort() new_Index=Indices[Indices.index(Index)+1] else: Indices.remove(Index) new_Index=min(Indices) self.set_current_entry(new_Index) def show(self,mode='text'): """ Displays a XMLLog either as formatted text in the command line or in a window (using wx)""" def tag_to_tagName(tag): tagName=tag.replace('<','') tagName=tagName.replace('/','') tagName=tagName.replace('>','') return tagName if mode in ['text','txt','cmd line','cmd']: for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print('Entry Index: %s \tDate: %s'%(node.getAttribute('Index'), node.getAttribute('Date'))) print(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif'xml',mode,re.IGNORECASE): for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print(node.toprettyxml()) elif'Window|wx',mode,re.IGNORECASE): try: import wx import wx.html except: print('Cannot locate wx, please add to sys.path') app = wx.App(False) frame=wx.Frame(None) html_window=wx.html.HtmlWindow(frame) html_window.SetPage(str(self.to_HTML())) frame.Show() app.MainLoop() def __add__(object,right): """Controls Behavior of two XMLLogs added using the + operator""" new_log=object for entry in right.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): if entry.getAttribute('Index')=='-1': pass else: new_log.add_entry(entry) return new_log def get_table(self): "Returns the XML data as a list of python dictionaries" node_list=self.document.getElementsByTagName("Entry") table=[{"Index": node.getAttribute("Index"), "Date": node.getAttribute("Date"), "Entry": node.childNodes[0].nodeValue} for node in node_list] return table
Ancestors (in MRO)
Instance variables
var Index_node_dictionary
var current_entry
def __init__(
self, file_path=None, **options)
Intializes the XMLLog
def __init__(self,file_path=None,**options): """ Intializes the XMLLog""" # We add the defaults for the log pass and the options along defaults={"root":'Log', 'style_sheet':DEFAULT_LOG_STYLE, 'entry_style_sheet':DEFAULT_LOG_STYLE, 'specific_descriptor':'XML','general_descriptor':'Log'} self.options={} for key,value in defaults.items(): self.options[key]=value for key,value in options.items(): self.options[key]=value XMLBase.__init__(self,file_path,**self.options) # TODO: Check how scalable a dictionary of nodes is self.Index_node_dictionary=dict([(str(node.getAttribute('Index')), node) for node in \ self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry')]) self.current_entry={}
def add_description(
self, description=None)
Adds an entry with Index='-1' which holds data about the log itself
def add_description(self,description=None): """ Adds an entry with Index='-1' which holds data about the log itself""" root=self.document.documentElement new_entry=self.document.createElement('Entry') if not description is None: text_node=self.document.createTextNode(description) new_entry.appendChild(text_node) # Add the Index attribute to the new entry Index_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('Index') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Index_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Index',str(-1)) # Add the Date attribute, this is the time when the entry was logged date=datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() Date_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('Date') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Date_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Date',str(date)) # Now append the new Child root.appendChild(new_entry) self.update_Index_node_dictionary()
def add_entry(
self, entry=None)
Adds an entry element to the current log
def add_entry(self,entry=None): """ Adds an entry element to the current log""" root=self.document.documentElement if entry is None: new_entry=self.document.createElement('Entry') value='' elif isinstance(entry, str): if'<Entry>(.)+</Entry>',entry): new_document=xml.dom.minidom.parseString(entry) new_entry=new_document.documentElement else: new_document=xml.dom.minidom.parseString('<Entry>' +entry+'</Entry>') new_entry=new_document.documentElement else: new_entry=entry # Find the max of Index's and add 1 to make a new Index if len(self.Index_node_dictionary)==0: new_Index='1' else: max_Index=max([int(Index) for Index in list(self.Index_node_dictionary.keys())]) new_Index=str(max_Index+1) # Add the Index attribute to the new entry Index_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('Index') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Index_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Index',str(new_Index)) if new_entry.getAttribute('Date'): pass else: # Add the Date attribute, this is the time when the entry was logged date=datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() Date_attribute=self.document.createAttribute('Date') new_entry.setAttributeNode(Date_attribute) new_entry.setAttribute('Date',str(date)) # Now append the new Child root.appendChild(new_entry) self.update_Index_node_dictionary() try: value=new_entry.childNodes[0].data except: value='' self.current_entry={'Tag':'Entry','Value':value,'Index':new_entry.getAttribute('Index'), 'Date':new_entry.getAttribute('Date')}
def current_entry_to_HTML(
self, XSLT=None)
Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document
def current_entry_to_HTML(self,XSLT=None): """ Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document""" if XSLT is None: XSLT=self.options['entry_style_sheet'] XSL_data=etree.parse(XSLT) XSL_transform=etree.XSLT(XSL_data) current_entry_XML=self.Index_node_dictionary[self.current_entry['Index']] HTML=XSL_transform(etree.XML(current_entry_XML.toxml())) return HTML
def edit_entry(
self, old_Index, new_value=None, new_Index=None, new_Date=None)
Edits and existing entry by replacing the existing values with new ones
