pyMez.Code.Analysis.Fitting module
Fitting is a module containing classes and functions for fitting and simulating data. The primary class to fit data and create functions is FunctionalModel.
>>line=FunctionalModel(variables='x',parameters='m b',equation='m*x+b') >>line(m=2,b=5,x=np.array([1,2,3]))
Fitting Example
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: Fitting # Purpose: Functions and classes for fitting data # Author: Aric Sanders # Created: 9/9/2016 # License: MIT License #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- """ Fitting is a module containing classes and functions for fitting and simulating data. The primary class to fit data and create functions is FunctionalModel. Examples -------- #!python >>line=FunctionalModel(variables='x',parameters='m b',equation='m*x+b') >>line(m=2,b=5,x=np.array([1,2,3])) <h3><a href="../../../Examples/html/Fitting_Example.html">Fitting Example</a></h3> Requirements ------------ + [sys]( + [os]( + [re]( + [types]( + [numpy]( + [scipy]( + [sympy]( Help --------------- <a href="./index.html">`pyMez.Code.Analysis`</a> <div> <a href="../../../pyMez_Documentation.html">Documentation Home</a> | <a href="../../index.html">API Documentation Home</a> | <a href="../../../Examples/html/Examples_Home.html">Examples Home</a> | <a href="../../../Reference_Index.html">Index</a> </div> """ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Standard Imports import os import sys from types import * import re #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Third Party Imports sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname( __file__ ), '..','..')) try: from Code.Utils.Types import * except: print("The module pyMez.Code.Utils.Types was not found or had an error," "please check module or put it on the python path") raise ImportError try: import numpy as np except: print("The module numpy either was not found or had an error" "Please put it on the python path, or resolve the error") raise try: import sympy except: print("The module sympy either was not found or had an error" "Please put it on the python path, or resolve the error (") raise try: import scipy import scipy.optimize import scipy.stats except: print("The modules scipy.optimize and scipy.stats were not imported correctly" "Please scipy on the python path, or resolve the error " "(") raise try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except: print("The module matplotlib was not found," "please put it on the python path") #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Module Constants LAMBDIFY_MODULES = ["numpy", {"besselj": sympy.besselj, "bessely": sympy.bessely, "besseli": sympy.besseli, "besselk": sympy.besselk, "hankel1": sympy.hankel1, "hankel2": sympy.hankel2}] #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Module Functions #TODO: These definitions of fits do not use the FittingFunction Class # These fits are all of the form f(parameters,variables) def line_function(a,x): "line function (y=a[1]x+a[0])" return a[1]*x+a[0] def lorentzian_function(a,x): "a[0]=amplitude,a[1]=center,a[2]=FWHM" return a[0]*1/(1+(x-a[1])**2/(a[2]**2)) def gaussian_function(a,x): " a[0]=amplitude, a[1]=center, a[2]=std deviation" return a[0]*scipy.exp(-(x-a[1])**2/(2.0*a[2]**2)) def least_squares_fit(function,xdata,ydata,initial_parameters): """Returns a parameter list after fitting the data x_data,y_data with the function in the form of f(parameter_list,x)""" error_function=lambda a, xdata, ydata:function(a,xdata)-ydata a,success=scipy.optimize.leastsq(error_function, initial_parameters,args=(np.array(xdata),np.array(ydata))) return a def calculate_residuals(fit_function,a,xdata,ydata): """Given the fit function, a parameter vector, xdata, and ydata returns the residuals as [x_data,y_data]""" output_x=xdata output_y=[fit_function(a,x)-ydata[index] for index,x in enumerate(xdata)] return [output_x,output_y] def build_modeled_data_set(x_list,function_list): """build_modeled_data_set takes an input independent variable and a list of functions and returns a data set of the form [..[xi,f1(xi),..fn(xi)]] it is meant to create a modeled data set. Requires that the list of functions is callable f(x) is defined""" out_data=[] for x in x_list: new_row=[] new_row.append(x) for function in function_list: if type(function(x)) in [np.ndarray,'numpy.array']: # to list is needed if the function returns np.array new_row.append(function(x).tolist()) else: new_row.append(function(x)) out_data.append(new_row) return out_data #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Module Classes class FunctionalModel(object): """FittingModel is a class that holds a fitting function, it uses sympy to provide symbolic manipulation of the function and formatted output. If called it acts like a traditional python function. Initialize the class with parameters, variables and an equation. Ex. line=FunctionalModel(variables='x', parameters='m b', equation='m*x+b'), to call as a function the parameters must be set. line(m=2,b=1,x=1) or line.set_parameters(m=1,b=2) line(1). To fit data use the .fit_data(x_data,y_data) method. This will automatically set the parameters to the fit values.""" def __init__(self, **options): """Initializes the FunctionalModel, note if the equation passed has a special function bessel,etc. it will find it""" defaults = {"parameters": None, "variables": None, "equation": None, "parameter_values": {}, "special_function": False} self.options = {} for key, value in defaults.items(): self.options[key] = value for key, value in options.items(): self.options[key] = value # fix any lists for item in ["parameters", "variables"]: if isinstance(self.options[item], StringType): self.options[item] = re.split("\s+", self.options[item]) self.__dict__[item] = self.options[item] # ------------ This was not needed for multisine fit removed 11/27/2018 # self.__dict__[item+"_symbols"]=sympy.symbols(self.options[item]) # this creates the python variables in the global namespace, may back fire with lots of variables # for index,symbol in enumerate(self.__dict__[item+"_symbols"][:]): # globals()[item[index]]=symbol # ----------------- self.options[item] = None self.special_function = self.options["special_function"] self.equation = sympy.sympify(self.options["equation"]) special_function_keys = list(LAMBDIFY_MODULES[1].keys()) for key in special_function_keys: if, str(self.options["equation"])): self.special_function = True if self.special_function: self.function = sympy.lambdify(self.parameters + self.variables, self.equation, modules=LAMBDIFY_MODULES) else: self.function = sympy.lambdify(self.parameters + self.variables, self.equation, "numpy") self.parameter_values = self.options["parameter_values"] self.options["parameter_values"] = {} def __call__(self, *args, **keywordargs): """Controls the behavior when called as a function""" return self.function(*args, **keywordargs) def set_parameters(self, parameter_dictionary=None, **parameter_dictionary_keyword): """Sets the parameters to values in dictionary""" if parameter_dictionary is None: try: parameter_dictionary = parameter_dictionary_keyword except: pass self.parameter_values = parameter_dictionary if self.special_function: self.function = np.vectorize(lambda x: sympy.N(sympy.lambdify(self.variables, self.equation.subs(self.parameter_values), modules=LAMBDIFY_MODULES)(x))) else: self.function = sympy.lambdify(self.variables, self.equation.subs(self.parameter_values), modules=LAMBDIFY_MODULES) def clear_parameters(self): """Clears the parmeters specified by set_parameters""" self.function = sympy.lambdify(self.parameters + self.variables, self.equation, modules=LAMBDIFY_MODULES) self.parameter_values = {} def fit_data(self, x_data, y_data, **options): """Uses the equation to fit the data, after fitting the data sets the parameters. """ defaults = {"initial_guess": {parameter: 0.0 for parameter in self.parameters}, "fixed_parameters": None} self.fit_options = {} for key, value in defaults.items(): self.fit_options[key] = value for key, value in options.items(): self.fit_options[key] = value def fit_f(a, x): self.clear_parameters() input_list = [] for parameter in a: input_list.append(parameter) if self.special_function: if isinstance(x, list): out = np.array(list(map(lambda y: sympy.N(self.function(*(input_list + [y]))), x)), dtype=np.float64) return out elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray): out = np.array(list(map(lambda y: sympy.N(self.function(*(input_list + [y]))), x.tolist())), dtype=np.float64) return out else: out = sympy.N(self.function(*input_list)) return out else: input_list.append(x) return self.function(*input_list) # this needs to be reflected in fit_parameters a0 = [] for key in self.parameters[:]: a0.append(self.fit_options["initial_guess"][key]) a0 = np.array(a0) result = least_squares_fit(fit_f, x_data, y_data, a0) fit_parameters = result.tolist() fit_parameter_dictionary = {parameter: fit_parameters[index] for index, parameter in enumerate(self.parameters)} self.set_parameters(fit_parameter_dictionary) def __div__(self, other): return self.__truediv__(other) def __add__(self, other): """Defines addition for the class, if it is another functional model add the models else just change the equation""" if isinstance(other, FunctionalModel): parameters = list(set(self.parameters + other.parameters)) variables = list(set(self.variables + other.variables)) # print("{0} is {1}".format("parameters",parameters)) # print("{0} is {1}".format("variables",variables)) equation = self.equation + other.equation # print("{0} is {1}".format("equation",equation)) else: parameters = self.parameters variables = self.variables equation = self.equation + other new_function = FunctionalModel(parameters=parameters, variables=variables, equation=equation) return new_function def __sub__(self, other): """Defines subtraction for the class""" if isinstance(other, FunctionalModel): parameters = list(set(self.parameters + other.parameters)) variables = list(set(self.variables + other.variables)) # print("{0} is {1}".format("parameters",parameters)) # print("{0} is {1}".format("variables",variables)) equation = self.equation - other.equation # print("{0} is {1}".format("equation",equation)) else: parameters = self.parameters variables = self.variables equation = self.equation - other new_function = FunctionalModel(parameters=parameters, variables=variables, equation=equation) return new_function def __mul__(self, other): """Defines multiplication for the class""" if isinstance(other, FunctionalModel): parameters = list(set(self.parameters + other.parameters)) variables = list(set(self.variables + other.variables)) # print("{0} is {1}".format("parameters",parameters)) # print("{0} is {1}".format("variables",variables)) equation = self.equation * other.equation # print("{0} is {1}".format("equation",equation)) else: parameters = self.parameters variables = self.variables equation = self.equation * other new_function = FunctionalModel(parameters=parameters, variables=variables, equation=equation) return new_function def __pow__(self, other): """Defines power for the class""" if isinstance(other, FunctionalModel): parameters = list(set(self.parameters + other.parameters)) variables = list(set(self.variables + other.variables)) # print("{0} is {1}".format("parameters",parameters)) # print("{0} is {1}".format("variables",variables)) equation = self.equation ** other.equation # print("{0} is {1}".format("equation",equation)) else: parameters = self.parameters variables = self.variables equation = self.equation ** other new_function = FunctionalModel(parameters=parameters, variables=variables, equation=equation) return new_function def __truediv__(self, other): """Defines division for the class""" if isinstance(other, FunctionalModel): parameters = list(set(self.parameters + other.parameters)) variables = list(set(self.variables + other.variables)) # print("{0} is {1}".format("parameters",parameters)) # print("{0} is {1}".format("variables",variables)) equation = self.equation / other.equation # print("{0} is {1}".format("equation",equation)) else: parameters = self.parameters variables = self.variables equation = self.equation / other new_function = FunctionalModel(parameters=parameters, variables=variables, equation=equation) return new_function def __str__(self): """Controls the string behavior of the function""" return str(self.equation.subs(self.parameter_values)) def compose(self, other): """Returns self.equation.sub(variable=other)""" if len(self.variables) == 1: variables = other.variables parameters = list(set(self.parameters + other.parameters)) equation = self.equation.subs({self.variables[0]: other}) new_function = FunctionalModel(parameters=parameters, variables=variables, equation=equation) return new_function else: return None def to_latex(self): """Returns a Latex form of the equation using current parameters""" return sympy.latex(self.equation.subs(self.parameter_values)) def plot_fit(self, x_data, y_data, **options): """Fit a data set and show the results""" defaults = {"title": True} plot_options = {} for key, value in defaults.items(): plot_options[key] = value for key, value in options.items(): plot_options[key] = value self.fit_data(x_data, y_data, **plot_options) figure = plt.figure("Fit") plt.plot(x_data, y_data, label="Raw Data") plt.plot(x_data, self.function(x_data), 'ro', label="Fit") plt.legend(loc=0) if plot_options["title"]: if plot_options["title"] is True: plt.title(str(self)) else: plt.title(plot_options["title"]) return figure def d(self, respect_to=None, order=1): """Takes the derivative with respect to variable or parameter provided or defaults to first variable""" if respect_to is None: respect_to = self.variables[0] equation = self.equation.copy() for i in range(order): equation = sympy.diff(equation, respect_to) return FunctionalModel(parameters=self.parameters[:], variables=self.variables[:], equation=str(equation)) def integrate(self, respect_to=None, order=1): """Integrates with respect to variable or parameter provided or defaults to first variable. Does not add a constant of integration.""" if respect_to is None: respect_to = self.variables_symbols[0] equation = self.equation.copy() for i in range(order): equation = sympy.integrate(equation, respect_to) return FunctionalModel(parameters=self.parameters[:], variables=self.variables[:], equation=str(equation)) # todo: This feature does not work because of the namspace of the parameters and variables # I don't know what name sympify uses when it creates the equation # def series(self,variable_or_parameter,value=0,order=6): # """Calculates the symbolic series expansion of order around the variable or parameter value # of the functional model. Returns a new FunctionalModel""" # equation=sympy.series(self.equation,variable_or_parameter,value,order).removeO() # parameters=self.parameters[:] # variables=self.variables[:] # return FunctionalModel(equation=equation,variables=variables,parameters=parameters) def limit(self, variable_or_parameter, point): """Finds the symbolic limit of the FunctionalModel for the variable or parameter approaching point""" equation = sympy.limit(self.equation, variable_or_parameter, point) parameters = self.parameters[:] variables = self.variables[:] return