def edit_entry(self,old_Index,new_value=None,new_Index=None,new_Date=None): """Edits and existing entry by replacing the existing values with new ones""" node=self.get_entry(str(old_Index)) if not new_value is None: new_text_node=self.document.createTextNode(new_value) try: old_text_node=node.childNodes[0] node.removeChild(old_text_node) except: pass node.appendChild(new_text_node) elif not new_Index is None: node.setAttribute('Index',new_Index) elif not new_Date is None: node.setAttribute('Date',new_Date) self.current_entry={'Tag':'Entry','Value':node.childNodes[0].data,'Index':node.getAttribute('Index'), 'Date':node.getAttribute('Date')}
def get_entry(
self, Index)
Returns the entry selcted by Index
def get_entry(self,Index): """ Returns the entry selcted by Index""" return self.Index_node_dictionary[str(Index)]
def get_table(
Returns the XML data as a list of python dictionaries
def get_table(self): "Returns the XML data as a list of python dictionaries" node_list=self.document.getElementsByTagName("Entry") table=[{"Index": node.getAttribute("Index"), "Date": node.getAttribute("Date"), "Entry": node.childNodes[0].nodeValue} for node in node_list] return table
def next_entry(
Sets current entry to the one after
def next_entry(self): """Sets current entry to the one after""" if len(self.current_entry)>0: Index=int(self.current_entry['Index']) else: return new_Index=Index+1 try: self.set_current_entry(new_Index) except KeyError: Indices=[int(x) for x in list(self.Index_node_dictionary.keys())] if max(Indices)>Index: Indices.sort() new_Index=Indices[Indices.index(Index)+1] else: Indices.remove(Index) new_Index=min(Indices) self.set_current_entry(new_Index)
def previous_entry(
Sets current entry to the one before
def previous_entry(self): """Sets current entry to the one before""" if len(self.current_entry)>0: Index=int(self.current_entry['Index']) else: return new_Index=Index-1 try: self.set_current_entry(new_Index) except KeyError: Indices=[int(x) for x in list(self.Index_node_dictionary.keys())] if min(Indices)<Index: Indices.sort() new_Index=Indices[Indices.index(Index)-1] else: Indices.remove(Index) if len(Indices)>0: new_Index=max(Indices) else: new_Index=Index self.set_current_entry(new_Index)
def remove_entry(
self, Index)
Removes the entry using the Index attribute
def remove_entry(self,Index): """ Removes the entry using the Index attribute""" root=self.document.documentElement root.removeChild(self.Index_node_dictionary[Index]) self.update_Index_node_dictionary()
def save(
self, path=None)
" Saves as an XML file
def save(self,path=None): """" Saves as an XML file""" if path is None: path=self.path file_out=open(path,'w') file_out.write(str(self)) file_out.close()
def save_HTML(
self, file_path=None, XSLT=None)
Saves a HTML transformation of the XML document using XLST at file_path. Defaults to an XLST in self.options["XSLT"] and file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html')
def save_HTML(self,file_path=None,XSLT=None): """Saves a HTML transformation of the XML document using XLST at file_path. Defaults to an XLST in self.options["XSLT"] and file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html')""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] HTML=self.to_HTML(XSLT=XSLT) #print type(HTML) if file_path is None: file_path=self.path.replace('.xml','.html') out_file=open(file_path,'w') out_file.write(HTML) out_file.close()
def set_current_entry(
self, Index=-1)
Sets self.current_entry
def set_current_entry(self,Index=-1): """Sets self.current_entry """ entry=self.Index_node_dictionary[str(Index)] try: value=entry.childNodes[0].data except: value='' self.current_entry={'Tag':'Entry','Value':value,'Index':entry.getAttribute('Index'), 'Date':entry.getAttribute('Date')}
def show(
self, mode='text')
Displays a XMLLog either as formatted text in the command line or in a window (using wx)
def show(self,mode='text'): """ Displays a XMLLog either as formatted text in the command line or in a window (using wx)""" def tag_to_tagName(tag): tagName=tag.replace('<','') tagName=tagName.replace('/','') tagName=tagName.replace('>','') return tagName if mode in ['text','txt','cmd line','cmd']: for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print('Entry Index: %s \tDate: %s'%(node.getAttribute('Index'), node.getAttribute('Date'))) print(node.firstChild.nodeValue) elif'xml',mode,re.IGNORECASE): for node in self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry'): print(node.toprettyxml()) elif'Window|wx',mode,re.IGNORECASE): try: import wx import wx.html except: print('Cannot locate wx, please add to sys.path') app = wx.App(False) frame=wx.Frame(None) html_window=wx.html.HtmlWindow(frame) html_window.SetPage(str(self.to_HTML())) frame.Show() app.MainLoop()
def to_HTML(
self, XSLT=None)
Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document
def to_HTML(self,XSLT=None): """ Returns HTML string by applying a XSL to the XML document""" if XSLT is None: # For some reason an absolute path tends to break here, maybe a spaces in file names problem XSLT=self.options['style_sheet'] XSL_data=etree.parse(XSLT) XSL_transform=etree.XSLT(XSL_data) HTML=XSL_transform(etree.XML(self.document.toxml())) return str(HTML)
def update_Index_node_dictionary(
Re-Returns the attribute self.Index_node_dictionary, using the current definition of self.document
def update_Index_node_dictionary(self): """ Re-Returns the attribute self.Index_node_dictionary, using the current definition of self.document""" self.Index_node_dictionary=dict([(str(node.getAttribute('Index')), node) for node in \ self.document.getElementsByTagName('Entry')])
def update_document(
Updates the attribute document from the self.etree.
def update_document(self): """Updates the attribute document from the self.etree. """ self.document=xml.dom.minidom.parseString(etree.tostring(self.etree))
def update_etree(
Updates the attribute etree. Should be called anytime the xml content is changed
def update_etree(self): "Updates the attribute etree. Should be called anytime the xml content is changed" self.etree = etree.fromstring(self.document.toxml())
Module variables
A dictionary of XML node types, where the key is the node type and the value is an integer that corresponds to node types in lxml module.
The root directory of pyMez
var StringTypes
var type_names