FunctionalModel(equation=equation, variables=variables, parameters=parameters) class DataSimulator(object): """A class that simulates data. It creates a data set from a FunctionalModel with the parameters set, and an optional output noise. The attribute self.x has the x data and has the result. The simulator may be called as a function on a single point or an numpy array.""" def __init__(self,**options): """Intializes the DataSimulator class""" defaults= {"parameters":None, "variables":None, "equation":None, "parameter_values":{}, "model":None, "variable_min":None, "variable_max":None, "number_points":None, "variable_step":None, "output_noise_type":None, "output_noise_width":None, "output_noise_center":None, "output_noise_amplitude":1., "random_seed":None, "x":np.array([])} self.options={} for key,value in defaults.items(): self.options[key]=value for key,value in options.items(): self.options[key]=value # set the self.model attribute if self.options["model"]: self.model=self.options["model"] else: # try and create the model from the options try: self.model=FunctionalModel(variables=self.options["variables"], parameters=self.options["parameters"], equation=self.options["equation"]) except: print("Could not form a model from the information given, either model has to be specified or" "parameters, variables and equation has to be specified") # todo: make an error specific to this case raise if self.options["parameter_values"]: self.model.set_parameters(self.options["parameter_values"]) self.x=self.options["x"] self.random_seed=self.options["random_seed"] output_noise_names=["type","center","width","amplitude"] for index,output_noise_name in enumerate(output_noise_names): self.__dict__["output_noise_{0}".format(output_noise_name)]=self.options["output_noise_{0}".format(output_noise_name)] self.set_output_noise() if self.options["variable_min"] and self.options["variable_max"]: self.set_x(variable_min=self.options["variable_min"], variable_max=self.options["variable_max"], number_points=self.options["number_points"], variable_step=self.options["variable_step"]) self.set_parameters=self.model.set_parameters self.clear_parameters=self.model.clear_parameters self.set_data() def set_x(self, variable_min=None, variable_max=None,number_points=None,variable_step=None): """Sets the dependent variable values, min, max and number of points or step""" if [variable_min,variable_max]==[None,None]: self.x=np.array([]) elif isinstance(variable_min,list): self.x=variable_min else: if variable_step: number_points=(variable_max-variable_min)/variable_step self.x=np.linspace(variable_max,variable_min,number_points) self.set_output_noise() def set_output_noise(self,output_noise_type=None,output_noise_center=None,output_noise_width=None,output_noise_amplitude=1.): """Set the output noise distrubution. Possible types are gaussian, uniform, triangular, lognormal, with the assumption all are symmetric """ output_noise_characteristics=[output_noise_type,output_noise_center,output_noise_width,output_noise_amplitude] output_noise_names=["type","center","width","amplitude"] for index,output_noise_characteristic in enumerate(output_noise_characteristics): if output_noise_characteristic: self.__dict__["output_noise_{0}".format(output_noise_names[index])]=output_noise_characteristic if self.output_noise_type is None or not self.x.any(): self.output_noise=np.array([]) else: # set the random seed np.random.seed(self.random_seed) # now handle the output types, all in np.random if"gauss|normal",self.output_noise_type,re.IGNORECASE): self.output_noise=output_noise_amplitude*np.random.normal(self.output_noise_center, self.output_noise_width,len(self.x)) elif"uni|square|rect",self.output_noise_type,re.IGNORECASE): self.output_noise=output_noise_amplitude*np.random.uniform(self.output_noise_center-self.output_noise_width/2, self.output_noise_width+self.output_noise_width/2, len(self.x)) elif"tri",self.output_noise_type,re.IGNORECASE): self.output_noise=output_noise_amplitude*np.random.triangular(self.output_noise_center-self.output_noise_width/2, self.output_noise_center, self.output_noise_width+self.output_noise_width/2, len(self.x)) self.set_data() def set_data(self): if self.model.parameter_values: if self.output_noise.any(): out_data=self.model(self.x)+self.output_noise else: if self.x.any(): out_data=self.model(self.x) else: out_data=[] else: out_data=[] def get_data(self): return[:] def __call__(self,x_data): """Returns the simulated data for x=x_data, to have deterministic responses, set self.random_seed""" if type(x_data) not in [np.array]: if isinstance(x_data, ListType): x_data=np.array(x_data) else: x_data=np.array([x_data]) #print("{0} is {1}".format("x_data",x_data)) self.x=x_data self.set_output_noise() self.set_data()[:] if len(out)==1: out=out[0] return out class Multicosine(FunctionalModel): """Multicosine creates a Functional Model of the form f(t) = A_1*cos(2*pi*frequency_list[0]*t+phi_1)+ ... A_N*cos(2*pi*frequency_list[N]*t+phi_N). It requires a frequency_list to be passed on creation""" def __init__(self,frequency_list): # Constructing the equation string to pass to FunctionalModel number_terms = len(frequency_list) fit_function = "" for i in range(number_terms): if i < number_terms - 1: fit_function = fit_function + "A_{0}*cos(2*pi*{1}*t+phi_{0})+".format(i + 1, frequency_list[i]) else: fit_function = fit_function + "A_{0}*cos(2*pi*{1}*t+phi_{0})".format(i + 1, frequency_list[i]) # Construct the parameter List parameter_list = ["A_{0}".format(i + 1) for i in range(number_terms)] + ["phi_{0}".format(i + 1) for i in range(number_terms)] FunctionalModel.__init__(self,parameters=parameter_list,variables="t",equation=fit_function) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Module Scripts def test_linear_fit(data=None): """Tests fitting a data set to a line, the data set is assumed to be in the form [[x_data,y_data]]""" if data is None: #x_data=np.linspace(-100,100,100) x_data=[i*1. for i in range(100)] y_data=[2.004*x+3 for x in x_data] data=[x_data,y_data] #print(data) initial_guess=[1,0] results=least_squares_fit(line_function,data[0],data[1],initial_guess) print(("The fit of data is y={1:3.2g} x + {0:3.2g}".format(*results))) def test_Multicosine(): """ Tests the creation of a Multicosine""" frequency_list=np.linspace(10**9,2*10**9,3) print("The frequecy_list is {0}".format(frequency_list)) print("Creating Multicosine ....") multisine=Multicosine(frequency_list) print("The mutlisine is {0}".format(multisine)) print("The latex form is "+ multisine.to_latex()) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Module Runner if __name__ == '__main__': test_linear_fit() test_Multicosine()
def build_modeled_data_set(
x_list, function_list)
build_modeled_data_set takes an input independent variable and a list of functions and returns a data set of the form [..[xi,f1(xi),..fn(xi)]] it is meant to create a modeled data set. Requires that the list of functions is callable f(x) is defined
def build_modeled_data_set(x_list,function_list): """build_modeled_data_set takes an input independent variable and a list of functions and returns a data set of the form [..[xi,f1(xi),..fn(xi)]] it is meant to create a modeled data set. Requires that the list of functions is callable f(x) is defined""" out_data=[] for x in x_list: new_row=[] new_row.append(x) for function in function_list: if type(function(x)) in [np.ndarray,'numpy.array']: # to list is needed if the function returns np.array new_row.append(function(x).tolist()) else: new_row.append(function(x)) out_data.append(new_row) return out_data
def calculate_residuals(
fit_function, a, xdata, ydata)
Given the fit function, a parameter vector, xdata, and ydata returns the residuals as [x_data,y_data]
def calculate_residuals(fit_function,a,xdata,ydata): """Given the fit function, a parameter vector, xdata, and ydata returns the residuals as [x_data,y_data]""" output_x=xdata output_y=[fit_function(a,x)-ydata[index] for index,x in enumerate(xdata)] return [output_x,output_y]
def gaussian_function(
a, x)
a[0]=amplitude, a[1]=center, a[2]=std deviation
def gaussian_function(a,x): " a[0]=amplitude, a[1]=center, a[2]=std deviation" return a[0]*scipy.exp(-(x-a[1])**2/(2.0*a[2]**2))
def least_squares_fit(
function, xdata, ydata, initial_parameters)
Returns a parameter list after fitting the data x_data,y_data with the function in the form of f(parameter_list,x)
def least_squares_fit(function,xdata,ydata,initial_parameters): """Returns a parameter list after fitting the data x_data,y_data with the function in the form of f(parameter_list,x)""" error_function=lambda a, xdata, ydata:function(a,xdata)-ydata a,success=scipy.optimize.leastsq(error_function, initial_parameters,args=(np.array(xdata),np.array(ydata))) return a
def line_function(
a, x)
line function (y=a[1]x+a[0])
def line_function(a,x): "line function (y=a[1]x+a[0])" return a[1]*x+a[0]
def lorentzian_function(
a, x)
def lorentzian_function(a,x): "a[0]=amplitude,a[1]=center,a[2]=FWHM" return a[0]*1/(1+(x-a[1])**2/(a[2]**2))
def test_Multicosine(
Tests the creation of a Multicosine
def test_Multicosine(): """ Tests the creation of a Multicosine""" frequency_list=np.linspace(10**9,2*10**9,3) print("The frequecy_list is {0}".format(frequency_list)) print("Creating Multicosine ....") multisine=Multicosine(frequency_list) print("The mutlisine is {0}".format(multisine)) print("The latex form is "+ multisine.to_latex())
def test_linear_fit(
Tests fitting a data set to a line, the data set is assumed to be in the form [[x_data,y_data]]
def test_linear_fit(data=None): """Tests fitting a data set to a line, the data set is assumed to be in the form [[x_data,y_data]]""" if data is None: #x_data=np.linspace(-100,100,100) x_data=[i*1. for i in range(100)] y_data=[2.004*x+3 for x in x_data] data=[x_data,y_data] #print(data) initial_guess=[1,0] results=least_squares_fit(line_function,data[0],data[1],initial_guess) print(("The fit of data is y={1:3.2g} x + {0:3.2g}".format(*results)))
class DataSimulator
A class that simulates data. It creates a data set from a FunctionalModel with the parameters set, and an optional output noise. The attribute self.x has the x data and has the result. The simulator may be called as a function on a single point or an numpy array.
class DataSimulator(object): """A class that simulates data. It creates a data set from a FunctionalModel with the parameters set, and an optional output noise. The attribute self.x has the x data and has the result. The simulator may be called as a function on a single point or an numpy array.""" def __init__(self,**options): """Intializes the DataSimulator class""" defaults= {"parameters":None, "variables":None, "equation":None, "parameter_values":{}, "model":None, "variable_min":None, "variable_max":None, "number_points":None, "variable_step":None, "output_noise_type":None, "output_noise_width":None, "output_noise_center":None, "output_noise_amplitude":1., "random_seed":None, "x":np.array([])} self.options={} for key,value in defaults.items(): self.options[key]=value for key,value in options.items(): self.options[key]=value # set the self.model attribute if self.options["model"]: self.model=self.options["model"] else: # try and create the model from the options try: self.model=FunctionalModel(variables=self.options["variables"], parameters=self.options["parameters"], equation=self.options["equation"]) except: print("Could not form a model from the information given, either model has to be specified or" "parameters, variables and equation has to be specified") # todo: make an error specific to this case raise if self.options["parameter_values"]: self.model.set_parameters(self.options["parameter_values"]) self.x=self.options["x"] self.random_seed=self.options["random_seed"] output_noise_names=["type","center","width","amplitude"] for index,output_noise_name in enumerate(output_noise_names): self.__dict__["output_noise_{0}".format(output_noise_name)]=self.options["output_noise_{0}".format(output_noise_name)] self.set_output_noise() if self.options["variable_min"] and self.options["variable_max"]: self.set_x(variable_min=self.options["variable_min"], variable_max=self.options["variable_max"], number_points=self.options["number_points"], variable_step=self.options["variable_step"]) self.set_parameters=self.model.set_parameters self.clear_parameters=self.model.clear_parameters self.set_data() def set_x(self, variable_min=None, variable_max=None,number_points=None,variable_step=None): """Sets the dependent variable values, min, max and number of points or step""" if [variable_min,variable_max]==[None,None]: self.x=np.array([]) elif isinstance(variable_min,list): self.x=variable_min else: if variable_step: number_points=(variable_max-variable_min)/variable_step self.x=np.linspace(variable_max,variable_min,number_points) self.set_output_noise() def set_output_noise(self,output_noise_type=None,output_noise_center=None,output_noise_width=None,output_noise_amplitude=1.): """Set the output noise distrubution. Possible types are gaussian, uniform, triangular, lognormal, with the assumption all are symmetric """ output_noise_characteristics=[output_noise_type,output_noise_center,output_noise_width,output_noise_amplitude] output_noise_names=["type","center","width","amplitude"] for index,output_noise_characteristic in enumerate(output_noise_characteristics): if output_noise_characteristic: self.__dict__["output_noise_{0}".format(output_noise_names[index])]=output_noise_characteristic if self.output_noise_type is None or not self.x.any(): self.output_noise=np.array([]) else: # set the random seed np.random.seed(self.random_seed) # now handle the output types, all in np.random if"gauss|normal",self.output_noise_type,re.IGNORECASE): self.output_noise=output_noise_amplitude*np.random.normal(self.output_noise_center, self.output_noise_width,len(self.x)) elif"uni|square|rect",self.output_noise_type,re.IGNORECASE): self.output_noise=output_noise_amplitude*np.random.uniform(self.output_noise_center-self.output_noise_width/2, self.output_noise_width+self.output_noise_width/2, len(self.x)) elif"tri",self.output_noise_type,re.IGNORECASE): self.output_noise=output_noise_amplitude*np.random.triangular(self.output_noise_center-self.output_noise_width/2, self.output_noise_center, self.output_noise_width+self.output_noise_width/2, len(self.x)) self.set_data() def set_data(self): if self.model.parameter_values: if self.output_noise.any(): out_data=self.model(self.x)+self.output_noise else: if self.x.any(): out_data=self.model(self.x) else: out_data=[] else: out_data=[] def get_data(self): return[:] def __call__(self,x_data): """Returns the simulated data for x=x_data, to have deterministic responses, set self.random_seed""" if type(x_data) not in [np.array]: if isinstance(x_data, ListType): x_data=np.array(x_data) else: x_data=np.array([x_data]) #print("{0} is {1}".format("x_data",x_data)) self.x=x_data self.set_output_noise() self.set_data()[:] if len(out)==1: out=out[0] return out
Ancestors (in MRO)
- DataSimulator
- __builtin__.object
Instance variables
var clear_parameters
var options
var random_seed
var set_parameters
var x
def __init__(
self, **options)
Intializes the DataSimulator class
def __init__(self,**options): """Intializes the DataSimulator class""" defaults= {"parameters":None, "variables":None, "equation":None, "parameter_values":{}, "model":None, "variable_min":None, "variable_max":None, "number_points":None, "variable_step":None, "output_noise_type":None, "output_noise_width":None, "output_noise_center":None, "output_noise_amplitude":1., "random_seed":None, "x":np.array([])} self.options={} for key,value in defaults.items(): self.options[key]=value for key,value in options.items(): self.options[key]=value # set the self.model attribute if self.options["model"]: self.model=self.options["model"] else: # try and create the model from the options try: self.model=FunctionalModel(variables=self.options["variables"], parameters=self.options["parameters"], equation=self.options["equation"]) except: print("Could not form a model from the information given, either model has to be specified or" "parameters, variables and equation has to be specified") # todo: make an error specific to this case raise if self.options["parameter_values"]: self.model.set_parameters(self.options["parameter_values"]) self.x=self.options["x"] self.random_seed=self.options["random_seed"] output_noise_names=["type","center","width","amplitude"] for index,output_noise_name in enumerate(output_noise_names): self.__dict__["output_noise_{0}".format(output_noise_name)]=self.options["output_noise_{0}".format(output_noise_name)] self.set_output_noise() if self.options["variable_min"] and self.options["variable_max"]: self.set_x(variable_min=self.options["variable_min"], variable_max=self.options["variable_max"], number_points=self.options["number_points"], variable_step=self.options["variable_step"]) self.set_parameters=self.model.set_parameters self.clear_parameters=self.model.clear_parameters self.set_data()
def get_data(
def get_data(self): return[:]
def set_data(
def set_data(self): if self.model.parameter_values: if self.output_noise.any(): out_data=self.model(self.x)+self.output_noise else: if self.x.any(): out_data=self.model(self.x) else: out_data=[] else: out_data=[]
def set_output_noise(
self, output_noise_type=None, output_noise_center=None, output_noise_width=None, output_noise_amplitude=1.0)
Set the output noise distrubution. Possible types are gaussian, uniform, triangular, lognormal, with the assumption all are symmetric
def set_output_noise(self,output_noise_type=None,output_noise_center=None,output_noise_width=None,output_noise_amplitude=1.): """Set the output noise distrubution. Possible types are gaussian, uniform, triangular, lognormal, with the assumption all are symmetric """ output_noise_characteristics=[output_noise_type,output_noise_center,output_noise_width,output_noise_amplitude] output_noise_names=["type","center","width","amplitude"] for index,output_noise_characteristic in enumerate(output_noise_characteristics): if output_noise_characteristic: self.__dict__["output_noise_{0}".format(output_noise_names[index])]=output_noise_characteristic if self.output_noise_type is None or not self.x.any(): self.output_noise=np.array([]) else: # set the random seed np.random.seed(self.random_seed) # now handle the output types, all in np.random if"gauss|normal",self.output_noise_type,re.IGNORECASE): self.output_noise=output_noise_amplitude*np.random.normal(self.output_noise_center, self.output_noise_width,len(self.x)) elif"uni|square|rect",self.output_noise_type,re.IGNORECASE): self.output_noise=output_noise_amplitude*np.random.uniform(self.output_noise_center-self.output_noise_width/2, self.output_noise_width+self.output_noise_width/2, len(self.x)) elif"tri",self.output_noise_type,re.IGNORECASE): self.output_noise=output_noise_amplitude*np.random.triangular(self.output_noise_center-self.output_noise_width/2, self.output_noise_center, self.output_noise_width+self.output_noise_width/2, len(self.x)) self.set_data()
def set_x(
self, variable_min=None, variable_max=None, number_points=None, variable_step=None)
Sets the dependent variable values, min, max and number of points or step
def set_x(self, variable_min=None, variable_max=None,number_points=None,variable_step=None): """Sets the dependent variable values, min, max and number of points or step""" if [variable_min,variable_max]==[None,None]: self.x=np.array([]) elif isinstance(variable_min,list): self.x=variable_min else: if variable_step: number_points=(variable_max-variable_min)/variable_step self.x=np.linspace(variable_max,variable_min,number_points) self.set_output_noise()
class FunctionalModel
FittingModel is a class that holds a fitting function, it uses sympy to provide symbolic manipulation of the function and formatted output. If called it acts like a traditional python function. Initialize the class with parameters, variables and an equation. Ex. line=FunctionalModel(variables='x', parameters='m b', equation='m*x+b'), to call as a function the parameters must be set. line(m=2,b=1,x=1) or line.set_parameters(m=1,b=2) line(1). To fit data use the .fit_data(x_data,y_data) method. This will automatically set the parameters to the fit values.
class FunctionalModel(object): """FittingModel is a class that holds a fitting function, it uses sympy to provide symbolic manipulation of the function and formatted output. If called it acts like a traditional python function. Initialize the class with parameters, variables and an equation. Ex. line=FunctionalModel(variables='x', parameters='m b', equation='m*x+b'), to call as a function the parameters must be set. line(m=2,b=1,x=1) or line.set_parameters(m=1,b=2) line(1). To fit data use the .fit_data(x_data,y_data) method. This will automatically set the parameters to the fit values.""" def __init__(self, **options): """Initializes the FunctionalModel, note if the equation passed has a special function bessel,etc. it will find it""" defaults = {"parameters": None, "variables": None, "equation": None, "parameter_values": {}, "special_function": False} self.options = {} for key, value in defaults.items(): self.options[key] = value for key, value in options.items(): self.options[key] = value # fix any lists for item in ["parameters", "variables"]: if isinstance(self.options[item], StringType): self.options[item] = re.split("\s+", self.options[item]) self.__dict__[item] = self.options[item] # ------------ This was not needed for multisine fit removed 11/27/2018 # self.__dict__[item+"_symbols"]=sympy.symbols(self.options[item]) # this creates the python variables in the global namespace, may back fire with lots of variables # for index,symbol in enumerate(self.__dict__[item+"_symbols"][:]): # globals()[item[index]]=symbol # ----------------- self.options[item] = None self.special_function = self.options["special_function"] self.equation = sympy.sympify(self.options["equation"]) special_function_keys = list(LAMBDIFY_MODULES[1].keys()) for key in special_function_keys: if, str(self.options["equation"])): self.special_function = True if self.special_function: self.function = sympy.lambdify(self.parameters + self.variables, self.equation, modules=LAMBDIFY_MODULES) else: self.function = sympy.lambdify(self.parameters + self.variables, self.equation, "numpy") self.parameter_values = self.options["parameter_values"] self.options["parameter_values"] = {} def __call__(self, *args, **keywordargs): """Controls the behavior when called as a function""" return self.function(*args, **keywordargs) def set_parameters(self, parameter_dictionary=None, **parameter_dictionary_keyword): """Sets the parameters to values in dictionary""" if parameter_dictionary is None: try: parameter_dictionary = parameter_dictionary_keyword except: pass self.parameter_values = parameter_dictionary if self.special_function: self.function = np.vectorize(lambda x: sympy.N(sympy.lambdify(self.variables, self.equation.subs(self.parameter_values), modules=LAMBDIFY_MODULES)(x))) else: self.function = sympy.lambdify(self.variables, self.equation.subs(self.parameter_values), modules=LAMBDIFY_MODULES) def clear_parameters(self): """Clears the parmeters specified by set_parameters""" self.function = sympy.lambdify(self.parameters + self.variables, self.equation, modules=LAMBDIFY_MODULES) self.parameter_values = {} def fit_data(self, x_data, y_data, **options): """Uses the equation to fit the data, after fitting the data sets the parameters. """ defaults = {"initial_guess": {parameter: 0.0 for parameter in self.parameters}, "fixed_parameters": None} self.fit_options = {} for key, value in defaults.items(): self.fit_options[key] = value for key, value in options.items(): self.fit_options[key] = value def fit_f(a, x): self.clear_parameters() input_list = [] for parameter in a: input_list.append(parameter) if self.special_function: if isinstance(x, list): out = np.array(list(map(lambda y: sympy.N(self.function(*(input_list + [y]))), x)), dtype=np.float64) return out elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray): out = np.array(list(map(lambda y: sympy.N(self.function(*(input_list + [y]))), x.tolist())), dtype=np.float64) return out else: out = sympy.N(self.function(*input_list)) return out else: input_list.append(x) return self.function(*input_list) # this needs to be reflected in fit_parameters a0 = [] for key in self.parameters[:]: a0.append(self.fit_options["initial_guess"][key]) a0 = np.array(a0) result = least_squares_fit(fit_f, x_data, y_data, a0) fit_parameters = result.tolist() fit_parameter_dictionary = {parameter: fit_parameters[index] for index, parameter in enumerate(self.parameters)} self.set_parameters(fit_parameter_dictionary) def __div__(self, other): return self.__truediv__(other) def __add__(self, other): """Defines addition for the class, if it is another functional model add the models else just change the equation""" if isinstance(other, FunctionalModel): parameters = list(set(self.parameters + other.parameters)) variables = list(set(self.variables + other.variables)) # print("{0} is {1}".format("parameters",parameters)) # print("{0} is {1}".format("variables",variables)) equation = self.equation + other.equation # print("{0} is {1}".format("equation",equation)) else: parameters = self.parameters variables = self.variables equation = self.equation + other new_function = FunctionalModel(parameters=parameters, variables=variables, equation=equation) return new_function def __sub__(self, other): """Defines subtraction for the class""" if isinstance(other, FunctionalModel): parameters = list(set(self.parameters + other.parameters)) variables = list(set(self.variables + other.variables)) # print("{0} is {1}".format("parameters",parameters)) # print("{0} is {1}".format("variables",variables)) equation = self.equation - other.equation # print("{0} is {1}".format("equation",equation)) else: parameters = self.parameters variables = self.variables equation = self.equation - other new_function = FunctionalModel(parameters=parameters, variables=variables, equation=equation) return new_function def __mul__(self, other): """Defines multiplication for the class""" if isinstance(other, FunctionalModel): parameters = list(set(self.parameters + other.parameters)) variables = list(set(self.variables + other.variables)) # print("{0} is {1}".format("parameters",parameters)) # print("{0} is {1}".format("variables",variables)) equation = self.equation * other.equation # print("{0} is {1}".format("equation",equation)) else: parameters = self.parameters variables = self.variables equation = self.equation * other new_function = FunctionalModel(parameters=parameters, variables=variables, equation=equation) return new_function def __pow__(self, other): """Defines power for the class""" if isinstance(other, FunctionalModel): parameters = list(set(self.parameters + other.parameters)) variables = list(set(self.variables + other.variables)) # print("{0} is {1}".format("parameters",parameters)) # print("{0} is {1}".format("variables",variables)) equation = self.equation ** other.equation # print("{0} is {1}".format("equation",equation)) else: parameters = self.parameters variables = self.variables equation = self.equation ** other new_function = FunctionalModel(parameters=parameters, variables=variables, equation=equation) return new_function def __truediv__(self, other): """Defines division for the class""" if isinstance(other, FunctionalModel): parameters = list(set(self.parameters + other.parameters)) variables = list(set(self.variables + other.variables)) # print("{0} is {1}".format("parameters",parameters)) # print("{0} is {1}".format("variables",variables)) equation = self.equation / other.equation # print("{0} is {1}".format("equation",equation)) else: parameters = self.parameters variables = self.variables equation = self.equation / other new_function = FunctionalModel(parameters=parameters, variables=variables, equation=equation) return new_function def __str__(self): """Controls the string behavior of the function""" return str(self.equation.subs(self.parameter_values)) def compose(self, other): """Returns self.equation.sub(variable=other)""" if len(self.variables) == 1: variables = other.variables parameters = list(set(self.parameters + other.parameters)) equation = self.equation.subs({self.variables[0]: other}) new_function = FunctionalModel(parameters=parameters, variables=variables, equation=equation) return new_function else: return None def to_latex(self): """Returns a Latex form of the equation using current parameters""" return sympy.latex(self.equation.subs(self.parameter_values)) def plot_fit(self, x_data, y_data, **options): """Fit a data set and show the results""" defaults = {"title": True} plot_options = {} for key, value in defaults.items(): plot_options[key] = value for key, value in options.items(): plot_options[key] = value self.fit_data(x_data, y_data, **plot_options) figure = plt.figure("Fit") plt.plot(x_data, y_data, label="Raw Data") plt.plot(x_data, self.function(x_data), 'ro', label="Fit") plt.legend(loc=0) if plot_options["title"]: if plot_options["title"] is True: plt.title(str(self)) else: plt.title(plot_options["title"]) return figure def d(self, respect_to=None, order=1): """Takes the derivative with respect to variable or parameter provided or defaults to first variable""" if respect_to is None: respect_to = self.variables[0] equation = self.equation.copy() for i in range(order): equation = sympy.diff(equation, respect_to) return FunctionalModel(parameters=self.parameters[:], variables=self.variables[:], equation=str(equation)) def integrate(self, respect_to=None, order=1): """Integrates with respect to variable or parameter provided or defaults to first variable. Does not add a constant of integration.""" if respect_to is None: respect_to = self.variables_symbols[0] equation = self.equation.copy() for i in range(order): equation = sympy.integrate(equation, respect_to) return FunctionalModel(parameters=self.parameters[:], variables=self.variables[:], equation=str(equation)) # todo: This feature does not work because of the namspace of the parameters and variables # I don't know what name sympify uses when it creates the equation # def series(self,variable_or_parameter,value=0,order=6): # """Calculates the symbolic series expansion of order around the variable or parameter value # of the functional model. Returns a new FunctionalModel""" # equation=sympy.series(self.equation,variable_or_parameter,value,order).removeO() # parameters=self.parameters[:] # variables=self.variables[:] # return FunctionalModel(equation=equation,variables=variables,parameters=parameters) def limit(self, variable_or_parameter, point): """Finds the symbolic limit of the FunctionalModel for the variable or parameter approaching point""" equation = sympy.limit(self.equation, variable_or_parameter, point) parameters = self.parameters[:] variables = self.variables[:] return FunctionalModel(equation=equation, variables=variables, parameters=parameters)
Ancestors (in MRO)
- FunctionalModel
- __builtin__.object
Instance variables
var equation
var options
var parameter_values
var special_function
def __init__(
self, **options)
Initializes the FunctionalModel, note if the equation passed has a special function bessel,etc. it will find it
def __init__(self, **options): """Initializes the FunctionalModel, note if the equation passed has a special function bessel,etc. it will find it""" defaults = {"parameters": None, "variables": None, "equation": None, "parameter_values": {}, "special_function": False} self.options = {} for key, value in defaults.items(): self.options[key] = value for key, value in options.items(): self.options[key] = value # fix any lists for item in ["parameters", "variables"]: if isinstance(self.options[item], StringType): self.options[item] = re.split("\s+", self.options[item]) self.__dict__[item] = self.options[item] # ------------ This was not needed for multisine fit removed 11/27/2018 # self.__dict__[item+"_symbols"]=sympy.symbols(self.options[item]) # this creates the python variables in the global namespace, may back fire with lots of variables # for index,symbol in enumerate(self.__dict__[item+"_symbols"][:]): # globals()[item[index]]=symbol # ----------------- self.options[item] = None self.special_function = self.options["special_function"] self.equation = sympy.sympify(self.options["equation"]) special_function_keys = list(LAMBDIFY_MODULES[1].keys()) for key in special_function_keys: if, str(self.options["equation"])): self.special_function = True if self.special_function: self.function = sympy.lambdify(self.parameters + self.variables, self.equation, modules=LAMBDIFY_MODULES) else: self.function = sympy.lambdify(self.parameters + self.variables, self.equation, "numpy") self.parameter_values = self.options["parameter_values"] self.options["parameter_values"] = {}
def clear_parameters(
Clears the parmeters specified by set_parameters
def clear_parameters(self): """Clears the parmeters specified by set_parameters""" self.function = sympy.lambdify(self.parameters + self.variables, self.equation, modules=LAMBDIFY_MODULES) self.parameter_values = {}
def compose(
self, other)
Returns self.equation.sub(variable=other)
def compose(self, other): """Returns self.equation.sub(variable=other)""" if len(self.variables) == 1: variables = other.variables parameters = list(set(self.parameters + other.parameters)) equation = self.equation.subs({self.variables[0]: other}) new_function = FunctionalModel(parameters=parameters, variables=variables, equation=equation) return new_function else: return None
def d(
self, respect_to=None, order=1)
Takes the derivative with respect to variable or parameter provided or defaults to first variable
def d(self, respect_to=None, order=1): """Takes the derivative with respect to variable or parameter provided or defaults to first variable""" if respect_to is None: respect_to = self.variables[0] equation = self.equation.copy() for i in range(order): equation = sympy.diff(equation, respect_to) return FunctionalModel(parameters=self.parameters[:], variables=self.variables[:], equation=str(equation))
def fit_data(
self, x_data, y_data, **options)
Uses the equation to fit the data, after fitting the data sets the parameters.
def fit_data(self, x_data, y_data, **options): """Uses the equation to fit the data, after fitting the data sets the parameters. """ defaults = {"initial_guess": {parameter: 0.0 for parameter in self.parameters}, "fixed_parameters": None} self.fit_options = {} for key, value in defaults.items(): self.fit_options[key] = value for key, value in options.items(): self.fit_options[key] = value def fit_f(a, x): self.clear_parameters() input_list = [] for parameter in a: input_list.append(parameter) if self.special_function: if isinstance(x, list): out = np.array(list(map(lambda y: sympy.N(self.function(*(input_list + [y]))), x)), dtype=np.float64) return out elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray): out = np.array(list(map(lambda y: sympy.N(self.function(*(input_list + [y]))), x.tolist())), dtype=np.float64) return out else: out = sympy.N(self.function(*input_list)) return out else: input_list.append(x) return self.function(*input_list) # this needs to be reflected in fit_parameters a0 = [] for key in self.parameters[:]: a0.append(self.fit_options["initial_guess"][key]) a0 = np.array(a0) result = least_squares_fit(fit_f, x_data, y_data, a0) fit_parameters = result.tolist() fit_parameter_dictionary = {parameter: fit_parameters[index] for index, parameter in enumerate(self.parameters)} self.set_parameters(fit_parameter_dictionary)
def integrate(
self, respect_to=None, order=1)
Integrates with respect to variable or parameter provided or defaults to first variable. Does not add a constant of integration.
def integrate(self, respect_to=None, order=1): """Integrates with respect to variable or parameter provided or defaults to first variable. Does not add a constant of integration.""" if respect_to is None: respect_to = self.variables_symbols[0] equation = self.equation.copy() for i in range(order): equation = sympy.integrate(equation, respect_to) return FunctionalModel(parameters=self.parameters[:], variables=self.variables[:], equation=str(equation))
def limit(
self, variable_or_parameter, point)
Finds the symbolic limit of the FunctionalModel for the variable or parameter approaching point
def limit(self, variable_or_parameter, point): """Finds the symbolic limit of the FunctionalModel for the variable or parameter approaching point""" equation = sympy.limit(self.equation, variable_or_parameter, point) parameters = self.parameters[:] variables = self.variables[:] return FunctionalModel(equation=equation, variables=variables, parameters=parameters)
def plot_fit(
self, x_data, y_data, **options)
Fit a data set and show the results
def plot_fit(self, x_data, y_data, **options): """Fit a data set and show the results""" defaults = {"title": True} plot_options = {} for key, value in defaults.items(): plot_options[key] = value for key, value in options.items(): plot_options[key] = value self.fit_data(x_data, y_data, **plot_options) figure = plt.figure("Fit") plt.plot(x_data, y_data, label="Raw Data") plt.plot(x_data, self.function(x_data), 'ro', label="Fit") plt.legend(loc=0) if plot_options["title"]: if plot_options["title"] is True: plt.title(str(self)) else: plt.title(plot_options["title"]) return figure
def set_parameters(
self, parameter_dictionary=None, **parameter_dictionary_keyword)
Sets the parameters to values in dictionary
def set_parameters(self, parameter_dictionary=None, **parameter_dictionary_keyword): """Sets the parameters to values in dictionary""" if parameter_dictionary is None: try: parameter_dictionary = parameter_dictionary_keyword except: pass self.parameter_values = parameter_dictionary if self.special_function: self.function = np.vectorize(lambda x: sympy.N(sympy.lambdify(self.variables, self.equation.subs(self.parameter_values), modules=LAMBDIFY_MODULES)(x))) else: self.function = sympy.lambdify(self.variables, self.equation.subs(self.parameter_values), modules=LAMBDIFY_MODULES)
def to_latex(
Returns a Latex form of the equation using current parameters
def to_latex(self): """Returns a Latex form of the equation using current parameters""" return sympy.latex(self.equation.subs(self.parameter_values))
class Multicosine
Multicosine creates a Functional Model of the form f(t) = A_1cos(2pifrequency_list[0]t+phi_1)+ ... A_Ncos(2pifrequency_list[N]t+phi_N). It requires a frequency_list to be passed on creation
class Multicosine(FunctionalModel): """Multicosine creates a Functional Model of the form f(t) = A_1*cos(2*pi*frequency_list[0]*t+phi_1)+ ... A_N*cos(2*pi*frequency_list[N]*t+phi_N). It requires a frequency_list to be passed on creation""" def __init__(self,frequency_list): # Constructing the equation string to pass to FunctionalModel number_terms = len(frequency_list) fit_function = "" for i in range(number_terms): if i < number_terms - 1: fit_function = fit_function + "A_{0}*cos(2*pi*{1}*t+phi_{0})+".format(i + 1, frequency_list[i]) else: fit_function = fit_function + "A_{0}*cos(2*pi*{1}*t+phi_{0})".format(i + 1, frequency_list[i]) # Construct the parameter List parameter_list = ["A_{0}".format(i + 1) for i in range(number_terms)] + ["phi_{0}".format(i + 1) for i in range(number_terms)] FunctionalModel.__init__(self,parameters=parameter_list,variables="t",equation=fit_function)
Ancestors (in MRO)
- Multicosine
- FunctionalModel
- __builtin__.object
Instance variables
def __init__(
self, frequency_list)
Initializes the FunctionalModel, note if the equation passed has a special function bessel,etc. it will find it
def __init__(self,frequency_list): # Constructing the equation string to pass to FunctionalModel number_terms = len(frequency_list) fit_function = "" for i in range(number_terms): if i < number_terms - 1: fit_function = fit_function + "A_{0}*cos(2*pi*{1}*t+phi_{0})+".format(i + 1, frequency_list[i]) else: fit_function = fit_function + "A_{0}*cos(2*pi*{1}*t+phi_{0})".format(i + 1, frequency_list[i]) # Construct the parameter List parameter_list = ["A_{0}".format(i + 1) for i in range(number_terms)] + ["phi_{0}".format(i + 1) for i in range(number_terms)] FunctionalModel.__init__(self,parameters=parameter_list,variables="t",equation=fit_function)
def clear_parameters(
Clears the parmeters specified by set_parameters
def clear_parameters(self): """Clears the parmeters specified by set_parameters""" self.function = sympy.lambdify(self.parameters + self.variables, self.equation, modules=LAMBDIFY_MODULES) self.parameter_values = {}
def compose(
self, other)
Returns self.equation.sub(variable=other)
def compose(self, other): """Returns self.equation.sub(variable=other)""" if len(self.variables) == 1: variables = other.variables parameters = list(set(self.parameters + other.parameters)) equation = self.equation.subs({self.variables[0]: other}) new_function = FunctionalModel(parameters=parameters, variables=variables, equation=equation) return new_function else: return None
def d(
self, respect_to=None, order=1)
Takes the derivative with respect to variable or parameter provided or defaults to first variable
def d(self, respect_to=None, order=1): """Takes the derivative with respect to variable or parameter provided or defaults to first variable""" if respect_to is None: respect_to = self.variables[0] equation = self.equation.copy() for i in range(order): equation = sympy.diff(equation, respect_to) return FunctionalModel(parameters=self.parameters[:], variables=self.variables[:], equation=str(equation))
def fit_data(
self, x_data, y_data, **options)
Uses the equation to fit the data, after fitting the data sets the parameters.
def fit_data(self, x_data, y_data, **options): """Uses the equation to fit the data, after fitting the data sets the parameters. """ defaults = {"initial_guess": {parameter: 0.0 for parameter in self.parameters}, "fixed_parameters": None} self.fit_options = {} for key, value in defaults.items(): self.fit_options[key] = value for key, value in options.items(): self.fit_options[key] = value def fit_f(a, x): self.clear_parameters() input_list = [] for parameter in a: input_list.append(parameter) if self.special_function: if isinstance(x, list): out = np.array(list(map(lambda y: sympy.N(self.function(*(input_list + [y]))), x)), dtype=np.float64) return out elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray): out = np.array(list(map(lambda y: sympy.N(self.function(*(input_list + [y]))), x.tolist())), dtype=np.float64) return out else: out = sympy.N(self.function(*input_list)) return out else: input_list.append(x) return self.function(*input_list) # this needs to be reflected in fit_parameters a0 = [] for key in self.parameters[:]: a0.append(self.fit_options["initial_guess"][key]) a0 = np.array(a0) result = least_squares_fit(fit_f, x_data, y_data, a0) fit_parameters = result.tolist() fit_parameter_dictionary = {parameter: fit_parameters[index] for index, parameter in enumerate(self.parameters)} self.set_parameters(fit_parameter_dictionary)
def integrate(
self, respect_to=None, order=1)
Integrates with respect to variable or parameter provided or defaults to first variable. Does not add a constant of integration.
def integrate(self, respect_to=None, order=1): """Integrates with respect to variable or parameter provided or defaults to first variable. Does not add a constant of integration.""" if respect_to is None: respect_to = self.variables_symbols[0] equation = self.equation.copy() for i in range(order): equation = sympy.integrate(equation, respect_to) return FunctionalModel(parameters=self.parameters[:], variables=self.variables[:], equation=str(equation))
def limit(
self, variable_or_parameter, point)
Finds the symbolic limit of the FunctionalModel for the variable or parameter approaching point
def limit(self, variable_or_parameter, point): """Finds the symbolic limit of the FunctionalModel for the variable or parameter approaching point""" equation = sympy.limit(self.equation, variable_or_parameter, point) parameters = self.parameters[:] variables = self.variables[:] return FunctionalModel(equation=equation, variables=variables, parameters=parameters)
def plot_fit(
self, x_data, y_data, **options)
Fit a data set and show the results
def plot_fit(self, x_data, y_data, **options): """Fit a data set and show the results""" defaults = {"title": True} plot_options = {} for key, value in defaults.items(): plot_options[key] = value for key, value in options.items(): plot_options[key] = value self.fit_data(x_data, y_data, **plot_options) figure = plt.figure("Fit") plt.plot(x_data, y_data, label="Raw Data") plt.plot(x_data, self.function(x_data), 'ro', label="Fit") plt.legend(loc=0) if plot_options["title"]: if plot_options["title"] is True: plt.title(str(self)) else: plt.title(plot_options["title"]) return figure
def set_parameters(
self, parameter_dictionary=None, **parameter_dictionary_keyword)
Sets the parameters to values in dictionary
def set_parameters(self, parameter_dictionary=None, **parameter_dictionary_keyword): """Sets the parameters to values in dictionary""" if parameter_dictionary is None: try: parameter_dictionary = parameter_dictionary_keyword except: pass self.parameter_values = parameter_dictionary if self.special_function: self.function = np.vectorize(lambda x: sympy.N(sympy.lambdify(self.variables, self.equation.subs(self.parameter_values), modules=LAMBDIFY_MODULES)(x))) else: self.function = sympy.lambdify(self.variables, self.equation.subs(self.parameter_values), modules=LAMBDIFY_MODULES)
def to_latex(
Returns a Latex form of the equation using current parameters
def to_latex(self): """Returns a Latex form of the equation using current parameters""" return sympy.latex(self.equation.subs(self.parameter_values))
Module variables
var StringTypes
var type_names